Speaker of the House Johnson says Senate Border Bill DOA

Good day all. I posted an entry that quoted extensively from Utah Senator Mike Lee on the Senate’s border bill. Senator Lee said that the bill was being shoved through by UpChuck Schumer and Cocaine Mitch “Brainfreeze” McConnell with no time for senators to actually read the bill.

Now the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson has said the bill is dead on arrival. There is a lot going on over this mess of course. What is coming to light is just how devastatingly bad this bill is. Here are the details from Fox News:

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., criticized the Senate’s bipartisan $118 billion border security and foreign aid package after the text of the agreement was released Sunday night, stating that the proposal is “even worse than we expected” and would be “dead on arrival” in the lower chamber.

The legislation would allocate $20 billion for border security to give the federal government temporary authority to expel migrants when the average number of daily crossings exceeds a threshold. The border security component also includes ending “catch and release,” increasing standards for asylum screenings and attempting to process asylum claims quicker.

The expulsion section is what is driving people who have read this bill, or parts of it, insane. It allows 5000 criminals to cross the border before any actions will be taken. There is a lot more that many are finding objectionable of course.

The foreign aid portion of the agreement includes $60 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel and aid for Indo-Pacific allies. Johnson said he would put $17.6 billion in emergency funding for Israel in a standalone bill up for a vote on the House floor next week.

This bill should do one thing and one thing only. Secure the border and force that mental midget in the Oval Office to lock down the borders and start mass roundups and expulsions. This POS doesn’t even do that.

“I’ve seen enough,” Johnson wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, ‘the border never closes.'”

“If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival,” the speaker declared.

Since this story came out, other stories have been released that report that Cocaine Mitch McConnell is now telling his caucus to not vote for the bill that he has been pushing. Apparently this is due to President Trump blasting the bill and pulling the rug out from under Brain freeze McConnell. It looks like that the Bill isn’t even going to get a vote in the house.

Shortly before Johnson’s statement, House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., said the Senate bill would not receive a vote in the lower chamber. Scalise oversees the schedule in the House.

“Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House,” Scalise wrote on X. “Here’s what the people pushing this ‘deal’ aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients — a magnet for more illegal immigration.”

In recent weeks, as negotiators were nearing a deal, Republicans became skeptical of the bipartisan talks, arguing that President Biden already has the resources to address the situation at the border and does not need new legislation. Some Republicans have also suggested that they do not want to support the border bill and give Biden a political win in an election year.

That is one major detail the Democrat Propaganda Corps is not reporting. Biden is demanding more power to secure the border, yet he won’t use what he already has. Just the opposite in fact. He has been deliberately letting criminals into the United States. The simple fact of the matter is, this bill is intended to “Legalize” illegal immigration into the United States and block Future Presidents from being able to do anything about it.

Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla., the lead GOP negotiator on the border deal, responded to Johnson’s comments on the proposal, saying that he was confused about how the bill could be worse than House Republicans expected.

Lankford is getting reamed out hard over this mess he’s helped to create. He is denying that the bill will allow up to 5000 illegals to cross into the United States before anything is done such as, you know, deporting them.

“It would be absolutely absurd for me to agree to 5,000 people a day. This bill focuses on getting us to zero illegal crossings a day,” he said during a Jan. 28 appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Lankford either doesn’t know what is actually in this bill or he is lying. Considering some of the things I’ve been seeing in his record, such as extending the Patriot Act and expanding roving wiretaps, I’m inclined to think it’s the latter. He was recently reelected in 2022, so he probably thinks the Oklahoma voters will forget that he’s trying to shaft them for the Deep State Uniparty.

This bill is a load of graft, kickbacks and crap. It does nothing to secure the border and ships billions to the Ukraine with, as usual, no accounting on where the funds are actually going. Very little of the money will be going to secure the United States. This bill needs to die. As for those so called “Republicans” in the Senate who pushed this load of manure? As they come of for reelection, they need to be primaried and sent to the showers. (Prison showers would be the best outcome)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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