Brexit 1776

Good day all. Today is the 241st Anniversary of America’s version of BREXIT.  America was actually the originator of the exit strategy. It was a rough go at first, but Britain finally came around.

The reasons for the first BREXIT aren’t all that different from what the British are dealing with now with the EU. In their case, it’s about running their own affairs without being told what to do from a bunch of un-elected bureaucrats telling them what to do.

In our case, it was the British taxing and regulating us and, just like the European Union Brussels Sprouts, ignoring anything we said. In 2016, Great Britain held a vote and told the Eurotrash to take a hike.

For America, it wasn’t that easy. We had to resort to “Politics by other means” but in the end, at a place called Yorktown. the British got the message. Now’ we’re celebrating BREXIT1776.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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