Biden throws Harris under the bus

Good day all. After Biden self destructed in the debate with President Trump, he was forced out of the race by Pelosi, Schumer and Obama. Biden may be senile, but this is something that has really stuck in his craw. Now Biden, who has a long history of being a vindictive bastard, is apparently sabotaging Harris’s campaign.

Recently, Comrade Kamala the Kackler held a rally in Michigan. It was being televised right up until Biden showed up in the White House press room for the first time ever. Immediately the coverage of Harris was dropped in favor of Biden. This is a problem for Harris of course, but what made it worse was Biden announcing that Harris was involved in every decision.

This is exactly the last thing Harris wanted since she has been trying to walk away from Biden. She has been trying to hide, with the help of the Democrat Propaganda Corps, just how incompetent she is. Now Biden has basically created an ad for the Trump/Vance campaign. Here are some of the details from the Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden appears to have intentionally stolen the show from Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday as Harris, who took the Democrat Party nomination from Biden after the party forced him to quit the 2024 presidential race, took the stage for a rally.

CNN reported live on air that they were preparing to switch their coverage to Harris’ rally in Michigan right when Biden decided to walk out, unscheduled, and take over the White House press briefing.

This is something that Biden has never done in his entire maladministration. Generally, his handlers want to keep him as far away from the media as possible unless it’s scripted and he’s been very well medicated. This is why everyone switched to the White House and dropped Kameltoe.

The incident comes as reports have surfaced stating that Biden is surprised, even miffed, that his party and its media organs have moved past his presidency to focus on Harris.

Miffed? That’s a nice way of saying flat out enraged.

Biden also has reportedly taken issue with Harris saying during her debate with former President Donald Trump that she is “clearly … not Joe Biden.”

Ouch! That was a nice kick to the groin. However, Dementia Joe wasn’t through. He continued throwing crap on Harris.

During the press briefing, Biden was asked about the role that Harris has played in the administration over the last several years.

Here it comes!

Well, she’s — I’m in constant contact with her,” Biden said. “She’s aware of where — we all — we’re singing from the same song sheet. She helped pass all the laws that are being employed now.”

She was a major player in everything we’ve done, including passage of legislation, which we were told we could never pass,” he continued. “And so, she’s been — and her — her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we’re doing.”

The responses to Biden’s remarks have been entertaining to say the least. Here are a few details from Fox News:

As Harris seeks to turn the page on Biden’s embattled presidency, conservatives on social media called this a gift to the Trump campaign.

Oh it was, it was.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha mocked the statement by writing, “Look ma. A campaign ad!”

“I’m Donald Trump and I approved this message,” Trump campaign adviser Chris LaCivita joked.

“If Biden were *actively trying* to tank Kamala’s campaign, what would he be doing differently?” Daily Wire’s Virginia Kruta asked.

CNN pundit Scott Jennings wrote, “He is literally trying to destroy her campaign and it’s just incredible.”

I don’t know why you’re so surprised. Excluding Biden’s mental incapacity, he’s always been a vindictive, evil son of a bitch. He will stab anyone in the back he perceives as either a threat or disloyal to him. After what Harris and the Democrat elites did to him, did they really think Joe Biden and Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden were just going to walk quietly into the night.

Biden’s surprise media appearance occurred at almost the exact same time as Harris was speaking at a major event, causing networks to cut away from her to focus on the president instead. 

“Kamala began speaking in Michigan at 2:04 EST. Biden went to the White House briefing room two minutes later for the first time since he took office. All of the networks then cut from Kamala to Biden. Biden then said he and Kamala are ‘singing from the same song sheet. She’s a major player in everything that we’ve done,’” digital strategist Greg Price wrote in a social media post. “He absolutely despises her lol.”

Biden is a classic psychopath of course, even with his severe mental degradation. I think that makes his vindictiveness even worse. When Harris was selected to be Biden’s VP, there was talk that she would replace him in 2024. Of course, Harris quickly showed that she is staggeringly incompetent and basically proved that the only way she got ahead was on her back with her legs open.

Now Biden is going to show that Harris can’t win. He truly believes that he should still be at the head of the ticket, not Harris. Biden is, of course, delusional and always has been. He is the epitome of a slimy, greedy, corrupt political hack who’s only goal has always been his own personal wealth and power. I suspect he sees destroying Harris and putting President Trump back in the White House as his personal revenge on the Democrat Party and Kamala Harris.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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