Fighting back against the “Ecowarriors”

Good day all. For decades the left has been using psuedo-science regarding the weather and environment. They claimed there was a hole in the ozone and that “We’re all going to die!” unless we spend a ton of money and suppress people’s rights.

Then it was global cooling and a new ice age was about to happen. Then it was global warming. That one failed when all the protests kept getting snowed out. The Progressives then decided to try “Climate Change.” All of these bad things were the fault of humans of course and that humanity had to pay to “Save the planet!

The plans these clowns always come up with usually look a lot like a slightly different version of Communism. The plans also call for creating a ruling elite to “Manage” the “Problem” at great cost. What they always called for was destroying everything that the modern world uses to make life better.

Interestingly almost everything these commies call for will kill hundreds of millions of people, perhaps billions. The people remaining will be put into camps to work to “Save the Planet!” while the “Environmentalists” will manage everything in comfort since they are the elites who know what needs to be done to “Save the Planet!”

Needless to say, most people know these Environmentalist nutjobs are full of it. Still they’ve done a lot of damage. Now someone is fighting back. Here are the details from the Daily Caller:

The Texas billionaire owner of a major pipeline company is on the precipice of potentially bankrupting Greenpeace USA, The Wall Street Journal reported on Sunday.

Kelcy Warren’s company, Energy Transfer, is seeking legal recourse against Greenpeace’s American arm in court, alleging that several Greenpeace USA entities paid for attacks against the company’s Dakota Access Pipeline and proliferated misinformation about the firm and its project in 2016, according to the WSJ. At the time, the project was a flashpoint in the environmental movement’s crusade against major fossil fuel infrastructure developments, and it was ultimately completed in 2017.

Greenpeace was once a reasonable group that wanted to clean up pollution. Then it started going hard and harder to the left, to the point that the founder walked away in disgust.

Everybody is afraid of these environmental groups and the fear that it may look wrong if you fight back with these people,” Warren said in a televised interview in 2017, according to the WSJ. “But what they did to us is wrong, and they’re gonna pay for it.”

Basically, these “Environmental groups” are not above using threats of violence and intimidation to get what they want. They know that most businesses don’t want to deal with these people and will either agree to their demands or buy them off.

Eco-activists flocked to the construction site of the pipeline in North Dakota in 2016 to try to stop the $3.8 billion project from being built, and clashes between the protesters and law enforcement occasionally turned violent, according to the WSJ.

Violence and sabotage are tools of the trade for Greenpeace, Earth First and other Envirowhacko groups. Earth First was known for burning construction sites and spiking trees. They were finally reigned in when a few companies told them they would shoot them on sight if they caught them spiking a tree. (Driving a spike into a tree makes a lot of noise for a sniper to home in on)

The lawsuit, which seeks $300 million in damages, would probably crush Greenpeace USA, though it does not pose such a threat to Greenpeace’s international operations because the organization’s main organizing body based in the Netherlands does not own assets in the U.S.

Not yet it doesn’t. If Mr. Warren succeeds and destroys Greenpeace in the United States, look for others to go after the international operations in court as well.

The company tried to sue in federal court first, and refiled the suit in a state court after a federal judge threw out the original litigation, according to the WSJ. Energy Transfer is pursuing the lawsuit under a law that was originally created to go after the mafia.

Ooohh, a RICO suit! Considering that most of these groups act just like organized crime, I suspect they’re going down and hard.

As Warren — who once said that climate activists should be “removed from the gene pool” — sees it, Greenpeace USA was principally responsible for delaying the project’s construction and imposing millions of dollars of added costs on Energy Transfer, according to the WSJ.

The last I heard, most climate activists are already removing themselves from the gene pool. Not through violence, but through not breeding. A lot of the woman are going so far as getting themselves sterilized. (And then later regretting it later in life)

Greenpeace, meanwhile, maintains that the lawsuit could stifle free speech and that it only ever played a supporting role in the protests against the pipeline.

Greenpeace has been up to it’s eyeballs in trying to shut down the energy sector in the United States. As for stifling free speech? That’s something they do to their enemies. In any case, the best case scenario of Mr. Warren wins his case is the complete dissolution of Greenpeace in the United States. As for their employees? No one will be suppressing their 1st Amendment rights. I have no doubt that with all the spare time on their hands looking for a new job, they will be spewing venom all over the place.

Greenpeace USA is also preparing for a range of possible outcomes, including bankruptcy, while some of its leaders and members of the board have fought over what kind of settlement could be palatable, according to the WSJ.

I don’t think Greenpeace hasn’t quite figured out yet that Mr. Warren probably isn’t interested in settling. I think he wants Greepeace to cease to exist, not cripple them.

You’re not going to wear Kelcy Warren out, I can promise you that,” Matthew Ramsey, a director on Energy Transfer’s board, told the WSJ. “He will fight to the bitter end.”

I think it’s safe to say that if Kelcy Warren wins his suit and the appeals, Greenpeace USA will be declaring Chapter 7 no assets bankruptcy and handing everything over to him and Energy Transfer. If this does play out in that manner, start looking for other companies that have been targeted by these Marxist totalitarian and borderline organizations to be hit in the same manner.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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