Trump activates the “Bomb the Hague Act” against the ICC

Good day all. The International Criminal Court, the ICC, came into being as the Globalist Eurtotrash’s answer to what should replace the Nuremberg war crimes court that tried all the Nazis after World War Two.

In 1998 the Europeans came up with the Rome Statute that looked to create a world court to try people that their own countries couldn’t or wouldn’t prosecute. However, they took on authority that basically overrode a nation’s own sovereignty, making the ICC supreme over national laws and courts. Because of this and other reasons, the United States has never signed the treaty enabling the Rome Statute. In fact, the United States has informed the ICC that any attempt to enforce itself on American Citizens will be met with whatever response is deemed necessary.

A bill was passed by both houses of congress and signed into law by President George W. Bush in 2002 called the American Service-Members’ Protection Act. It has since been nicknamed the “Bomb the Hague Act” since the language of the law states that the President is to use “all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court“.

Basically, if Interpol were to arrest American servicemen for what the ICC deemed crimes, the President of the United States would have the authority to send in the 1st Marine division to free them. (This is where the term “Bomb the Hague Act” came from) To date, ASPA has never been invoked since it hasn’t been needed. Then came the election of President Trump.

President Donald J. Trump is the first President in a long time who wasn’t a Globalist. His 2016 campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, is a direct slap at the United Nations loving Globalist One World government types both in the United States and the rest of the world. (Primarily Europe). President Trump tapped into most American’s innate desire to not be the world’s policemen and to be basically left alone.

President Trump is also not in love with sending American soldiers into harm’s way unless it truly is needed, and then he basically tells them to pound the ever living daylights out of the enemy. (See ISIS as an example) This has shocked and horrified the Progressive ruling elites in Eurostand. Their reactions have basically been “How dare this upstart refuse to follow our instructions! Doesn’t he know who we are?” Actually, President Trump knows exactly who these vermin are, which is why he’s ignoring them.

This brings us to the ICC. Back during the first Gulf War, a tank crew saw what they thought was a team of enemy soldiers in a hotel aiming an anti-tank missile at them. They fired an HE round from the main gun, killing a news crew with a camera. (The cameras back then looked exactly like the targeting systems of a guided missile) The incident occurred during a battle and while regrettable, it was an understandable incident that the military chalked up to the “Fog of war.”

The United States reviewed the incident, looked at all the footage of the action, and said “Sorry, but the crew thought they were about to be fired on and took action.” This didn’t satisfy the Eurotrash who decided they would start an investigation and charge the tank crew with war crimes.

Then President Bush flat out refused to assist them and quietly threatened the ICC, saying that if they touched the tank crew and took them to the Hague, the United States would use all means necessary to free them, up to and including military force. As I recall, there was a Spanish judge who refused to back down and had to be removed from the case.

Recently, the “Usual suspects,” (leftist anti-American non-governmental organizations), have been accusing American troops of war crimes in Afghanistan. They have been pushing for the ICC to investigate and arrest American soldiers and political leaders. This has led President Trump to initiate sanctions against the International Criminal Court. Here are some of the details from Freedom Wire:

Tensions between the US and the International Criminal Court have been rising sharply for months after the ICC was pressured by other foreign players to investigate possible war crime allegations from back during the Afghanistan War. Although the US and Afghanistan have traditionally been adversaries, both countries are united in not supporting an ICC probe into the actions of their militaries during the long and complex war. Many have speculated that, regardless of this, the ICC continues to push the investigations as an act of retaliation on behalf of countries who oppose Trump.

On Thursday, President Trump turned up the heat on the ICC by signing a new executive order. The move places broad economic and travel sanctions on any ICC employee who is working to investigate or prosecute American troops for war crimes.

Needless to say, the ICC is not happy with President Trump’s EO. According to The Hill:

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has condemned President Trump’s executive order sanctioning court officials investigating alleged war crimes by American troops in Afghanistan.

The ICC said in a Thursday statement that it “expresses profound regret at the announcement of further threats and coercive actions, including financial measures, against the Court and its officials, made earlier today by the Government of the United States.”

These attacks constitute an escalation and an unacceptable attempt to interfere with the rule of law and the Court’s judicial proceedings. They are announced with the declared aim of influencing the actions of ICC officials in the context of the Court’s independent and objective investigations and impartial judicial proceedings,” the statement continued.

Perhaps they would prefer having the Hague visited by the 82nd Airborne and the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit instead? If they were to pay a visit, they would not be considered good guests. Actually, when they left, there probably won’t be two bricks standing on top of each other anywhere in the Hague. (This is why the ASPA is referred to as the Bomb the Hague Act. If we have to, we will level the place)

The only president who might have turned over Americans to this kangaroo court is the Great Mistake, Barack Obama, and he would have to consider what the fallout might be if he did that. (If he were lucky, impeachment and removal would have been the worst of it)

The United States has the tools in place to deal with soldiers who go off the reservation. It does happen, and it is dealt with. We do not and will not submit our people to the tender ministrations of the Turd World twerps and Eurotrash Elites running the ICC as their own personal Stasi. Eurostan and the European Union are in the beginning stages of collapse, When they finally go down, we aren’t going to come in and clean up the mess again. As noted author Tom Kratman said when informed of the Executive order, “Good. Drive a stake into them.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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