Right on schedule, the MSM is moving to support Kackling Kamala

Good day all. Thanks to the successful coup against the Worst President* in American history, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is probably going to be the Democrat’s candidate for President. Since she is a smooth brain moron and utter failure the Democrat Propaganda Corps is going to do everything it can to help her.

Part of this is suppressing the award winning picture of President Trump, wounded and bleeding, showing his defiance to his supporters.

That picture pretty much handed the race to President Trump. Because of this, and now that Biden has been given the “Old Yeller” treatment, the MSM has decided to start suppressing the picture. The problem is, someone found out and made it public. Here are the details from Fox News:

An unnamed photo editor at a major news outlet believes it is “dangerous” for the media to highlight the historic photo of former President Trump standing tall after the assassination attempt Saturday, calling it “free PR” for the Trump campaign, according to a report.

An Axios media trend assessment on Tuesday argued that the “overuse” of the iconic image can “pose risks,” citing unnamed photographers who reportedly told the outlet that promoting the viral photos could be a form of “photoganda” because the Trump campaign will use them to “further their agenda, despite the photographers’ intent of capturing a news event.”

That picture by Evan Vucci is literally his life’s masterpiece. He was in the right place at the right time at the right angle when he started taking pictures. Thanks to digital cameras, that picture was uploaded and quickly went around the internet in minutes. Of course, the memes came soon after, usually showing bleeding and defiant Trump vs Joe Biden falling down. I hope Mr. Vucci gets some sort of award for that picture, regardless of his politics, he deserves it.

Axios cited a photo editor and photographer “from a major news outlet” who suggested the media refrain from using the photo “despite how good it is” to avoid casting the former president in a positive light.

“The amount that publications have been using Evan’s photo is kind of free PR for Trump in a way, and it’s dangerous for media organizations to keep sharing that photo despite how good it is,” the editor told the outlet.

And the Main Stream Media wonders why no one believes anything they say any longer. It’s because of communists like the “Anonymous editor from a major news outlet” saying out load that the MSM must do what it takes tro prevent President Trump winning in November.

The photo has been praised as both iconic and instantly historic, and it will be on the next print cover of Time magazine. Some observers have said it could change some people’s perceptions forever of Trump, one of the most controversial, beloved and loathed political figures in American history.

I’m trying to think of others, and the only one that comes to mind is Neil Armstrong on the moon saluting the American flag.

Psychotherapist Jonathan Alter feels the image “encapsulates the essence” of what Americans want from its leaders.

“The image and the preceding event perfectly capture the raw vulnerability of a powerful former leader at his most vulnerable moment likely ever in his life, only to be followed by that of perseverance, strength, and defiance in the face of evil,” Alter told Fox News Digital. 

President Trump’s defiance when it wasn’t certain that the threat to him had been neutralized by the high speed insertion of a Winchester 147 grain .300 magnum projectile into the criminal’s cranium is being compared to President Reagan’s walking into the hospital and joking with the doctors after being shot by John Hinkley. Compare that with all the images of Dementia Joe over the last few years.

Vucci, a Pulitzer winner who has covered thousands of similar events for the AP since 2003, told Fox News Digital that he understood he was experiencing a historic moment in time as shots rang out in the direction of the former president.

“I was literally just thinking about doing the best possible job I could, because I knew that this was a moment in American history that I had to be at the top of my game for,” Vucci told Fox News Digital on Monday from Milwaukee, where he was preparing to photograph the Republican National Convention. 

“I knew immediately that it was going to be one of the most important things I’ll ever photograph,” he added, “and that I needed to do the best job possible.”

And that it most certainly was, Even better, you weren’t taking pictures of what would have been the trigger of the Second American Civil War.

Trump himself addressed the now world-famous photo during an interview with the New York Post on Monday, quipping “A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen. They’re right and I didn’t die. Usually you have to die to have an iconic picture.”

This is why the Progressive Liberal Propagandists for the Democrat Party want to stop showing that picture. It shows President Trump in what had to be the most terrifying moment of his life looking at that moment and kicking it in the groin. This is what leadership is all about, not getting on your knees and providing oral sex to someone who might help you in your political career.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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