Fidel Castro Junior ends Canadian Emergencies Act

Good day all. I started working on this post prior to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. Obviously, events have overtaken it.

If you have been following this site, or any of the may other blogs and vlogs out there, you have been reading about Canadian Prime Idiot Justin Trudeau implementing the Emergencies Act in order to shut down the peaceful protests against his tyranny.

The use of this act, and the resultant suppression of civil rights in Canada has pretty much blown up in the face of Castro’s Bastard son, Justin. He has now announced that he is revoking the act and restoring the People’s liberties. Here are the details from Global News:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is revoking the Emergencies Act after 10 days that have seen police crack down to clear out hundreds of demonstrators with the so-called “Freedom Convoy” who had encamped in the nation’s capital for three weeks.

Yes, the threat from the children playing in bouncy castles was massive, not to mention truckers violently honking their horns. This horrifying threat required sending in armed stormtroopers and horses to crush any semblance of free speech. Now that all these people demanding freedom have been arrested, Der Fuhrer has deemed that now would be a good time to end his totalitarian power grab.

Trudeau made the announcement to end the use of the emergency powers at a press conference on Wednesday.

Today, after careful consideration, we’re ready to confirm that the situation is no longer an emergency,” he said. “Therefore, the federal government will be ending the use of the Emergencies Act.”

Fidel Trudeau had just gotten approval for his seizure of absolute power from the Canadian parliament when he announced he was revoking the emergency declaration. The reports I’ve heard were that the legislation was to go to the Canadian Senate. As I understand it, they would need to vote to approve the bill before it became law.

From what little I know of how the Canadian government works, it seems that the Senate is not like our senate at all, and is similar in many ways to the British House of Lords. (I’ll let those who know how all this works comment below) The senate seems to be pretty much of a “Rubber Stamp” when it comes to these bills.

However, the reports I’ve seen, before Putin started doing his impression of Adolph Hitler, was that the Senate was not happy and wasn’t going to approve the bill. If this happened, the bill would die and the Emergencies Act would be closed down. Additionally, I have heard that Trudeau also put in a “No Confidence” element in the bill. Basically, as I understand it, if it had failed, his government would collapse and new elections would have to be held.

Trudeau may have realized that the Canadian Senate was not going to approve his Emergencies Act and his government wold have collapsed. That would have led to a new election, and Justin Castreux’s poll numbers are even lower than Kamala “Heels Up” Harris’s. In all probability, the liberal left coalition would have been blown out. Again, I have no first, second or third hand information and will leave it to someone to explain how all this works in the Comments.

In any case, Canada now has some 200 political prisoners being held for the crime of demanding their rights and freedom in a peaceful, if loud manner. Many people are looking to the Canadian courts to do their job and slap down the Trudeau Tyranny. It seems they may have a long wait followed by a “Sucks to be you serf!” response.

Nearly 200 people have been arrested and are facing nearly 400 charges. Several of the leading organizers and figures in the convoy are now behind bars; one of them, Tamara Lich, was denied bail on Tuesday while Pat King is awaiting a continuation of his bail hearing set to take place on Friday. Chris Barber is the only one of the leaders so far to have been granted bail.

These people are being treated in the same manner as the actual terrorists that were exploding bombs in Quebec decades ago. This is the mark of a tyranny, not a democracy or republic. We are seeing just how the left will not tolerate any dissent to their rule whatsoever. Without a doubt, Justin Castreux Trudeau is happy with Putin invading the Ukraine. Now his actions have been pushed off the front page and he can continue suppressing the Canadian people. We shall see what happens next.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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