The ICC doubles down on Stupid, threatens U.S. Senators

Good day all. The International Criminal Court and the Prosecutor who wants to arrest Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu brought a very strong and swift reaction from members of the United States Senate. (Not much from the Dementia Patient in the White House though).

These senators wrote a letter to the ICC and the prosecutor telling them that they considered their actions to be a threat to both Israel and the United States. Now the Prosecutor’s office has decided to threaten the Senators. Here are the details from a column by Elliot Abrams in Council on Foreign Affairs:

Many critics thought the International Criminal Court had gone too far when its prosecutor asked for arrest warrants against Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. But as the saying goes, “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

One thing you can always count on from the Eurotrash Elite is their extremely high opinion of themselves and contempt for pretty much everyone else.

Now, the prosecutor’s office has threatened to prosecute criticism of…himself. Those who seek to defend Israel and stop the malicious, deeply antisemitic action against its leaders and against the Jewish state are now being told that their words and actions may also be a crime.

After the prosecutor called for the arrest warrants for top Israeli officials, 12 United States Senators wrote to the ICC. The full text of the letter is below. The final paragraphs read:

If you issue a warrant for the arrest of the Israeli leadership, we will interpret this not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.

The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned.

Neither The United States nor Israel are signatories to the Rome Statute. In fact, the United States has a law on the books flat out threatening the ICC if they should ever attempt to take action against American military personnel, government officials or elected members of the United States government. Apparently, the prosecutor’s office either forgot about it, doesn’t know about it or is ignoring it.

The reaction of the Prosecutor’s office came in a tweet, whose text is also below. The key language is this: “When individuals threaten to retaliate against the Court or Court personnel….such threats, even when not acted upon, may also constitute an offence against the administration of justice under Art. 70 of the Rome Statute….”

The 12 United States senators are already criminals, according to the ICC Prosecutor, for writing their letter—even if absolutely nothing else happens. Note that the Prosecutor writes of “individuals” who may threaten the ICC, whereas the senators write as U.S. government officials about possible official U.S. government actions. In plain language, the Prosecutor is arguing that he and the ICC are above criticism. Forget freedom of speech or national sovereignty. To say that the United States, which is not a party to the Rome Statute, might react to punish the ICC for illegal and immoral actions it and its employees may take is not permitted.

Mr. Abrams then follows up commenting about the “Invade the Hague Act,” officially known as the American Service-Members’ Protection Act. He states that according to the idiots in the prosecutors office, voting for such legislation would in and of itself be a criminal act even if it didn’t pass.

So much for the Constitution, for national sovereignty, for self-government, for freedom of speech. The ICC apparently stands above all of that—even for citizens and governmental bodies in countries, such as the United States, that have not signed the Rome Statute and thereby agreed to be subject to the ICC.

This attempted power grab is breathtaking, and should be summarily rejected by citizens and governments around the world. For the United States, this effort to criminalize Senate action and even a call for Senate action should have been met with immediate rejection by Attorney General Garland and President Biden. Silence in this case can be interpreted as consent, and much more is required.

Considering the absolute corruption of Garland and the complete mental incapacity of the worst president* in American history, They just might hand over these senators.

As that term “The Hague Invasion Act” suggests, no one knows how far the ICC is prepared to go–or how far Americans are prepared to go to defend ourselves. What would happen if the lawless prosecutor, Karim Khan, followed his call for arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant with an effort to indict the 12 senators? Would Garland and Biden then react? Would Majority Leader Schumer? What if the senators travelled to a country that has joined the Rome Statute? Would they be jailed and sent to the Hague?

They would have no choice but to react. If Schumer refused to push the maladministration if such a situation actually happened, he would be lucky if he wasn’t physically assaulted on the floor of the Senate. If Biden refused to do anything, the bill of impeachment would be filed in the House within hours and in the Senate in a day or two. Even the Democrats would join with the Republicans to remove Biden and Garland if such a situation happened just to protect themselves.

One assumes that the judges of the ICC are not crazy enough to go down this road, even if Karim Khan is. But then, it was widely assumed that the ICC would not move against a democracy such as Israel—and who would have predicted that the prosecutor would threaten United States senators for “threatening” to pass legislation he does not like?

Never underestimate the utter stupidity and arrogance of the Eurotrash elites. They are that crazy and stupid. Frankly, this requires a very unsubtle threat to both this clown Kahn and the ICC. Try this and you will be introduced to Mr. JDAM and his friends from the 82nd Airborne and the 1st Marine Division. This crap needs to be nipped in the bud and if it requires a flat out threat that we will level the ICC, then so be it.

Of course, with the Senile Pedophile in the White House, he might not even know about any of this. Yes, they wold have told him, but you know he will have forgotten about it 5 minutes later as he sat down to his ice cream. Now when the Greatest President of the 21st Century is returned to office, I have no doubt that the back peddling by the ICC and that idiot Karim Kahn will break speed records. They know President Trump won’t put up with threats like this.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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