Uniparty is losing it over the release of the J6 videos

Good day all. Tucker Carlson’s release of the videos taken on January 6th 2020 continues, and the Deep State Uniparty elites are completely losing it. Most of the negative reaction in Congress has been coming from the Senate, with both Schumer and McConnell outraged that Tucker Carlson is blowing up the narrative that January 6th was all President Trump’s fault.

Schumer is so panicked over the release that he has demanded that Fox News remove Tucker Carlson from the air. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called for Fox News to pull Daily Caller co-founder and Fox News host Tucker Carlson from air over his release of Jan. 6 footage.

Apparently, Schumer has little regard for the 1st Amendment. This isn’t surprising since he is a petty little tyrant.

Carlson released never before seen footage Monday night from the Capitol riot after Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy gave him more than 40,000 hours of footage. Some footage showed Officer Brian Sicknick walking around the Capitol allegedly after he engaged with rioters, while other footage showed Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley leaving the Capitol building.

The footage of the late officer Sicknick, (who passed away the next day of a stroke), was taken about 2 hours after the January 6th committee said he had been murdered. They also said he had been hit with a fire extinguisher in the head, however, the picture show him wearing a helmet.

Regarding Senator Hawley, the J6 committee doctored the footage to make it look like he bolted from the capitol. What actually happened was the capitol police started taking everyone out of the building and Sen. Hawley hung back and was actually the last one out. Basically, the footage shown by the J6 committee was rigged for political purposes to make Senator Hawley look bad. As for UpChuck Schumer? He was in full flower.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen an actor treat the American people and American democracy with such disdain,” Schumer said. “And he’s going to come back tonight with another segment. Fox News should tell him not to.”

Schumer then argued kicking Carlson off air was necessary to preserve democracy.

These lies continue tonight, Rupert Murdoch, who has admitted they were lies and said he regretted it, has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson from going on tonight, now that he’s seen how he has perverted and slimed the truth, and from letting him go on again and again and again,” Schumer said. “Not because their views deserve such opprobrium, but because our democracy depends on it.”

UpChuck Schumer’s idea of Democracy is similar to those of Adolph Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao tse Tung, Benito Mussolini, Saddam Hussein, etc. etc. etc. Basically he thinks that people should be told what to think and allowed what to see by their progressive uniparty masters. Speaking of the Uniparty, Cocaine Mitch McConnell once again showed his true strips.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell rebuked Carlson’s release of the footage on Tuesday as well, holding up an internal letter from U.S. Capitol Police Chief Thomas Manger that slammed Carlson’s release.

With regard to the presentation on Fox News last night, I want to associate myself entirely with the opinion of the chief of Capitol Police about what happened on January 6,” McConnell said, saying he was concerned about the depiction of events.

Cocaine Mitch was backed up by all the usual suspects in the Senate Uniparty. They all think that the American people are stupid and only exist to serve their Deep State masters. Well, there is some justice. Cocaine Mitch “Fell down” and is in the hospital with a concussion. Perhaps he can share a room with the other walking rutabaga, John Fetterman.

As it is, these people who are screaming about Tucker Carlson’s releasing of the videos is telling a lot of people that “Hey! There really is something to all these conspiracy theories about what actually happened on January 6th 2020. Maybe we should see all the footage.”

We now know, thanks to the lawyer for Qanon Shaman Jacob Chansley, that the footage of him walking around with the Capitol Police actually opening doors for him was kept from the Defense team in violation of the law. Hopefully he will be able to appeal this and be freed.

There will be more footage shown, and eventually the 41K hours of tape will be available to everyone. Frankly, I think that this should be put up raw, just like Project Veritas did before the coup against James O’Keefe. Let anyone and everyone interested in digging through it do so.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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