In a surprise to no one, MSNBC host is unhappy with polls showing Trump win

Good day all. It’s beginning to look like the post Democrat C**t Lick, also known as the Convention, of Kamala Harris dead cat bounce in the polls is coming to an end.

While the polls are notorious for being weighted in favor of Democrats, they are now showing The Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump and the Retired Blow Job Queen and current Vice President, Comrade Kackling Kamala Harris in a dead heat. This has started driving the Moonbats on MSNBC absolutely bug house nuts. Here are the details from Fox News:

MSNBC host Chris Hayes fumed over new poll results showing former President Trump as the favorite to win the Electoral College and therefore the presidency in November.

On his X account Friday, the “All in With Chris Hayes” anchor blasted recent poll results from famed pollster Nate Silver showing that Harris would most likely beat Trump in the national popular vote if the election were held today, though Trump would win the Electoral College.

This is where Hayes went completely off the rails.

“It’s clear as day the Electoral College is, to quote the great Justice Jackson a national suicide pact,” Hayes posted.

As to where this came from, other then suffering from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome common among the MSM, it appears that Hayes might be referring to something a Supreme Court Justice once said.

The media pundit’s statement referenced a quote from Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, who wrote in 1949 that the Supreme Court “will convert the constitutional Bill of Rights into a suicide pact” if it doesn’t balance its “doctrine logic with a little practical wisdom.”

I looked up Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson since I had never heard of him specifically. I was aware of the quote about the Constitution and Bill of Rights not being a suicide pact. He was an interesting person, of that I have no doubt. Without question, he was a lot smarter then the current Progressive justices on the Supreme Court. However, he was also a big booster of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was appointed to the Court by him. It was his dissent in the Terminiello v. City of Chicago case where he made the suicide pact comment.

Hayes seemed to be using the quote to suggest that the U.S.’s commitment to deciding presidential elections using the Electoral College system – which progressive Democratic lawmakers believe is obsolete – will needlessly result in the catastrophe of Trump returning to the White House.

It will be so tragic if President Trump returns to the White House. Think of the last time he was in office and what he will do now. He will move to secure the borders and deport the millions of criminal aliens in the country. He will reduce the massive levels of regulation imposed by the Biden-Harris maladministration. He will reduce taxes and make it easier for businesses to expand and hire people. Oh the horror!

Now this all started when Hayes saw the poll by Nate Silver showing that President Trump would win the popular vote needed to give him the electoral votes to win the election.

In his post slamming the Electoral College, Hayes said it is “a wildly dangerous institution that undermines democracy but also creates all manner of Rube Goldberg machinery to be attacked by bad actors.”

Obviously, this moron has never studied American history and doesn’t know why the founders created the Electoral College. Here’s the short version. The founders flat out didn’t trust a pure democracy. In a pure Democracy, candidates would only concentrate on areas where the majority lived and ignore areas with a low population. These days the majority of the people tend to live on the coasts of the United States and they tend to be controlled by the Democrat Party.

This is the unsaid reason that the Democrats want the Electoral College abolished. If it were, then they could just ignore all the people in Flyover country. They would just impose whatever they wanted on these states and locals and the residents would have no say or recourse. If candidates have to visit these states, then they will have to talk with those same people.

One user replied to Hayes, pointing out that “no states” elect governors based on a similar system. The host responded, adding, “I did a monologue on this and the right went nuts over it because I said *correctly* that if the EC weren’t in the constitution it would be blatantly unconstitutional and they were like ‘what a dumb—!’ but this is precisely the point.”

That user is obviously a moron who has never actually ready the Constitution and if he had, has no idea what it means or how the United States is administratively configured. Progressive Liberal Democrats believe that the United States is, or should be a top down system with power centralized in the hands of the ruling elite.

What it is, is a bottom up system. The individual is the primary, followed by local government, then county, then state and the Federal Government is last. The Constitution is basically a list of responsibilities that the Federal Government has. If it isn’t in the Constitution, the Federal Government can’t do it. Obviously, we have a serious issue these days with this perception.

Now, one of the things the states were seen as were laboratories. A state could try something and if it succeeded, other states might do it as well. If it failed, then other states could see and not make the same mistake. Really good ideas might then end up in the Constitution through the amending process. Unfortunately, some really bad ideas have ended up there as well. (the 18th Amendment, the 17th Amendment and some say the 19th was not a great idea after all)

Hayes provided a link to his MSNBC segment defending Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., after she was blasted for calling the Electoral College “a scam.” During the segment, Hayes ripped the Electoral College as a system as “outdated” and an institution Republicans keep because “they fear deep down that they are in the minority.”

AOC is, of course, a complete and utter moron. When they handed out stupidity, she went back for seconds, thirds and fourths. The Democrats know that if the Electoral College is in effect, they have to deal with people they flat out despise. Hayes is one of them. (Which is why he works at MSNBC) If the Democrats somehow killed the Electoral College, in very short order they would start moving to the Socialist Totalitarian state they want. This would in turn, trigger the “Red States’ to secede at best, or start a second civil war at worst.

People like Hayes and AOC, living in their Progressive Ivory Tower, only talking to each other not only don’t see this possibility, the actively deny it. The best way to deal with this is President Trump winning. Then we get to see the liberal heads popping.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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