Robert Reich wants Elon Musk arrested for promoting Free Speech

Good day all. Robert Reich was the Secretary of Labor under Bill “Bubba Horndog” Clinton. He was a complete failure. He had never worked in the Dreaded Private Sector, always in academia with occasional stints at the government trough. In other words, a typical over-educated Progressive Liberal elitist.

He is also a classic Ivory Tower Intellectual with all the problems that brings. One of these is that pesky Constitution and all those annoying rights that the proles and serfs think they have. He seems to not like people he disapproves of having any ability to speak their mind.

Recently, Elon Musk, who took over Twitter a while back and cleared out all the censorbots, got into a fight with a corrupt fascist judge in Brazil. This judge decided to freeze the accounts of Starlink, which has no connection Twitter other then being owned by Elon Musk. The fight is over Musk’s refusal to censor speech from people this judge doesn’t like. (Simple version)

Add to this Musk’s arranging for the release of the Twitter Files which basically blew apart the Biden-Harris censorship program. Musk has also been reversing a lot of what the previous management did, such as pulling down posts they or the government didn’t approve of and canceling accounts of people who questioned the progressive narratives. When Musk reactivated President Trump’s twitter account, the left went ballistic. Now Reich is saying that Musk need to be threatened with arrest by regulators. Here are the laughable details from Fox News:

Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich, who served during Bill Clinton’s presidency, wrote in a column published Friday that Elon Musk was “out of control,” and argued he needed to be reined in.

“He may be the richest man in the world. He may own one of the world’s most influential social media platforms. But that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him,” Reich wrote, including a list of six things people could do to rein in Musk. 

I followed the link and it goes to the hard left British newspaper, the Guardian. (The Guardian makes the New York Slimes and Washington Compost look conservative in comparison) It lists all the really dumb ideas that this troll thinks the government should do to take down Elon Musk.

After Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, now known as X, Reich deemed the purchase “dangerous nonsense.” He argued Musk’s purchase was “just about power,” rather than free speech.

Reich called on people to boycott Tesla and X and added, “Regulators around the world should threaten Musk with arrest if he doesn’t stop disseminating lies and hate on X.”

The boycotts, as I’ve already said, have been tried and failed.

Reich argued that global regulators might already be considering threatening Musk with an arrest, citing France’s arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov.

That is blowing up in the face of the French. Threatening Musk will backfire even worse, and is not likely to work. I haven’t followed all the details of the Durov case, but they are accusing him of letting his platform be used for child sex trafficking, I seriously doubt he is letting that happen. Usually when a Social Media platform finds out about that sort of thing, they take it down and notify the appropriate authorities. 4th Reich’s next brilliant idea is to have the FTC move to force Musk to censor speech he doesn’t like.

“In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission should demand that Musk take down lies that are likely to endanger individuals – and if he does not, sue him under Section Five of the FTC Act,” Reich argued. “Musk’s free-speech rights under the first amendment don’t take precedence over the public interest.”

Wrong you little Fascist. Try taking this to court and even the most left wing judge would have no choice but to throw it out. The 1st Amendment does take precedence. Of course, being the good tiny little Socialist Totalitarian you are, you see the Constitution as advisory at best.

The former labor secretary also suggested the U.S. government terminate its contracts with Musk’s Space X. 

Oh that’s funny. I wonder if that walking diaper stain has been paying any attention to the problems NASA is having with the Starliner currently docked to the ISS? They’ve just decided to bring it down unmanned and the two crew members are going to have to hitch a ride back with…wait for it…SpaceX!

“Why is the US government allowing Musk’s satellites and rocket launchers to become crucial to the nation’s security when he’s shown utter disregard for the public interest? Why give Musk more economic power when he repeatedly abuses it and demonstrates contempt for the public good?” he wrote.

I think we’re beginning to see a trend here. Everything Robert Reich is pushing is designed to give more power to the central government. He’s also a TransNational Globalist. He pushed NAFTA which did a huge amount of damage to manufacturing in the United States and was killed by President Trump. He is a contributor to the World Economic Forum, and we know that the last thing that organization wants is free and open dialog about anything. They are also very big in the centralization of power into the hands of the fewest people.

Reich see’s himself as the solution to the world’s problems. He doesn’t consider the United States to be anything special and that we should bow down to people like him. What he is, is a major cause of a lot of the problems this country is suffering from. He’s just another entitled rich socialist. No one of any note pays any attention to him. I think he’s just spouting off to get a little attention for himself. Maybe if we ignore him, he will dry up and blow away.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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