Felonia von Pantsuit calls for the arrest of anyone who disagrees with her

Good day all. That title might be a bit off. Recently, as in after the second attempt on the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, demanded that anyone who dares to write anything the Democrats don’t be approved of be jailed.

Felonia is, of course, still bitter that she wasn’t installed as the petty little tyrant president as she expected back in 2016. Her bank accounts took a serious hit as her old clients realized that her usefulness to them had come to an end and started shoveling money to the Biden Crime Family instead.

I won’t bother with going over all the things she’s done over the decades, we all know she is as corrupt as the year is long. However, she recently decided that the 1st Amendment had expired and that it was now time to arrest anyone who posted anything she deemed “Misinformation.” Here are the details from Real Clear Politics:

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow that Americans “engaged” in “propaganda,” similar to the type that led to the Russians “boosting Trump” in 2016, should face criminal prosecution.

Of course, Felonia was appearing on the Democrat’s own Propaganda network, MSNBC, where the “Truth” is whatever the Deep State says it is.

“I think it’s important to indict the Russians, just as Mueller indicted a lot of Russians who were engaged in direct election interference and boosting Trump back in 2016. But I also think there are Americans who are engaged in this kind of propaganda. And whether they should be civilly or even in some cases criminally charged is something that would be a better deterrence, because the Russians are unlikely, except in a very few cases, to ever stand trial in the United States,” Clinton told Maddow.

The full quote from Felonia is available on the Real Clear Politics page along with the video of her “Interview” with Rachael Madcow. I’m not going to copy it for a number of reasons, such as I don’t want anyone to begin projectile vomiting. Suffice to say that once again, Felonia von Pantsuit has demonstrated to the American People that we truly dodged a bullet when President Trump mopped the floor with her face.

What I think is going through that alcohol soaked brain of Felonia’s is that she herself is still in legal jeopardy from her days as Secretary of State. (Espionage, destruction of evidence, etc), and since we now know that the “Trump Dossier” that was used to try and overthrow President Trump was paid for by her, potentially sedition.

Back in President Trump’s administration, there was no actual attempt to indict Felonia on all the potential charges against her. First, President Trump understood that this could lead to a tit for tat situation down the road. (Something the Democrats promptly forgot about in 2021) Also, he was inexperienced in how the Deep State was entrenched into everything and his two choices for Attorney General buried the crimes of Felonia and all those working for her.

I suspect that if things go as we hope and President Trump wins in November, he’s not going to play around this time. He will bring in a person to be Attorney General who is not part of the Deep State and who will both clean out the trash in the DoJ and start looking into the criminal activities of a certain political party that Felonia is a member of.

To begin with, there is no statute of limitations on Espionage and her bleachbit home mail server clearly broke any number of laws. (We can thank Huma for forgetting she was backing everything up and then the laptop with her ex’s porn on it getting into the right hands)

Felonia’s remarks are part of her mindset and that goes back to her time on the investigation into Nixon. She was fired for her actions and her willingness to ignore little things like the law and the constitution in order to “Get” Richard Nixon. That little Karen is simply continuing what she’s always done. Go after anyone who stands in her way and do whatever it takes to get rid of them.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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