A few technical details on Japan’s nuclear reactors

Greetings all. As you know, Japan has suffered a massive magnitude 9 mega-thrust earthquake and tsunami. One of the problems caused by this disaster is the partial meltdown of three of the reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

The reactors were all shut down within moments of the quake, and the technicians on site were in the process of cooling the cores down to a full cold shutdown. The problems began when the site was hit by the tsunami shortly after the quake. The waves wrecked the backup generators and have forced the on site techs to perform some extreme acts to prevent a true disaster. (If thousands lost isn’t disaster enough)

While slumming around the internet I saw this bit posted on Patterico’s Pontifications in the comments section (Number 10 in fact). The poster makes a lot of sense, so I’ve stolen it shamelessly and posted it here.

Here is what the commenter wrote:

The fuel rods are what is melting. They are NOT melting through the reactor vessel. Three Mile Island had the same problem and I just read this morning that the melted rods didn’t even get through the first 1/4? of the TMI core.

Second, the Japanese made the decision to total the reactors in order to prevent really bad things. This was the correct decision to make. Additionally, the reactors were at their end of life and I believe the first one was due to be decommissioned later this year.

Third, the reactors were designed almost 50 years ago. They are several generations behind what they are building today. (Another reason they were being decommissioned)

This was a very rare event. First a magnitude 9 megathrust quake followed by a tsunami. As soon as the first tremors were felt, the reactors were scrammed. The problem was the tsunami, I’ve heard, but can’t confirm, that the fuel for the generators was contaminated by sea water.

Now compare this with Chernobyl.

First, no containment dome.
Second, they had a graphite reactor, not a steel one. It caught fire.
Third, the Russians were morons.

The Japanese knew they were in a major quake zone and designed for it. The might not have anticipated the tsunami, and they didn’t expect a mag. 9 quake.

All in all, they are doing very well under the circumstances. Minor amounts of radiation was released, but it’s no where near the levels of Chernobyl.

The reactors are shut down, now they are just working to cool them down to a full cold shutdown.

And now for some really good news.

Miracle of the baby girl plucked from the rubble: Four-month-old reunited with her father after incredible rescue

Amid the mangled towers of wreckage and flooded debris, a country in despair is grateful for any cheerful news.

And today, the discovery of a baby girl who had survived for three days after the tsunami that devastated Japan provided just that.

Accounts as to how the four-month-old had survived were lost in translation – but it is believed she was plucked helpless from the rubble in Ishinomaki, in the state of Miyagi.

Against the odds, she was rescued apparently safe and unharmed after being spotted by a member of Japan’s Self-Defence Force.

Baby found alive and safe in wreckage in Japan


~The Angry Webmaster~

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There’s a lot of misinformation about, particularly regarding the nuclear plant situation, but what we do know is that today another explosion occurred at one of Fukushima Daiichi’s reactors. …
http://benstiffler.blogspot.com/ — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:19:00 -0700

Japan earthquake: Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear power plant reactor …

Firstly, I’d like to apologize to readers for not posting sooner on the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. In truth, as someone who closely monitors hundreds of Interweb news sources, I’ve simply been overwhelmed by the sheer horror and …
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Threat of Nuclear Meltdown Rising at Japanese Plant

Tokyo (CNN) — Another reactor at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant lost its cooling capabilities Monday, a government official said. The problem was detected in the plant’s No. 2 reactor Monday afternoon after an explosion rocked …
http://www.allvoices.com/French-Guiana — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 12:13:34 -0700

Nikbin Says Meltdown at Fukushima Plant Is `Unlikely’ | www …

[AP] – The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japan’s stricken Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive column of smoke into the air and wounding 6 workers. The plant’s operator said radiation levels at the …
http://www.bullfax.com/ — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:57:17 -0700

IAEA Update #2 on Japan’s Nuclear Facilities March 14

On 12 March, the Japanese Prime Minister ordered the evacuation of residents living within 10 kilometres of the Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant and within 20 kilometres of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. …
http://yubanet.com/ — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:00:39 -0700
Four nuclear plants in northeastern Japan have reported damage, but the danger appeared to be greatest at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, where one explosion occurred Saturday and a second was feared. …
http://theconservativetreehouse.wordpress.com/ — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:00:22 -0700

Meltdown threat rises at Japanese nuclear plant – 21 News Now …

Smoke ascends from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant’s Unit 3 in Okumamachi, Fukushima Prefecture, northern Japan, Monday. The second hydrogen explosion in three days rocked Japan’s stricken nuclear plant Monday, sending a massive …
http://www.wfmj.com/global/category.asp?c=80913 — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 11:00:00 -0700

UPDATE: Meltdown threat rises at Japanese nuclear plant | WSLS 10

UPDATE: Meltdown threat rises at Japanese nuclear plant. Fukushima Unit 3. Credit: NTV/NNN JAPAN/AP. Smoke rises from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant’s Unit 3 in the facility’s second hydrogen explosion in three days. …
http://www2.wsls.com/?s=make+money+online&q=http://www.etoro.com/B503_A25509_TClick.aspx — Mon, 14 Mar 2011 10:30:46 -0700
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6 Responses to A few technical details on Japan’s nuclear reactors

  1. A few technical details on Japan’s nuclear reactors – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/Gokq0Elqci

  2. A few technical details on Japan’s nuclear reactors – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/kCYgiYyu

  3. Angrysysadmin says:

    Since the Angry Webmaster posted this, more information has come out. It looks like the storage tank for the spent fuel is the major problem. One of the reactors had been defueled for maintenance and the rods had been put int the pool to keep them cool.

    These pools are not as structurally sound as the main containment domes and this is where the problem is occurring. It looks like the water has evaporated and the rods have been exposed. The Japanese are working furiously to fill the pool and contain the rods.

    Another issue is radiation release. I am not an expert, but from what little I’ve seen and heard, it looks like the small amounts that have escaped isn’t getting very far from the plant. Certain panic mongers, mostly in the media, have been making it sound like the west coast is about to become a radioactive wasteland.

    While California IS a wasteland for all intents and purposes, the inhabitants aren’t about to grow extra limbs and glow in the dark. As of this morning, no radiation has reached the United States, and as near as I can tell, never will.

    Again people, this is NOT Chernobyl. The containment domes worked. The problem was the storage pools. The Japanese will get this fixed as long as real experts assist them and not politically motivated morons in Washington and the media.

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