The J.D. Vance vs Tampon Tim debate

Good day all. The Vance/Walz debate was a few days ago. I didn’t watch it which is why I haven’t made any comments on it….until now. I’ve been reading reviews on the debate from a number of different sources, some on the left and some on the right. They all seem to say that Walz blew it big time.

The debate was held under the auspices of CBS News. The moderators, and I use that term very loosely, were CBS News’s Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan. Much like the two moderators for the Trump/Harris debate, they actively tried to aid Walz and fact checked JD Vance. Their attempt to fact check Vance blew up in their faces when he confronted them on it.

From the pictures I’ve seen, Vance looked attentive and relaxed. Walz looked like a deer in the headlights of an oncoming truck. There were questions on Iran firing on Israel and Israel going after Hezbollah. There was the obligatory questions on firearms, with the Democrat propagandists moderators pushing their anti-2nd Amendment agenda on Vance. However it was one of Walz’s remarks that all but sank him. He commented that he was “Friends with school shooters.”

The moderators were very quick to attack things that JD Vance said when he was originally running for Senator. He wouldn’t back down. However, they did nothing to attack Tampon Timmy for his obvious lies, especially his Stolen Valor/desertion issues. (Lying about his rank and bravely retiring when he found out his unit was going to deploy to Iraq)

The comments by both sides seem to agree, in most cases grudgingly, that JD Vance won the debate. Then they turned around and started making excuses for Walz’s near Bidenlike collapse. One of the excuses was how Harris and Walz have refused to do interviews with the media. For instance, we have some of these from Fox News:

Several political commentators and critics linked Gov. Tim Walz’s debate performance to an overall lack of media exposure following his vice presidential debate performance against Sen. JD Vance.

“I think the lack of interviews he has done with national media, with local media, it showed,” CNN host Dana Bash, who interviewed Walz in August alongside Vice President Kamala Harris for their first interview since Harris became the nominee, said. 

And why are Harris and Walz so “Out of practice?” Simply put, they can’t open their mouth’s without putting both feet into them. Compare this with both President Trump and Senator Vance.

Former President Trump and Vance have done at least 61 interviews since the Harris-Walz ticket was formed, compared to 23 non-scripted interviews for the Democratic presidential ticket thus far.

That doesn’t count the off the cuff remarks both President Trump and Senator Vance have made since they started campaigning. Every time Harris opens her mouth, people start looking for salad dressing, crouton and bacon bits to put on the word salad she generates. Walz just lies about whatever.

“I think that Walz did seem unsteady,” ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl said after the debate. “And frankly, what I saw is somebody who has not faced questions on a national stage since he became the Democratic nominee. He was simply out of practice. I mean, I don’t know why they’ve done it, but they’ve kept him out of the limelight. They’ve kept him away from reporters. They haven’t had him do any interviews. And he was clearly unsteady through much of that debate.”

I can answer why they’ve kept them away from the media in anything but highly scripted events. For Comrade Kamala Harris, she can’t string two sentences together without bringing up root causes, venn diagrams or cackling like a hyena.

In contrast, JD Vance was very smooth.”

“Hate to say it but Walz would have benefited from doing a few Sunday morning shows, as Vance has been,” Financial Times associate editor Edward Luce said.

Tim Walz could have benefited with being honest and telling the truth. While the two so called moderators tried to fact check Senator Vance, it was Tampon Timmy who was slapped upside the head after the debate for all the whoppers he was telling. There is no question that JD Vance came across as far more polished than Walz. He wasn’t trying to lie and obfuscate his way through the debate.

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell said Wednesday that Walz was “notably rusty” due to his lack of media exposure, although she incorrectly said he hadn’t done “any solo interviews” since he joined the ticket. Walz has done several local TV and radio hits and did interviews on MSNBC and ABC after the Trump-Harris debate last month, but he has done far fewer formal media sit-downs as a running mate than Vance.

To be honest, Walz has done far more interviews than his running mate and presidential candidate, Kamala Harris.

Continuing through the Fox News story, you see a lot of the Progressive Liberal Media trying to make excuses for Tampon Timmy’s epic failure and J.D. Vance’s obvious skill.

Politico’s analysis of the debate also said Vance and Walz had different preparation strategies.

Let me guess. Vance studied the issues and held practice debates and Walz went to baseball games and flipped the bird at the audience when they boo’d him?

“The Democrats’ campaign chose a different path for Walz, as well as his running mate — essentially avoiding tough environments. And it showed. At times, Walz seemed unprepared either to defend himself (such as his whereabouts during the Tiananmen Square protests) or to summon the most effective lines of attack against Vance and Trump,” the analysis read.

For those who might not know, Walz claimed to be at Tienanmen Square during the protests and massacre. He wasn’t. He flat out lied about it. (I’ve actually been to Tienanmen Square, although it was long after the protests)

Former Obama adviser David Axelrod said he was surprised by the lack of media exposure Harris and Walz have had. 

I can’t speak for Walz, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if there aren’t a few “exposed” pictures of Kamala Harris kicking around in Willie Brown’s scrap book. Oh, that wasn’t what you meant was it?

“I’ve been bewildered a little bit by the absence of both the presidential candidate and the vice presidential candidate on television since they became the nominees, because that’s how people get to know you. And they haven’t really spent a lot of time with either of them before now,” Axelrod said. “He was all over before he became the nominee when he was campaigning for vice president.”

I suspect they’re trying to repeat Biden’s 2020 basement bunker strategy. His handlers, knowing that his senility was really starting to hit, along with his predilection for saying the absolute wrong thing at the wrong time, decided to use the Panicdemic as a great way to keep him under wraps.

There is just one problem with that. The Great Panicdemic of 2020 is long gone and all the special circumstances from that election are no longer present. It doesn’t help that Harris can’t string a coherent paragraph together without sounding like a complete idiot.

As for Walz? He was traipsing around before his selection and it didn’t matter that he is a liar, deserter, coward and a fraud. That was a problem for Minnesota. Now that he’s the Vice Presidential nominee, it’s a big problem as we’ve been seeing. While he is quite capable of public speaking, he past has caught up with him and he’s getting called out on it. In his, and probably the campaign managers minds, only going to friendly venues and minimizing contact with a potentially hostile press makes sense.

This has opened the door for President Trump and Senator Vance and they are both charging through it. They know the Main Stream Media is not their friend and are prepared for it. They will go where Harris and Walz fear to tread. Even the with the Democrat Propaganda Corps working overtime, both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can’t hide from their pasts. The recent debate showed just how bad Walz really is. I think the best thing we can do for him is send him back to finish out his term as Govno of Minnesota.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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