2nd Attempt on Trump, updates

Good day all. Sunday September 15th, another lunatic trade to assassinate the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. This time the Secret Service saw the criminal and opened fire on him, driving the criminal away. He was later arrested.

It’s been about 24 hours since the attempt, and more information has been coming out, including the name of the criminal. So far, it looks like it’s another Liberal nutcase who, surprising no one, who hates President Trump. From what little information we have, the Secret Service detail spotted this guy, (Being a dumb liberal, he wore a pink T-shirt), and when he brought up the rifle and pushed it through the chain link fence, opened fire on him.

This drove off the criminal and he took off in his car and was later chased down and arrested by the local police. (The running comments are that the Secret Service left the DEI hires back at the office and sent out competent agents this time) There have been a few comments regarding how this clown got within 500 yards.

Personally, I don’t think the Secret Service did anything wrong. As far as I can tell, and remember, we’re still within the 72 hour rule as of this post, the criminal was off the property and blocked by a fence. Additionally, he was planning to use an SKS variant, (Originally reports were an AK-47). It wasn’t the best choice. (Besides not being able to shoot, it seems that Liberal criminals these days can’t seem to choose the correct firearm. No, I won’t say what they should have used)

As expected, the Progressive Liberal Democrats are upset that once again, they missed. One of the people who is cheering for the criminal is the wife of the lying traitor who frankly should be in prison for his actions against President Trump, Eugene Vindman. (Currently running for congress in Virginia), Rachael Vindman. Here are some details of her class act from MRCTV:

Virginia Democrat Congressional Candidate Eugene Vindman’s sister-in-law – the wife of a Trump impeachment witness – repeatedly mocked those upset by Sunday’s failed assassination attempt on Republican candidate and former President Donald Trump, the second attempt in the last two months.

No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” Rachel Vindman, co-host of The Suburban Women Problem podcast, posted on X.com (formerly, Twitter), referring to the bullet that struck Trump’s ear, nearly missing his head and killing him, during the last assassination attempt.

This evil, twisted bitch doubled down on doing her happy dance on the second attempt on President Trump’s life. (She also doesn’t care about the man murdered or the other two badly injured in the first attempt either) I won’t bother listing all of her vile remarks, you can follow the link. Her husband, who is now seeing his chances of winning a congressional seat going down the drain, thanks to his moonbat wife, was a bit more circumspect.

For his part, Candidate Vindman posted a much different sentiment, reacting to the foiled attempt to assassinate Trump:

I am deeply disturbed by yet another attempt of political violence in our nation.

I am grateful that no one is hurt, and thankful for the law enforcement agents who acted bravely and swiftly in the line of duty.”

I have little doubt he’s sorry the criminal didn’t get a shot off before the Secret Service started laying down fire on him. He’s just not as stupid as his wife. I just looked up the race and his opponent is Derrick Anderson, running on the Republican side. Hopefully, his campaign people will make use of Rachael Vindman’s remarks and bury her husband’s political hopes and dreams.

President Trump’s first concern were for the people with him and gratitude to both the Secret Service Agents on site who protected him and the local police for catching the criminal. He’s also not backing down, saying he will not surrender. Even Dementia Joe is beginning to realize that President Trump needs more security.

As to who is to blame for all this? That is simple. It can be laid at the feet of the Democrats. They have repeatedly attacked President Trump and accused him of everything including wanting to become a dictator. One person who, frankly, needs to be arrested and charged is Maxine Waters. She has flat out called for the murder of President Trump and Vice President Pence. She used the phrase “Knocking off” and not kill to avoid prosecution, and the left wing fact check groups all said she was referring to impeachment.

This is what President Trump and middle to conservative Americans have been dealing with for a good ten years. If you do not toe the progressive line, you are evil and anything that happens to you is justified. We have seen hundreds of people who support President Trump assaulted, and a few killed. When people defend themselves, they are the ones who are prosecuted. (Kyle Rittenhouse and now Scott Hayes)

The left doesn’t seem to care that things are coming to a head, rather they appear to want a violent confrontation with people on the right. They fail to consider the ramifications of what would happen if the middle and conservative people decide, “OK, fine. Game on!” They will very quickly find that the people they keep attacking will not play games.

These idiots on the left need to be shut down. The senior Democrats who have pushed these attacks on President Trump must pull back. Two attempts in as many months? One was too many. We are on the cusp of really bad things happening and frankly, I want to avoid that and I hope anyone with any functioning brain cells agrees. (Yeah I know, that lets out 99% of Liberals, but one must hope)

One final update. (I started writing this Monday) The criminal is actually a convicted felon who had lost his right to keep and bear arms. (Why he wasn’t in jail is another question) The rifle he had in his possession, quite illegally, also had an obliterated serial number.

Basically, that was two felonies before he even drove to the location to attempt the assassination of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. As expected, the “Usual Suspects” pushing gun control are demanding more laws, ignoring the fact that this criminal was ignoring the laws already on the books. These bozos also couldn’t be bothered to say that they were glad that President Trump or any of the people with him were unharmed.

Barking Moonbat


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to 2nd Attempt on Trump, updates

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    Also a confirmed Security Incident (Pipe bomb discovered in car by police sweep with narc dog) in Uniondale, New York. Suspect supposedly got away by running into the woods. Seems odd since they had police dogs at the site – why didn’t they unleash it? smdh


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