Why is it every time I try to sit down and enjoy a great program, I have to see your excessive 3 minute infomercials almost every friggin' commercial break! I swear! You mind-raping ASPCA must really get off showing this graphic torture-porn to us who are trying to enjoy some Tosh.0 on Comedy Central or watching Funhouse on Fearnet, both channels and programs completely set apart from your sad and emotionally manipulative garbage. At least when St. Jude does a commercial for childhood cancers, they tell it as it is, without all this depression and guilt trips.

Mom gives money for St. Jude (I hope to carry this on after her) and we both appreciate their grateful optimistic attitude. At one point, Mom gave money to ASPCA, but lately I think she's been discontinuing her money to them. It seems ASPCA's letters only arrive once every 2-3 months, and Mom seems to ignore the letters a lot, taking her sweet time to open them.

I can't blame her if she's discontinuing her support for them. We HATE their depressing commercials, often pressing Mute or even temporarily changing the channel, counting when 3 minutes are up!

Mom opened her ASPCA envelope one particular day, casually read one of their usual letters, then suddenly threw it down, screaming "Oh God!" doubling over with shock and pure horror. I asked her what's wrong, and the only paper she showed me was a brief questionnaire, one mentioning Chinese fur farms using cats and dogs. We're both shocked, horrified, and disgusted at this bomb ASPCA drops on us. Mom tore up the questionnaire in frustration, lamenting "Talk about repeating thoughts!" (Explanation: I've struggled with intrusive, repetitive, and obsessive thoughts for years, many of them bad memories, traumatic flashbacks, dysfunctional family abuse, and every other memory that's unpleasant enough to make me hostilely furious, hopelessly depressed, and tempting me to hurt myself through cutting or head-banging). :(

Mom would later email the ASPCA asking them not to send her any more of those animal horror stories. I can see why Mom only showed me the questionnaire, in an effort to spare me such graphic details, because after she went on the computer to complain to them, I got a bit too nosy and decided to see what else was in their letter. Damn! I would regret reading that news article all the way through, describing grisly details of those Chinese fur farms, enough to leave me heartbroken and in shock. What was read cannot be unread. Curiosity indeed killed the cat. (Stupid idiot me!) The next month after that, Mom made sure she wouldn't be reading any of their News articles anymore, containing all that gory mind-rape. I don't understand how ASPCA gets off with sending their fellow animal supporters with these terrifying graphic details!

And by the way? Maybe I'm not the only person who feels this way. Found a lot of Google hits for "Fuck you ASPCA!" And since 2014, I have barely seen one infomercial from those ASPCA, thank God! They like, all ceased to exist suddenly *knock on wood* at least from my favorite channels. I guess a group of people somehow got together to call out the ASPCA for their excessive, graphic, emotionally manipulative, etc. commercials that in the end don't really belong on these channels (like an R-rated movie trailer on a kids' channel, or a national news tragedy clogging up the little kids' learning programs).

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