Elon Musk announces new policy regarding science, Moonbats enraged

Good day all. With the release of the Twitter Files, we have seen how the Moonbats, Progressives and Liberals, (There is a difference?), actually suppressed any debate on science they didn’t approve of. Things like Earth Science regarding Climate change, and especially anything that went against the government narratives regarding Covid-19.

The Twitter 1.0 group of progressive religious fanatics actively stamped out anything that questioned what the “Sainted Anthony Fauci” had proclaimed. Now Elon Musk has made a significant policy change regarding the give and take in the scientific debate and the responses to this change. Here are the details from Fox News:

Current Twitter CEO Elon Musk declared Wednesday that Twitter will promote “reasoned” skepticism of scientific data.

“New Twitter policy is to follow the science, which necessarily includes reasoned questioning of the science,” Musk wrote.

This is a far cry from the usual load of manure we have gotten over the years from the Progressives. Their favorite chant is “Trust the Science! The Science is all powerful! There can be no dissenting The Science! The Science is Settled! Oooommm…Oooommm.” People have been threatened and fired when they pointed out issues with so called “Settled Science.” Now people are thinking that actual scientific debate might start happening…again.

Many Twitter users rallied and suggested that the policy promoted actual pursuit of scientific truth. Evolutionary behavioral scientist Gad Saad appeared to joke about the dogmatic way scientific experts were treated amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“The science is anything that His Eminence Lord Fauci says it is,” Saad quipped. “His Excellency is science.”

Fauci is probably going down in history as a barely competent empire building bureaucrat with an extraordinarily high opinion of himself. He is directly responsible for the “Great Panicdemic of 2020,” with his paying a Chinese lab of questionable competence to do Gain of Function research on the Coronavirus. Consider that Elon Musk recently announced his “Pronouns” were Prosecute/Fauci.

Musk responded by observing, “Anyone who says that questioning them is questioning science itself cannot be regarded as a scientist.

Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton tweeted, “Bad news for transgender extremism, covid totalitarians, and climate alarmists.”

That is the group that has been screaming the loudest since Musk announced the policy change. Their rantings and ravings can be boiled down to “Burn the heretic!”

Journalist David Martosko called upon followers to recognize Musk’s announcement has massive implications. 

“Isn’t it remarkable that this is a departure from what we’ve seen for many years?” he asked. “I hope it also means it will be acceptable to examine who’s funding science and what kind of restrictions that places is on scientists.”

It isn’t just what restrictions are attached to the funding, it’s what is actually being funded.

Eric Weinstein, mathematical physicist, economist and managing director of Thiel Capital, expressed hope that the change could be a major shift across a variety of subjects.

“This. Changes. Everything. If true,” he wrote. “Is that a 1000% commitment to biologists that they can stop *lying* about biological sex, healthy reproductive development, ‘herd immunity’, genetic differences between geographically separated populations, horse paste, Wuhan Inst. GoF, etc.?”

That would be nice, however there is still the “WOKE” problem. I do see a good back and forth between scientists and interested observers, all asking question on something. However, you are going to have the Progressives, Leftists, Liberals Democrats and Karens all screeching to the high heavens that any such debate regarding the “Settled Science” is heresy and that anyone daring to question it must be destroyed.

Since a lot of the people who might post something, such as a medical protocol that seems to knock the stuffings out of Covid-19 also work in places that have bent the knee to the “WOKE” moonbats, they might still self censor. (Hopefully not though)

Some Twitter users appeared to condemn Musk’s statement.

New York Times contributor Wajahat Ali tweeted that Musk’s post was, “Something a really dumb person would tweet.”

Oh really? Would you care to explain why people talking back and forth about a subject that you know nothing about is a bad thing?

Journalist Ashton Pittman tweeted, “By ‘reasoned questioning,’ Elon Musk means batsh*t clown car conspiracy theorist drivel.”

And here we have Liberalus Dementis projecting their beliefs on others. These are the same people who are currently waiting for their 43rd Covid-19 booster shot while ordering a fresh supply of masks from Amazon. I can see why these morons are so upset. Musk is out there showing that the emperor has no clothes, and a really small dick.

That same day, Musk announced that the Twitter platform’s staff previously “had an internal Slack channel unironically called ‘Fauci Fan Club.'”

One of the things that Fauci did was cover up just how inept and incompetent his tenure as the head of the NIH has been. This goes back to the AIDS crisis when Fauci was busily screwing up that epidemic. You can read about how Fauci screwed the pooch, (Before he had it tortured in a lab for no good reason), on Outspoken.

The headline references comments from the Gay community back then regarding Fauci as an “Incompetent idiot.” It looks like that with the Coronavirus panicdemic, he doubled down on his incompetence, stupidity and gross malfeasance. Musk also pointed out something I wasn’t aware of, (And has been buried by the Mostly Stupid Media)

“Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife,” Musk wrote.

If that isn’t a massive conflict of interest, I don’t know what is. However, the story here is Elon Musk doing what should have been done when Twitter first took off. Making it a platform that people can use to say anything, no matter how stupid it may be. People can say things that are just plain wrong, and the correct way to deal wit it is to point out to the person that “You are wrong, and here’s why.”

This is something the Progressives can not tolerate and why the Democrats in Congress what to destroy Elon Musk. Good luck with that Fauxahontas. The cat is well and truly out of the bag and Musk is currently opening up even more bags of cats and letting them run free as well.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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