Biden-Harris response to Hurricane Helene victims? Sucks to be you

Good day all. I’ve held off a bit writing about the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene in the South Eastern United States. It’s really bad. It wasn’t the winds so much but the rainfall and flooding caused by it. What is really enraging, if not surprising, has been the response by Dementia Joe and Comrade Kackling Kamala.

Joe Biden, who probably doesn’t know where he is at any given moment, was asked why he was parking his butt on a beach in Delaware and wasn’t either in the White House coordinating emergency response, or visiting the region. Here is his response from RedState:

As we reported earlier, the purported leader of the free world, fresh off another vacation at the beach, was asked two questions Sunday about the so-called federal response to Hurricane Helene, which devastated parts of the southeastern United States including western North Carolina, which was hit particularly hard in what some have called their Hurricane Katrina moment.

For those of you who may not remember, Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 storm that hit New Orleans. The Mayor at the time, and the then Governor were both Democrats. When the storm warnings came in, the Bush Administration offered to help with the preparations, but were rebuffed. The levels of incompetence caused something on the order of 1000 people to lose their lives. One of the memes at the time was a picture of dozens of school buses that could have been used to evacuate people sitting in a flooded parking lot, unused,

The “second strike” as it were, was the response by then President George W. Bush. His head of FEMA screwed up the pre-storm preparations and the initial responses. The final straw for many was was Bush’s remarks on then FEMA director Michael Brown. The infamous quote of “Heck of a job, Brownie” became the catch phrase of Bush II, ranking down there with his father’s remark, “Read my lips, no new taxes!” which he promptly broke.

Returning to the Dementia patient’s remarks when asked about sending more, or any help:

Biden was first asked, “Do you have any words to the victims of the hurricane?”

His response? “We’ve given everything that we have.”

“Are there any more resources the federal government could be giving them?” the reporter also inquired.

“No,” Biden coldly replied at a time when he should have been emphatically stating they were standing by to assist in whatever way they could.

Even G.W. Bush wasn’t that stupid. While FEMA was incompetent at getting the supplies that were needed into place, they were at least making the attempt and G.W. Bush was at least trying to get things done. Biden, being the psychopath that he is, couldn’t care less.

This brings us to the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris. Even if, for whatever reason, Biden couldn’t get his wrinkly, senile ass out of that beach chair, Harris could have shown up and pushed things along. Instead, she continued her campaign and was fund raising in San Francisco.

This brings us to the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. During his first administration, when something like this happened, President Trump made sure things got done, including showing up personally. His response, even though he is not in office, was no different. Here are some of the details from Breibart:

A GoFundMe authorized by former President Donald Trump to raise money for the people who have been affected by Hurricane Helene has raised over $1,000,000.

President Donald J. Trump has launched this GoFundMe campaign as an official response for MAGA supporters to offer their financial assistance to their fellow Americans impacted by Hurricane Helene,” the description on the GoFundMe page says. “With so many across the Southeastern U.S. facing challenges after the storm, President Trump is on the ground in communities to see the aftermath firsthand. All donations will be directed to help those most affected by Hurricane Helene.”

President Trump, unlike either Harris or Biden, went to one of the areas devastated by the storm.

Valdosta, (Georgia), has been ravaged,” Trump said during a speech on Monday. “The town is very, very badly hurting, and many thousands are without power. They’re running low on food and fuel. We brought a lot of it down with us. It’s going to be distributed now or soon, throughout Georgia as well as North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Virginia, Alabama and Tennessee.”

The Left Wing Progressive Propaganda sheets promptly attacked President Trump for some of his remarks. Some of the remarks were that the Govno of Georgia and North Carolina weren’t able to reach Biden or Harris. Georgia Govno Kemp is not a friend of President Trump, (Flaming RINO), and Govno Roy Cooper is a Democrat. As to whether or not they’ve actually talked with either Dementia Joe or Kackling Kamala, I can’t say. However, a recent story in the New York Post doesn’t make things look good for Comrade Kamala.

Former President Donald Trump charged Monday that a photograph of Vice President Kamala Harris purportedly being briefed on the impacts of Hurricane Helene was “staged” and “fake” because her earbuds appear to not be plugged into her cellphone. 

Another FAKE and STAGED photo from someone who has no clue what she is doing,” the Republican presidential nominee wrote on Truth Social. 

You have to plug the cord into the phone for it to work!” he added. 

The photo in question, (Which you can see in the NY Post article), show’s Harris sitting on a plane with earbuds in place and a cell phone on the table. The buds are not plugged into the phone. There are papers on the desk and if you look closely, they’re all blank. That pretty much sums up the general response from the Biden-Harris maladministration.

The photograph in question — posted on Harris’ official vice presidential X account on Sunday — shows the Democratic nominee appearing pensive and writing notes as she takes a call aboard Air Force Two.  

I was just briefed by [FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell] on the latest developments about the ongoing impacts of Hurricane Helene,” Harris states in the post. “We also discussed our Administration’s continued actions to support emergency response and recovery.”

That must have been hard to hear with the earbuds in and unplugged. (These were not wireless buds) Considering the three and a half years of constant failure by Harris and Biden, this is just more icing on the cake.

Harris, 59, has not traveled to any of the states affected by the storm, which has killed at least 120 people across the southeastern US since making landfall last Thursday.

Nor does she have any plans to. Of course, she’s claiming that she’s waiting to make sure she won’t disrupt “Emergency responses.”

The former president also pledged to deliver several semi-trucks filled with “relief aid,” including gasoline, during his visit to the Peach State.

This is something that President Trump has a history of doing. Unlike your average Democrat, and sadly, to many Republicans, President Trump puts his money where his mouth is. He then went on to blast the epic failure that is the Biden-Harris Maladministration.

Biden and Harris abandoned Americans in Afghanistan,” Trump’s Truth Social post continued. “They sacrificed Americans to an Open Border, and now, they have left Americans to drown in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and elsewhere in the South.”

Under this Administration, Americans always come last, because we have ‘leaders’ who have no idea how to lead!” he added. 

Obviously, President Trump was campaigning, but he also generally cares and wants to help. Harris and Biden just don’t care all that much, especially since most of the affected areas are probably going to be voting for President Trump in November. (Wait, are you saying that Biden and Harris would use relief supplies to punish people for supporting President Trump?)

As mentioned above, President Trump set up a GoFundMe account to help support those devastated by Hurricane Helene. As of this post, it has over $2 million dollars in donations. Please help those and donate what you can. Despite what the Progressive Liberal Democrat lunatics may say, this is a good cause.

As for the politics? We now have two candidates with proven records running for President. One was fairly successful, with a far better economy, and the other, Harris, has shown that she is a complete and utter failure. The choice, (Provided the Democrats don’t steal this election too), is yours.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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