George W. Bush, NeverTrumper

Good day all. Last week, we heard from former President, George W. Bush. Bush had remained fairly quiet during Barack Obama’s Reign of Error. This was considered “Traditional” in that former presidents remain…presidential after leaving office.

One president who had a lot of trouble with that concept, and still does, is Jimmy Carter, the second worst president in American history. He would shoot his mouth off about everything, and now people just ignore him. Last week, George W. Bush decided he had something to say about President Trump. Long story short, Bush does not approve of President Trump’s desire to put America first. Here are the details from The Daily Mail:

George W. Bush hinted Thursday at his dissatisfaction with Donald Trump, complaining in a New York City speech that ‘bullying and prejudice’ has become a caustic norm in American public life.

At an event hosted by the George W. Bush Institute, the 43rd U.S. president rattled off a thinly veiled litany of complaints about the current commander-in-chief, focusing on both his tone and his isolationist policy choices.

‘Our young people need positive role models,’ he said. ‘Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone, provides permission for cruelty and bigotry, and compromises the moral education of children.’

‘Bigotry seems emboldened’ in today’s America, Bush added. ‘Our politics seems more vulnerable to conspiracy theories and outright fabrication.’

This isn’t surprising coming from Bush. He is a swamp dwelling globalist. The only reason that he won a second term was 9/11 and the fact that Ketchup Boy Kerry was an even bigger globalist and couldn’t wait to hand everything over to the United Nations.

Bush didn’t mention President Trump by name, but that didn’t stop this worthless loser from blasting away.

The former president took issue with a laundry list of Trump priorities, especially his trend toward isolating the United States through foreign policy and avoiding multilateral trade agreements.

You mean all those deals you helped promote that did nothing but send American jobs out of the country?

And he took an obvious shot at Trump’s zeal for hardening border security and moving to limit levels of legal immigration.

‘We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America,’ he said.

The Bush family has always been big on open borders. They hated having to pay Americans what they’re worth, and really didn’t have any interest in actually defending our borders. The only reason Bush did anything was due to the threat from Islamic Terrorists possibly sneaking in from Mexico.

We see a fading confidence in the value of free markets and international trade, forgetting that conflict, instability and poverty follow in the wake of protectionism.”

Bush continued: ‘We’ve seen the return of isolationist sentiments, forgetting that American security is directly threatened by the chaos and despair of distant places where threats such as terrorism, infectious disease, criminal gangs and drug trafficking tend to emerge.’

And here we see the standard GOP(e) policy of spending American money and lives for the Globalist agenda. We saw just how well that’s worked out for the last 25 years since the Soviet Union collapsed. We’ve been sending troops to places that we have no interest in at all and do not pose a threat to us. But then, the Uniparty has always been big on “Nation building.”

He left little doubt about laying his complaints at the current president’s feet, saying that ‘when we lose sight of our ideals, it is not democracy that has failed, it is the failure of those charged with preserving and protecting democracy.’

Protecting Democracy? This from the bozo that worked hand in glove with the Democrats to centralize more and more power into the hands of a ruling elite? Can we say “Department of Homeland Security?” Sure we can! All the Bush’s could not care less about protecting democracy or the republic. There is a reason Bush’s brother, Juan Jeb, had his head handed to him in the primaries.

G.W. Bush was a failed president. During his administration, the term “Bush Derangement Syndrome” was coined. It referred to people who literally went nuts at the thought of Bush being president. These people blamed Bush for everything, including the 9/11 attack. The worst were those who said Bush was part of a plot and that Al Qaeda had nothing to do with the attack, and that it was all a plot to gain control of Iraq’s oil fields.

However, Bush, like his father and recently his brother, Juan Jeb Ellis Bush, showed just how out of touch they are with the average American. One of the remarks Bush made in his speech was a reference to the “Governing Class.”

In recent decades, public confidence in our institutions has declined. Our governing class has often been paralyzed in the face of obvious and pressing needs. (From Politico)

Many people took that remark as a “code word” for “Ruling Class.” It does show just how disconnected the Bush family is from the rest of America. Right after 9/11, several things happened that made many American’s grind their teeth regarding G.W. One was referring to Islam as “The religion of Peace”, when anyone who has looked at the Koran knows it is anything but that. Another thing that happened was the Bin Laden family members that were in the United States at the time of 9/11. Instead of holding them for some serious questioning, Bush got them out of the country as fast as he could arrange.

During the Obama Regime, Bush almost never criticized Obama. There were a few cases where he did lay into him over Der Fubar’s shear incompetence, but those were in private events and not meant for public consumption. Otherwise, he remained remarkably quiet regarding the Obama Regime’s incompetence, corruption and destruction of the Rule of Law.

Another thing that absolutely has to frost Bush’s minuscule manhood is how President Trump has responded to the series of hurricanes that have hit the United States and it’s territories this year. Both sides of the political spectrum, with a few exceptions, have said that President Trump’s team has done an excellent job. The one major disaster that Bush had to deal with, Hurricane Katrina, was a complete mess, the highlight of which was “Hell of a job there Brownie!”

The second Bush administration is generally thought of as a failure. Not quite as catastrophic as the recent one of Barack Obama, (That one is in a class all it’s own in regards to abject failure), but is not considered to be anything like Ronald Reagan’s two terms. Bush’s father, George H.W. Bush, came in claiming the mantle of Ronald Reagan. He promptly moved to undo everything Reagan did.

His son, “W” did the same and that gave us Barack Obama, the “Great Mistake.” Now the American People have had enough of the Uniparty, and they decided to bring in a wrecking ball by the name of Donald Trump. He’s succeeding, even with the stonewalling and incompetence of the Congress and this is what really pisses off Bush. The people of America have begun to remember that we’re all Americans, and not some globalist garbage “Citizens of the world.” The Globalist elites are being rejected around the world and the Bush’s can’t stand it.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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