Soros funded group accused of racism

Good day all. I’ve written a number of posts regarding George Soros over the years as have many others. The short version is that George Soros has, over the decades, used his wealth to basically destroy western civilization.

Soros seems to have a particular hatred, in my opinion, of the United States. I find this interesting since he is a naturalized citizen and has all the rights and benefits of any citizen. One of the things he’s done over the last 10 years was fund the campaigns of radical District Attorneys.

These Soros D.A.’s as they are called, basically won’t put criminals in jail and will go after people who either defend themselves from criminals, or who stand in the way of the goals Socialist/Fascist Progressive New World Order. (Now that is a conspiracy theory mouthful, isn’t it?) One of these groups that Soros pays for is called “Fair and Just Prosecution.” It seems they have a bit of an internal situation that just screams for a good fisking. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

A George Soros-funded nonprofit that steers left-wing prosecutors in major American cities is in turmoil after much of its minority staff accused their leader of being racist and abusive.

Long-simmering discontent at Fair and Just Prosecution reached a new high in April when Sherry Boston, the elected district attorney of Dekalb County, Georgia, accused FJP Executive Director Miriam Krinsky of racism for excluding her from a New York City event, emails obtained by The Daily Wire show.

I looked up Sherry Boston and yes, she is black or African American. (Actually the best she can claim is American of African descent. I work with an actual African American. He was born in Africa and is a naturalized American. So is Elon Musk) Looking at her Wikipedia page, she looks like a standard Soros DA. Now the head of the Fair and Just Prosecution group, she comes across as your typical Progressive Liberal Moonbat.

Krinsky, who is white, replied by disparaging Boston and saying she was excluded from events because of merit, not race. Krinsky appeared to suggest that Boston, a black Democrat, had failed to advance “racial justice” by prosecuting too many crimes.

Ah yes, Racial Justice. Another term for that is not prosecuting someone due to their skin color no matter what the crime may be. Of course, if your ancestors happen to be from Northern Europe and you happened to drop a bubble gum wrapper? 30 years to life. Why? Racial Justice of course. What it sounds like is Boston is prosecuting criminals and isn’t playing the Soros game. Now why would that be? I’m guessing she wants to keep her job.

Tensions continued escalating in the ensuing months, as staff members accused Krinsky of misconduct, abuse, harassment, and retaliation.

Hmm, I think I need to go get more popcorn.

The workplace culture under Miriam’s leadership is oppressively authoritarian,” disaffected employees, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Daily Wire in an email. “Miriam manipulates a predominantly young, minority staff—exploiting their inexperience and the existing racial dynamics within the organization to tighten her grip on power.”

It sounds like Miriam Krinsky is a standard White Progressive Liberal. Power mad, tyrannical and racist to her core. Basically, a stereotypical Karen. She should run for Congress as a Democrat. She’d fit right in.

The staffers said they had faced retaliation for sounding the alarm about racism within the group, and that the leaders of the anti-police movement were quick to weaponize law enforcement to inflict it.

FJP, backed by Tides, are using law enforcement to retaliate against both current and former employees who have raised concerns about the organization’s practices. Some of these employees were wrongfully terminated and now face legal threats simply for attempting to do the right thing. Disturbingly, the organization has even orchestrated fake wellness checks as a means to weaponize the police—the same police they advocate should be defunded,” the employees said.

So just to make sure I understand, Krinsky is using law enforcement officials, who she wants fired, as her own personal secret police force?

Now it seems that the FJP is having a few problems staffingwise, not unlike the problems Comrade Kamala Harris is having in her office. According to the Daily Wire, the organization, which was founded in 2017, (Probably due to the election of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump), and has had a lot of turnover.

Per the Daily Wire, the group lost 6 of 16 employees in 2020, 7 more in 2021, and 9 of 22 in 2023. Now the FJP no longer lists their staff on their web site. (Which I think was due more to the costs of constantly revising their web site. A good Dev runs a couple of hundred dollars an hour)

The FJP has stated that they really can’t comment on employee dismissals due to the risk of a defamation suit. Normally the truth is an absolute defense against a defamation case and if you’re going to fire someone, you should have a tone of paperwork ready to throw at their lawyer.

Any personnel actions taken by the organization are in full compliance with applicable laws, our anti-harassment policies, and reflect our core values,” Christopher Gray, spokesman for FJP, said in an email.

Apparently the FJP is not one of your standard 501(c)(3) organization. That has a list of requirements, most of which would keep the head of the Fair and Just Prosecution from playing the games she appears to be doing.

FJP is not officially incorporated with the Internal Revenue Service, but is instead “fiscally sponsored” by the Tides Foundation, a left-wing money clearinghouse. This arrangement means FJP does not have to disclose financial information, nor maintain a board of directors with power over Krinsky.

I’ll be honest. I don’t have any idea how that works legally with the regards to our “friends” at the Internal Revenue Service. I suspect that if the FJP had a Board of directors, they would have shut down Krinsky, potentially terminating her employment.

Miriam’s leadership is characterized by a deep-seated culture of secrecy. She withholds critical information from even her top staff, including undisclosed financial details, such as her actual salary,” the employees said. “She has meticulously crafted an organizational structure that consolidates her power, eliminating any meaningful oversight.”

Not disclosing financial details? That sounds like she’s looting the treasury to me. Now if the FJP were a 501(c)(3), they could expect to be audited once in a while and there is nothing an IRS agent likes more then revoking a nonprofit’s status and slamming them for back taxes, expect possibly putting the head of the organization in jail for things like tax evasion and embezzlement, not that I think Miriam Krinsky is doing that.

The Daily Wire article goes in to the accusations that the FJP is “Black listing” Black members from various functions and Krinksy responding by telling them that they weren’t following the key values of the FJP. (Letting criminals continue robbing, raping and murdering if their ancestors came from Africa a few centuries ago)

Policy and prosecution choices and decisions made by the DA here raised serious concerns about a commitment to our values and reform,” she wrote. “As a result, following research and due deliberation, FJP stepped back from some of our engagement with the DA.”

An August investigation from the Media Research Center found Krinsky held sway over law enforcement officials with jurisdiction over more than 3 in 10 Americans. The report found that Soros uses FJP to maintain contact with the left-wing prosecutors he helps get elected with massive donations. FJP often writes public statements and op-eds in elected official’s names, and summons them to “mandatory” training sessions.

Oh I would love to go to one of those “Mandatory Training Sessions.” The fun I would have ripping them up one side and down the other would make their heads explode. I would show up, ready to use that most hated of tactics, to liberals anyway, facts. When you start firing the equivalent of double ought buckshot at liberals and blow large holes in their preconceived notions, the screams of outrage are a joy to behold.

According to the Media Research Center, FJP pushed the idea that statistically-disproportionate racial outcomes are sufficient to prove racism. The group pressed its DAs to “reduc[e] racial disparities in case outcomes by at least 20%” — and to not use police for health calls.

Now I am going to make an assumption here due to my personal lack of knowledge. Unlike a Progressive, Liberal or Democrat, I am quite willing to be corrected in the comments section. I assume that police roll on these “Health checks” for a number of reasons, a big one being that the individual in question could be stark raving bonkers and actually dangerous to himself and especially others. They also generally happen to be closer to the site in question and can quickly determine if an ambulance is needed.

The FJP staff’s experience corresponds with what conservatives have long said about the Soros judicial philosophy: that it pushes lax policies against traditional crime but draconian enforcement against critics and political opponents.

A typical weekly update from Krinsky to her stable of prosecutors, dated April 19, 2022, lauds Ingraham County Prosecuting Attorney Carol Siemon for “charging fewer drug-inducted homicide cases.”

I don’t know anything about Carol Siemon, but it sounds like she is a typical Soros DA. Over the last few years, these DA’s have been getting removed from office, usually by the voters who are sick of being victims of crime and a DA who won’t lock them up, and a few who were removed by State authorities. (Kim Gardner would be a case in point)

On the next page, meanwhile, Krinsky commends Washington, D.C., Attorney General Karl Racine for “expanding its lawsuit against the January 6th insurrectionists” — none of whom have been charged with insurrection — noting that the goal is “to bring about additional accountability beyond existing criminal actions by DOJ, including targeting the finances of groups.”

Krinsky and her organization, among other things, is pushing the standard Democrat line that what happened on January 6th was an insurrection. It wasn’t. However, the way the Democrats have been handling things over the last 15 years has pushed this country into a cold civil war. I really wish they would start pulling back before they do something that triggers a massive and bloody response. However, that’s a discussion for another day.

What I do find important is the fact that yet another Leftist organization, run by White Progressives, is being hit with charges of racism. It’s interesting that you don’t generally see this happening with the more conservative organizations despite the accusations of the Left. Are they as pure as the driven snow? Oh Hell no.

The difference is that the Conservative groups, when they find out about something like this happening internally are quick to deal with the issue. They also don’t try to hide what’s going on if they do find a problem and show how they are correcting things. Why is this? That’s simple. They know how the Left will act and they will be able to show that “Yes, we found an issue and here is how we dealt with it.”

For the Progressives, it’s all about hiding the fact that deep down, they consider all nonwhites to be inferior to them and that they are to stupid to think for themselves. When someone like Sherry Boston, who may actually agree with most of that drivel pushed by the FJP steps slightly off the reservation, the white progressives will crush them. For the rest of us? It’s pure entertainment.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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