Secretary of Commerce calls for Trump’s death

Good day all. It’s only been a couple of week since the last attempt on the life of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, and the Democrats are once again calling for the murder of President Trump.

Many people have been calling on the Democrats to tone down their rhetoric since that rhetoric was one of the reasons to nutcases either took a shot at President Trump or tried to. Instead, they are ramping it up and it looks like that at least one senior member of the current maladministration has just crossed the line. Here are the details from Fox News:

Harris surrogate and President Biden’s Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo called for Trump to be extinguished “for good” during an interview on Wednesday, less than two weeks after the second attempt on his life.

Extinguished? That sounds like a threat to me. I wonder when the FBI or the Secret Service is going to place her murderous commie ass under arrest?

In an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Raimondo attacked Trump’s policy positions, saying that she felt compelled to speak out in her personal capacity before the election because “the stakes are so high.” The discussion took a turn when host Mika Brzezinski asked Raimondo about Trump calling himself a “protector” of women at his rally in Pennsylvania earlier this week.

I followed the link and President Trump was discussing abortion and how the Progressive Liberal Democrats want abortion up until birth and in some cases after birth. I’m not going to get into the abortion discussion here.

“I don’t know how we have gotten here, but we sure as hell have to get out of here and get Kamala in the White House,” Raimondo replied. “I’m a woman. I have a 20-year-old daughter. When I read that, when I saw the ‘protector,’ it is enraging, it is blood-curdling and it is BS. Not only is it wrong and a lie, it belittles us. We’re not that stupid. We know he’s lying. And we don’t need his baloney telling us he’ll protect us. We know the facts of how he feels about women…”

Yes, President Trump likes them. You, on the other hand, have no problem sacrificing women for your political agenda. (Abortion pills have had some lethal side effects) This is where Raimondo basically called for President Trump’s murder.

“It’s just another lie. How did we get here? Let’s extinguish him for good,” she added. “We have an answer, we have a remarkably talented candidate who is sincere, pragmatic, open. Let’s just get it done.”

The MSNBC host realized that Raimondo had just put her foot in it big time and threw that arrogant idiot a lifeline.

Brzezinski seemingly understood the severity of Raimondo’s comment in the moment, offering her a chance to clarify what she meant.

“You mean vote him out?” she said.

“Vote him out, banish him from American politics,” Raimondo replied. “Yes, just vote him out so he goes away.”

Nice save there. Of course you can’t vote President Trump out since he is currently not in office. The truth is, Raimondo, like most of the radical Progressive Liberal Democrats are terrified that President Trump and a number of his supporters are going to win the election in November. They know what they’ve done to him and to anyone who supports the idea of Making America Great Again. Now we have two actual attempts on President Trump, one of which, except by the grace of God and a bad choice in murder weapons, missed the target.

Trump has blamed the “rhetoric” from Democrats for causing him to be “shot at,” telling Fox News Digital that the suspected gunman in the second assassination attempt “acted” on “highly inflammatory language” from the left. 

It’s not just rhetoric any longer. The apparent “Starvation” of resources for President Trump’s Secret Service detail, along with flat out denials of additional resources is now documented. As various hearings and investigations into the two attempts ramp up, it’s becoming clear that someone in a position of authority is, if not plotting President Trump’s assassination, does appear to setting things up to make it easier for an assassin to get into position.

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung scolded Raimondo for using the word “extinguished,” a day after revealing that Trump was briefed on “real and specific threats” from Iran to assassinate him.

“SICK & TWISTED: Kamala surrogate and high-ranking U.S. [sic] government official @GinaRaimondo is demanding President Trump be… ‘EXTINGUISHED FOR GOOD.’ She just advertised a bounty to be put on him. She is no better than the Iranian terrorists,” Cheung wrote on X.

Sick and twisted? Yes. Standard rhetoric from the Democrats with regards to not just President Trump but also half or better or the American population. (Citizens and Legal resident aliens. Illegals don’t count) It’s this very rhetoric that the latest lunatic was listening to when he made his attempt. (Thanks to the FBI and DoJ’s covering up of details on the first attempt, no one knows what the first and now dead criminal was thinking) Unfortunately for the Deep State, the second loser was taken alive and he can answer questions.

Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in Trump’s second foiled assassination attempt, previously echoed Biden and Harris’ anti-Trump comments, that “Democracy is on the ballot” on his social media pages this year, and that Democrats “cannot lose.” 

Regarding the “Democrats can’t lose” remark, the defendant is not totally incorrect. If the Democrats can rig an election, then they won’t lose. The certainly intend to try and whoever provided this dirtbag with the resources to go after Trump knows this. Taking out the Greatest President of the 21st century, Donald Trump, would almost guarantee Comrade Kamala and Tampon Timmy seize control of the White House.

Democrats, meanwhile, have repeatedly blamed Trump for raising the temperature and have accused him of being a “threat to democracy,” particularly due to his handling of the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. 

That is the standard projection of the Democrat Party. They always accuse others of being and doing what they are and do. They are the ones who have been making flat out threats against President Trump, who tried to institute a full blown coup against him, have attempted to railroad him into prison and have failed at every turn. Now they’re trying to set things up so someone can murder him.

As for Secretary of Commerce Raimondo? She needs, at the very least, to be removed from her position. Frankly, she needs to be arrested and charged. Of course, with the current maladministration full of criminals, starting with Biden, that won’t happen. Hopefully, we will see a major change next year and for the Democrats, all their legal chickens will start coming home to roost.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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