Pelosi announces support for Illegal Aliens over Americans

Good day all. The Moonbats of Kalifornistan have come up with yet another tool to screw with the residents of the failed state and Americans in general. They want to give money to criminal aliens to buy houses in one of the most expensive markets in the country.

This stupid idea is wrong in so many ways I can’t count them. But Democrats are Democrats and stupid, costly and probably illegal actions are part of their genetic make up. However, you would think that someone in the party wold push back. You would be wrong. San Fran Nan Pelosi announced that she is fully on board with this. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., appeared to express support for her state’s controversial bill that would provide financial aid for illegal immigrants to buy homes.

California lawmakers passed AB 1840, which would require the California Housing Finance Authority’s home purchase assistance program, or California Dream for All Program, to include undocumented migrants, meaning those seeking to become first-time homeowners would be eligible for taxpayer loans.

That law is, to be blunt illegal on it’s own. It is providing aid to criminals while they are committing a crime. (Illegal entry into the United States, being IN the United States without the proper visas and paperwork, tax evasion, etc) They are also, to be blunt, poor and working under the table in most cases.

They have no credit history, (Unless they steal someone’s identity, more fraud there), and no bank is going to provide them a loan. (The bank could find itself being seized by the Federal Government and the officers criminally charged) Finally, ICE could arrest and deport them at any time, and the banks would lose the money and have to deal with a foreclosure.

During the same discussion, the former Speaker advocated for making these illegal immigrants legal: “What I would like to do is move them to documented. One of the best things we can do for our economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform.” 

As usual, that drunken politically tone deaf idiot doesn’t appear to be listening to the people she allegedly represents. A large majority of the American people and Lawful Resident Aliens want the illegals deported ASAP, not giving them green cards or any other benefits.

During Friday’s appearance on “Real Time with Bill Maher,” Pelosi was asked to react to the bill’s passing. 

This should be both interesting and infuriating.

“Well, let me just say, immigration had always been a bipartisan issue,” Pelosi responded.

It used to be, not anymore. The old GOP(e) supported unfettered immigration, (with appropriate paperwork, sometimes), to use them to replace American workers since they would work for a lot less. The Democrats were the same, but wanted the immigrants, (Assuming they were lawful), to become citizens and Democrat voters. (So they could institute the centralized single party government they’ve wanted since at least Woodrow Wilson)

“But not free housing,” Maher interjected.

“Well, that’s not free housing. It’s the American Dream being available to more people,” Pelosi pushed back. “But understand this about immigration. The best speech when immigration was by President Ronald Reagan. ‘This is the last speech I will make as President of the United States. I want to communicate a message to the country I love.’ And he talked about the Statue of Liberty and the Beacon of Hope it is to the world and what America was preeminent to the world because our door was always open. And we will cease to be preeminent when we shut the door.”

What a load of crap. Reagan was fine with lawful immigration but not illegal immigration. When he signed off on the amnesty, it was with the proviso that additional resources would be provided to block illegals from coming in. As usual, the Democrats lied and didn’t keep their side of the deal. Pelosi continued spewing her manure.

“Now, I don’t do justice to the Great Communicator. Google it. It’s a fabulous speech, and George Herbert Walker Bush continued in that respect for the diversity of America and the rest. California is always in the lead. Maybe others will follow that lead, but that’s up to those states. But we are very blessed here with beautiful diversity,” she continued. 

This drunken cow is a classic Progressive Democrat elitist. When she is in Kalifornistan, she is in a secured gated community and never sees what her policies have wrought on San Francisco and Kalifornistan. San Francisco is a disaster with businesses large and small moving out of the city. (TwitterX has announced they are leaving for Texas)

The state in general is losing population and businesses and with them, tax revenue. Basically, the state is broke. I suspect that Maher, who is a liberal, just one with a semi-functioning brain, asked Pelosi if she would vote for the bill. Pelosi’s answer?

“Well, I’m not familiar with exactly what that is, but making the American dream of homeownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who are here now,” Pelosi said. 

“This is before you’re a citizen. This is for the undocumented,” Maher stressed. 

Another and more accurate term is not undocumented, it’s illegal alien, or criminal alien.

“Well, what I would like to do is move them to documented,” Pelosi responded, adding “One of the best things we can do for our economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform.”

And there it is. Pelosi and the Democrats want to grant the 10’s of millions of criminal aliens amnesty and eventually citizenship. The goal is to swamp the United States with ignorant, illiterate, (In English if not completely), who will do as they’re told and vote solid Democrat. (The so called “Great Replacement Theory”)

Pelosi has always been politically tone deaf with regards to the average American. The reason is simple. She holds them in complete contempt and considers most Americans, especially those who are in Flyover country to be people who need to be rounded up and put into FEMA reeducation camps. (Not something that even Pelosi is dumb enough to admit to of course, at least in public) This latest remark that she puts criminals over Citizens just confirms that she needs to be removed from office. Pity the San Francisco voters are even dumber then she is.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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