Germany returns to its NAZI roots, announces it will arrest Netanyahu

Good day all. You can always count on the Germans to round up the Jews. As you should know if you haven’t been living in a cave, a prosecutor has gone to the ICC to get warrants for the arrest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a few others for daring to defend Israel from Hamas.

To begin with, neither the United States nor Israel are part of the “Rome Statute” that set up the International Criminal Court and for good reason. Both countries knew what those jumped up totalitarians would go after American and Israeli military and political leaders.

Just such an attempt was initiated after a U.S. tank crew, in the middle of a battle, mistook a European news crew’s camera for a missile launcher and hit them with a cannon round. (Killing them of course) When this happened, the Eurotrash demanded “Justice!” The United States investigation showed that the crew acted as they were trained, (The camera did look like a Milan antitank missile from a distance), and took no action.

Some idiot, I think he was Spanish, prosecutor announced he was going to seek the arrest of the tank crew and have them tried in the International Criminal Court. This set off the United States Congress and then President Bush who flat out threatened the prosecutor and the ICC. The United States later passed the American Service-Members’ Protection Act. This has come to be known as the “Invade the Hague” or “Bomb the Hague” Act.

Now we have the ICC once again going after countries and leaders who are defending their nations and people from barbarians. The ICC is now issuing warrants to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and others for the act of destroying Hamas after they slaughtered over a thousand men, women and children.

Most people think this is a load of crap of course, (Except for the United States Department of State and about half the Democrat Party of course), and have demanded that the ICC drop this nonsense. Since this is Israel, which they think is to small to actually do anything, (Hello? Remember Operation Bayonet you morons?) appear to be doubling down on stupid.

This brings is to Germany, a country noted for being exceptionally stupid. They have announced that they will arrest Benjamin Netanyahu if he steps foot in Germany and hand him over to the ICC in The Hague. Here are the details from the Daily Mail:

Germany will arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if he enters the country amid allegations of war crimes by the International Criminal Court, a spokesperson has confirmed. Steffen Hebestreit, a spokesperson for German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, confirmed on Wednesday the country would ‘abide by the law’ and arrest the under-fire Israeli leader should he visit the EU nation.

Why am I not surprised that the Krauts, (Yes, that is intentional), are falling back into their Nazi past? Rounding up the Jews is what they do after all.

This comes after British prosecutor Karim Khan announced on Monday that he is seeking warrants for Netanyahu, Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant, as well as three Hamas terror chiefs including Yahya Sinwar, the ruler in Gaza who masterminded October 7.

This so called prosecutor needs to have the facts of life explained to him. Frankly, I think the Israeli version of the United States Department of Justice should issue a warrant for this bozo on charges of aiding and abetting terrorism. Then put a bounty on his head. Not the old “Dead or alive” deal, but alive and handed over to Israeli authorities. See how he likes it.

The ICC’s decision has been met with mixed reactions from the international community, with Downing Street labelling it ‘unhelpful’ and US President Joe Biden calling it ‘outrageous’, while other world leaders said they supported the investigation.

Most of those “World Leaders” are antisemites through and through and want Israel to be destroyed and Holocaust II to begin. As for Biden? He’s useless as usual. What would have been said under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, would probably have gone something like: “If the ICC should try something this stupid, we will provide Israel with whatever support they need to to deal with this corrupt group.”

Khan said warrants were being sought for Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri (aka Mohammed Deif), the leader of the Al Qassem Brigades – Hamas’ military wing, and Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ political leader.

Oh big whoop. Israel is going after these scum and they have little interest in taking them alive. The last I read, they were hiding out in a tunnel under Rafah and Israel has just started reducing their last hideout. Israel might be willing to hand over their dead bodies to the ICC.

He, (Kahn), also said the ICC was applying for warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant for their part in the assault on the Gaza strip which was launched in the wake of October 7 and continues to this day.

‘We have applied for warrants – of course the judges must determine whether or not to issue them, but we have applied today,’ he told Amanpour on Monday.

If those judges have one ounce of common sense, and any survival instincts, they will turn down that “request” and tell Kharim Khan to try a new line of work, like serving up coffee at Starbucks.

He said the charges against Netanyahu and Gallant include ‘crimes of causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war including the denial of humanitarian relief supplies, deliberately targeting civilians in conflict.’

That is an outright lie. Israel is not trying to “Exterminate” the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. As for the relief supplies? Yeah, Hamas has been stealing them, so why would Israel send any in?

Speaking of Israel’s actions, Khan said in a statement that ‘the effects of the use of starvation as a method of warfare, together with other attacks and collective punishment against the civilian population of Gaza are acute, visible and widely known. 

‘They include malnutrition, dehydration, profound suffering and an increasing number of deaths among the Palestinian population, including babies, other children, and women,’ he added.

It looks like Khan is using the “data” from the Hamas Ministry of Propaganda and Health. You know, the same group that said Israel bombed a hospital and killed 500 people? The problem with that one was the hospital wasn’t hit by Israel, or anyone else. A Hamas rocket misfired and exploded in the parking lot of the hospital, breaking some windows. They have been lying about everything and some news organizations, after being raked over the coals, have finally stopped listening to them.

A spokesperson for British prime minister Rishi Sunak said: ‘This action is not helpful in relation to reaching a pause in the fighting, getting hostages out or getting humanitarian aid in.’ 

The spokesperson said that the ICC did not have the jurisdiction to request the arrest warrants.

‘The UK, as with other countries, does not yet recognise Palestine as a state and Israel is not a state party to the Rome Statute’, which outlines the ICC’s areas of jurisdiction, the spokesperson said. Israel and the US are not signatories.

I’ve already mentioned that Israel is not a party to that “One World Government” claptrap. It’s nice to see that the formally great Britain agrees that they don’t have any jurisdiction.

Asked if the police would arrest Netanyahu if he came to Britain, the spokesperson said he would not comment on what he called ‘hypotheticals’.

Gee, you were doing so well there. All you had to say was “Hell NO!”

Meanwhile, country’s including Belgium and Slovenia said they supported the ICC’s ongoing investigation and that it must be allowed to run its course.

‘Crimes committed in Gaza must be prosecuted at the highest level, regardless of the perpetrators,’ Belgian foreign minister Hadja Lahbib said, hailing the arrest warrants for both Israeli and Hamas officials as an ‘important step in the investigation of the situation in Palestine’.

I looked up this Hadja Lahbib. She is a real prize winner. I think that if this were World War 2 and Germany was occupying Belgium, she would be happily collaborating with the Nazis.

The United Nations and other aid agencies have repeatedly accused Israel of hindering aid deliveries throughout the war. Israel denies this, saying there are no restrictions on aid entering Gaza and accusing the UN of failing to distribute aid.

Like anyone believes the UN any longer, especially after their active aiding of the October 7th attack into Israel. Israel and the United States need to get out of the UN and the U.S. needs to boot the UN out of the United States. As for these warrants? The ICC has not issued them as yet, so most of this is political hyperbole and virtue signaling.

Israel should be very quietly telling the ICC judges that if they do issue these warrants, then it will be considered an act of war against Israel. As for Germany, Belgium and the other countries who have said they would arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu? I would remind them that Berlin, Brussels and the Hague are within range of Israel’s Jericho missiles, and that those are some very nice cities they have there, and wouldn’t it be a shame if something happened to them?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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