Who is paying for all these Nazis protesting Israel’s Existence anyway?

Good day all. It looks like some of the universities have decided that it’s time to put an end to the Pro-Terrorist protests by student antisemites and Nazis. News reports indicate that Police have taken action at Columbia and UCLA. Now another question is starting to be asked. Who’s paying for these protests?

For the last six years, the United States has been under assault by the Left, with the “Summer of Fiery Love” in 2022 being the latest example. We have seen the rise of the Democrats replacement for the KKK. (That would be Antifa) We’ve also seen millions of invaders coming in from Mexico. No one to my knowledge, has done any serious research into who’s paying for all that. Now we have the pro-Hamas supporting Nazis on college campuses. This time, someone did take a look and you won’t be surprised who’s backing them. Here are the details from the New York Post:

Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.

Why am I not surprised that this has Soro’s fingerprints all over it?

A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.

Nazis. I hate Nazis. Once Israel has finally finished Hamas, they might want to look into these organizations. I’m sure Mossad could come up with a few “Gifts” for these groups. The Post article details who Soros, through his cutouts, sent money to. It’s a Who’s Who Of Communists, Marxists, Socialists and people who hate Israel and the United States. (They aren’t all that thrilled with people having a say in how they run their lives either)

Other Soros-backed, Palestinian advocacy groups whose members have been spewing hate at rallies since the massacre include Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which received $650,000 and $400,000, respectively.

Jewish Voice for Peace also helped occupy Representative Rohit Khanna’s office and has blamed Israel for the Oct. 7 attacks, writing on its website: “Israeli apartheid and occupation — and United States complicity in that oppression — are the source of all this violence.”

I haven’t looked into that group, but if they are made up of actual, practicing Jews, they are a disgrace to their religion. They remind me of the Jews who helped the Nazis in the camps. One other thing. Were all those insurrectionists arrested and are being held without trial for occupying Khanna’s office? Just wondering.

Dan Schneider, vice president of the conservative watchdog group Media Research Center, said Soros — a Hungarian-born Jew and a Holocaust survivor whose loyal lieutenants have scored unmatched access to President Biden’s White House — has a long history of standing against Israel and backing groups who champion terrorists.

George Soros and his son Alex have a long history of supporting the most radical organizations across the planet, and that includes pro-Hamas organizations that support the most heinous kind of behavior,” said Schneider, who recently co-authored a letter with MRC Founder and President Brent Bozell demanding Soros cease funding to groups who’ve recently spewed pro-Hamas rhetoric.  

We’ve called on George Soros to withdraw this funding, but he seems very determined to continue supporting antisemitic organizations that want to upend western civilization,” he said.

He won’t of course. Soros is a literal enemy of Israel, the United States and most of the Western Democracies. He’s passed these traits down to his son who is actually doubling down. You only have to look at Soros’s history going back to his aiding the Nazis when they occupied Hungary to see which side he prefers.

Soros and his front organizations aren’t the only ones paying for these college Nazis. It looks like the Democrats main dark money platform, Act Blue is also involved. Here are some of these details from the Midwesterner:

The day after students set up a tent encampment on the Michigan State University campus last week to protest the Biden administration’s handling of the war between Hamas and Israel, they woke up to hot coffee and snacks.

There was also blankets, foam mattress toppers, and other donations made possible by a fundraiser organized by the Progressive Caucus of Mid-Michigan, utilizing Democrats’ favorite fundraising platform – ActBlue.

That was very helpful,” junior Cara Mack told The State News, MSU’s student news site. “I actually slept on a, like, four-inch mattress pad. So honestly, I can’t complain. It was a little cold, but I was with my friends.”

Oh I bet it was helpful you little Nazi. Act Blue, besides providing dark money donations to Democrats, also has been found to fund groups like Black Communist Lives Only Matter. It’s not at all surprising that they are funding Pro-Hamas terrorists on Colleges and Universities. I’ve read reports that a lot of the money, (And this is unverified since I don’t have any citations), that the money Act Blue gets is somewhat “shady.” Of course, since they back hard left Democrats, they won’t be investigated.

It does look like Critical Mass has been reached and the universities have started breaking up these Nazi encampments. Police have been making a number of arrests and in a surprise to no one, a large number of these “Protesters” aren’t even enrolled in the schools.

Frankly, we need a good solid purge of the University system. End Tenure to start with and then start firing all these professors and instructors. A large number of administrators need to go as well and all the DEI people? Gone. Walk them out the door. As for all the students involved? Expulsion. They need to learn that their actions will have consequences. As for those funding these Nazi protests? I think Israel may want to handle that one once they finish cleaning out Hamas.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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22 days ago

George Soros is always labeled a Jew. How does anyone know? Many Nazis entered this country by pretending to be Jewish. Others entered through Operation Paperclip. Our State Dept. Loved and still loves Nazis.

Nina A Smith
Nina A Smith
22 days ago

Soros’ father was a fanatical believer in One World Government and Language, changing his family’s name from Schwartz to Soros, Esperanto for “to soar.” For One-Worlders and imperialists of all stripes, Jews are the principal enemy because of their particularism and their insistence on maintaining it.

22 days ago

We have been under assault from within (and probably some help from foreign entities) for decades. It didn’t start six years ago, it just burst into the open