Argentine President Javier Milei all but nukes the Davos Elites

Good day all. Recently, Argentina elected a man named Javier Milei to be their new president. He is not the usual leader we see in Argentina or in South America. In fact, he’s the dead opposite. Once he was sworn in, he started taking a chainsaw to the Argentinian government and has been closing down bureaucracies left and left, I mean right.

This has caused many people in the United States who are aware of him to call him Argentina’s Donald Trump. President Milei attended the World Economic Forum and gave a speech to them. When people first heard that he was attending the forum, they were a bit disappointed, thinking that “Great, he’s actually one of them.” Then he gave a speech to the attendees. Reports indicate that they are still picking jaws up off the floor. Here are some of the details from the Washington Examiner:

Argentine President Javier Milei warned a forum of international economic elites that their growing embrace of “collectivist” ideology in the name of social justice has endangered Western society.

I’m here to tell you that the Western world is in danger,” Milei told the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “Unfortunately, in recent decades, motivated by some well-meaning individuals willing to help others and others motivated by the wish to belong to a privileged caste, many leaders of the Western world have abandoned the model of freedom for different versions of what we call collectivism.”

It was a debut on the international diplomatic circuit befitting Milei’s background as a libertarian populist who admires Murray Rothbard and Ludwig von Mises.

These are people that the snobs and elitists of the WEF despise. Some people are calling them Socialists or Communists, others Fascists. While there are elements of all three, what I see them as is Feudal Lords. These are the same people who would be kings, barons, etc. in Europe 200 years ago with the very same attitudes of entitlement and arrogance.

The newly-elected leader, who rose to power last year as Argentine voters rejected a center-left government that presided over a 143% inflation rate, used his address to spread the gospel of libertarianism and denounce the vision of “social justice” that he regards as a threat to justice and prosperity.

The problem is that social justice is not just and it doesn’t contribute, either, to the general well-being,” he said through an interpreter. “Those who promote social justice, the advocates, start with the idea that the whole economy is a pie that can be shared differently. But that pie is not a given.”

He is correct of course. The WEF is made up of very rich and generally out of touch snobs. Some are self made, others inherited their money and managed not to lose it all on gambling, hookers and blow.

His line of argument ran contrary to the organizing themes of the forum. The Davos planners set the stage by affirming the need for “government, business, and civil society [to] come together around a new economic framework to avoid a decade of low growth and put people at the center of a more prosperous trajectory.” They emphasized the necessity of “a long-term systemic approach to achieve the objectives of a carbon-neutral and nature-positive world by 2050.”

Basically, they want to institute a Soviet style system of 5-Year Plans. Of course, those never worked and generally killed 10’s of millions of people. I suspect they’re going to say that the reason those plans failed was due to not having the “Right” people running them. To bad that President Milei showed up armed to the teeth with the thing that Progressives and Elitists fear most, FACTS!

Yet Milei, armed with a litany of statistics about the exponential economic growth that has unfolded since the Industrial Revolution, denounced such aspirations as a dream that can only empower “the bureaucrat in a luxury office” at the expense of the rest of society.

Given the dismal failure of collectivist models and the undeniable advances in the free world, socialists were forced to change their agenda,” Milei said. “They left behind the class struggles based on the economic system, and replaced this with other supposed social conflicts, which are just as harmful to life as a community and to economic growth.”

Recently, Klaus Schwab, who is the dead opposite of President Milei, announced that elections will soon be a thing of the past. (I’ll have more on that in another post) He is the one who basically wants to kill billions, although he doesn’t actually say that, for the glory of the Reich to save the planet. In the mean time, here is the video of President Milei’s speech, translated into English. It’s about 10 minutes long.

What a pity he isn’t a native born American citizen. He would be the perfect Vice President for Donald Trump’s second administration and then his own administration in 2029-2033. Oh well. He’s hoping that he succeeds and Make Argentina Great Again. (Pity that doesn’t work in Spanish) If President Milei pulls it off and turns Argentina into an economic powerhouse, it could start a new trend in South America. The people ditching the false promises of socialism and moving towards economic freedom. Congratulation on your hit on the WEF Mr. President.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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