Anger Central has been
getting a number of questions about how we do things. We've also been getting
requests for help concerning rants about companies listed here. So as a service
to all our readers we have created this page for you.
Do you have a question? Please feel free to send it to
. These questions will not be anonymous, so think about what
you write. If we like the question, we might even post it here. Questions
are listed in the order they are received. The newest postings are at the top of
the page.
This page was last updated on Monday, January 20th, 2014
Why don't you guys put link(s) to newly added rant(s) with their
title on your site's homepage? Going through all those pathetic rants to find
the new one is really pissing me off.
We looked into that early on, however ot would have been far to
difficult to administer. This is why we have an
RSS feed with links back to the
rant in question.
It really makes me angry that I can't comment or reply to someone's post on
here. I love the site Webmaster, I really do, but I think you should put some
area for message forums.
There are several reasons that comments aren't implemented on the main site.
First is technical. The back end of this site is ancient and isn't easily set up
to handle comments. The second reason is that keeping an eye on the comments
section would be a royal pain in the posterior. Additionally, comments would
have to be logged and that would kill anonymity.
The blog is set up to handle comments and they are enabled.
YOU WARN WHAT THE CHICKEN SWITCH DOES!!! I Though it would make the password
easier to see!!! My night is ruined! No catharsis for me!
We naturally assumed that a ranter had a modicum of intelligence and common
sense. There are two buttons. One is SUBMIT, which most people assume to mean
"Submit the rant" and the Chicken Switch which generally means you are
"Chickening out" and DON'T WANT TO POST ANYTHING TO US! Simple, easy to
understand, and not a problem unless you have the IQ of a dead ant.
For the most part this site kicks ass but I have a little beef. Why is
it that you post rants from kids? I don't have a problem with kids who have
legitimate gripes about certain things, but I cant stand it when kids whine
about stupid shit. "my mom wont let me fuck a 30 year old man so I hope the
bitch rots in hell" "my teacher wont let me cut class so now I want to kill him"
oh boo fucking hoo. Listen kid, you have to learn that you cant always get what
you want so deal with it.
We do not have an age verification system on this site, and
considering the level of emotional maturity of some of our posters, we can't
always tell how old they are. The more childish rants are tossed, regardless of
the age of the poster. We agree, we do see a lot of teen posters. Better to let
them post here then go to school with a rifle, don't you agree? :)
Why did you trash this site? You deleted everything! This was such a
cool site and now it sucks!
We felt like it. :)
Actually the site had become unmanageable. We had been looking into doing this
for a long time and we felt that this was the point to do it at. The webmaster
had gone to China so we had our chance, and we took it. We have redone all the
index pages, removed the racists section, (A big mistake creating that one. We
had no idea there were so many stupid people), and built a new section for
places. We also instituted some basic guidelines so that posters will have an
idea what will be acceptable and what won't be. Before we removed all the old
postings we made a full backup and burned it to a CD. We have also found another
site that is archiving the entire World Wide Web and they have a number of our
postings there. We have communicated with them to see if they would like our
last backup, and while they are interested they do not have a means to import
it. (A serious lack of planning on their part in our opinion)
I sent in a post arguing with the webmaster regarding something he
wrote in a Note from Anger Central but it doesn't get posted. Why? Is he a
coward or something?
As we have stated time and time again, this is not a debating page.
99% of these types of postings are routed straight into the bit bucket. Besides,
this is our site. Don't like it? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your
way out.
How about creating a Ten Best Rants list every week?
How do we determine which are the 10 best? We get in something like
two hundred+ postings a week. We have to filter through them to find those that
meet our basic criteria, and then list them on the site. Also there is the time
problem. We spend close to 5 hours a week just updating the site. We do have
other lives in the real world.
I've noticed that the webmaster responds to some questions by using the
plural personal pronoun "we" (e.g. "We update the site about once a week..."). Is this is merely an example of the webmaster's humility, or
is Anger Central really managed via an aggregate effort?
Yes 8-}
Why do we only see the back of your head when you have your web cam
turned on?
The webmaster is trying to protect his identity from NSA spies. As
you know they fly around in black helicopters looking for free spirited people
to brainwash into mindless workers who will vote for Al Gore. ;-B
Actually, web cam is attached to a USB port on my Pentium 400. That system is
running Windows 98. The system I work on most of the time is a Pentium 800
running Windows NT. Windows NT doesn't support USB equipment unless a third
party driver has been written for it.
Update 5/11/2003:
The web cam has been replaced with a new one that handles Windows 2000, and the
Pentium 400 has been upgraded to a 1gig system
Actually, this is a message for the webmaster/editor/response-person. If I'm correct, the anger forum is not a debate forum. Is this still the policy? I understand that you are a conservative Republican, but maybe the rules should apply for all. IMHO.
No, this is not a forum of any kind. The webmaster is not a
conservative Republican, he is a Libertarian. His beliefs are simple. Do what
you want, just leave me the F*** alone! There are plenty of debating sites you
can check into to post your discussions. Anger Central posts are hand edited and
coded onto the web site. Very little CGI is used. You are obviously commenting
on the Notes from Anger Central. These are the comments of the webmaster. He is
an extremely opinionated bastard and when he sees a post that annoys him, he
will respond. We've tried to talk him out of this, but the last time the subject
was brought up he hacked into the manager's medical records and arranged for him
to have a full proctologic examination with an enema thrown in for good measure.
We just leave him alone now. 8-}
If you have any questions, please use one of the email links. The webmaster has been known to respond via email.
Do you get fan mail and will you post it?
Yes, we do get fan mail. We also get threats of legal action and
occasionally of violence. There are no plans at this time to make any of this
available to the general public.
Do you allow rebuttals to posts on your site?
Yes. However, we will not start a debating page. To much back and
forth and we start editing posts.
How often is this site updated?
We update the site about once a week, generally on Sundays. We do most
of the work offline, so we're continually working on Anger Central during the
Just how many rants does Anger Central receive each week?
We get between 30 and 100 rants each week. Some are written in a language
different from English, and those are discarded. Others look like they were
written by a drunken 4 year old. Those are also generally tossed. Anything that
makes absolutely no sense what so ever is also discarded. we also see a lot of
postings that are nothing more than attempts at turning this site into a
discussion web. Those are looked at very carefully and a decision is made on a
rant by rant bases. This brings us down to about 20-50 good rants each week.
How long does it take you to do an update?
We work on this site an average of 2-4 hours a week.
Why do you write these awful posts?
We don't. The number of posts written by Angry.Net personal, (excluding the
Notes from Anger Central), is actually quite small. Remember, the views listed
here do not represent the views of Anger Central or the company presently hosting this site. We maintain this
site simply for recreational purposes only.
What are you, some kind of racist? I see some of the most disgusting
things posted here concerning people of other ethnic backgrounds.
No we are not racists. If you bother to read some of our "Notes
from Anger Central" you would see that. The webmasters sister is deeply
involved with a gentleman from Puerto Rico. They soon will be wed. The webmaster
likes him. A lot! Why? Because he to works in the computer field and the two of
them can talk computers till the cows come home.
(Much to the annoyance of the rest of the families)
Updated 3/15/2003
The webmaster is now engaged to a woman
from China. Strike two against the racists! :)
Updated 2/19/2005
The Webmaster has married the lovely lady from Fushun, China. Strike three, Yer
outta here!
Are postings really anonymous? I have seen reports about web bulletin
boards giving out the names of people who posted to lawyers, and those people being
retaliated against by other people and companies.
Yes, the postings are anonymous. The form we use runs the message through a
Microsoft FrontPage form component. This component makes the form results readable and
also has the added benefit of stripping out all the headers. If Anger Central
were served with a subpoena, we would turn over our archives after consulting
with an attorney. We would also post notification on the home page that this was
being done. However, the lawyers would be very disappointed with what they get.
Tracking back posters would be almost impossible. Also, the ISP providing the space
for this site is not doing any logging on Anger Central, so that too would make
tracking down a poster difficult.
We do get mail in from time to time via a mailto link rather then from a form. This
mail can be tracked back to it's source, and we are cautious about posting. Most
of this type of post comes from AoL users. Also, we have placed on our Form page
our PGP public Key. Maybe the NSA can crack it, but some corporate lawyer won't
be able to.
Do you post everything that comes in?
No, we do not. The reasons are varied. First, Anger Central is not a
bulletin board. We do not post "Well I think", and "No you are
wrong" type postings. This is not a hard and fast rule. We started getting
a lot of people arguing back and forth about men, marriage and abortion. These
arguments quickly moved to the level I'm right and you're wrong you moron."
Another reason is repetitive posts. One night we had 40 new posts come in with
different categories listed. As we went through them we soon realized that this
was one person, (a woman), who had just been dumped by her boyfriend. While we
felt for her pain, it was really only worth one good posting. We edited all her
posts and came up with one good one.
Is this a support group web site?
NO! We are not here to "Feel your pain."
We don't care
about your pain. In fact we may just make fun of your pain in a Note from Anger
Central. This site is here for entertainment purposes. We do not make any money
from it, and it does take up a fair amount of our time to maintain it. If you
want to help, go to our Company Store and buy
something. Preferably expensive too. ;-)
Updated 3/13/2005
You can also donate generously to Anger Central via our Secure Transaction
Do you post people's addresses?
No, we do not unless specifically asked to by the holder of the
address. The reason is simple. We will not be a party to any sort of harassment
by people. For instance. Joe Blow sends in a rant saying that Jill Blow is a
slut, and that if you want to get laid call 555-1212 and that her address is 123
East North street, Taneytown Kentucky. Aside from the calls and visits Jill
would get, not to mention possible violent types who have a problem with the
word "No", we would be sued. When we get a post like that in, we will
either not post it or edit out any chance of tracking down people.
I think your site is horrible and you should be shutdown!
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Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or
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