Democrats restart the “Trump is a Russian Agent,” then Putin endorses Harris

Good day all. Back in the early days of the Trump administration, a fake file came out claiming that President Trump was a Russian asset. We now know that this was cooked up by Felonia von Pantsuit and used by the Democrats to try and overthrow the President Trump.

Recently, the Democrats have started up the old “Trump works for Russia!” lie. Of course, only the die hard Never Trumpers believe any of this garbage. (Which means the entire Democrat Propaganda Corps starting with MSNBC) However, their plan to try and slur the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, just had a very large wrench thrown into the works. Here are the details from the Huffington Post:

Vladimir Putin has just confirmed he wants Kamala Harris to be the next president of the US in a moment of typical Kremlin trolling.

The Russian president told an economic forum in the country’s far east that it was up to the American public to choose their next leader, but that he would recommend his supporters back Harris.

She laughs so expressively and infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her,” he said on Thursday, suggesting this could mean she would not impose further sanctions against Russia.

Putin first met the retired prostitute just before he invaded the Ukraine. She was sent there to meet with him and tell him that it wouldn’t be a good idea. It went about as well as Chamberlain’s meeting with Hitler.

Putin also endorsed outgoing president Joe Biden back in February, before he dropped out and was replaced by Harris.

In a similarly wry moment, he claimed Biden was a more “old school” politician than his Republican opponent Donald Trump, saying: “He’s more experienced, he’s predictable.”

What that meant was that he knew just how corrupt and incompetent Biden is, being former KGB and all. That’s why two days after meeting with Harris, he invaded the Ukraine. As we all know, the initial invasion didn’t go as he expected. However, he probably didn’t expect Biden to do much about it.

Biden famously called Putin a “killer” in 2021, and has more recently called him a “murderous dictator” and a “pure thug”.

What probably happened was that the check Putin wrote and handed to Harris during their “Meeting” bounced due to insufficient funds. Since the Biden Crime Family already had a working relationship with the Ukraine, and their checks were good, he backed them.

As for President Trump, Putin probably knew he wouldn’t get away with anything. This is why there was a delay between his first land grab under Obama, (The Crimea), and his current invasion under Obama. While President Trump wouldn’t have sent in American Troops, (With the possible exception of shipping Lindsey Graham over with a rifle), he had already started sending equipment that the Ukrainians could actually use, (And did), to screw up the Russian’s invasion plans.

Since this story is from the Huffington Post, they continued with their implications that this was all done by Putin to help President Trump get elected. What they’re actually worried about is that President Trump will figure out a way to end the war. Considering that the Biden-Harris Maladministration has already blown up at least one potential peace agreement, I can see why the HuffPost is concerned. If President Trump wins and gets a decent deal, it will show that the Democrats are the true warmongers.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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