Mayorkas says that FEMA is out of money. IG says “Whoa! Hold on their pardner!”

Good day all. The ongoing scandal that is FEMA’s incredible levels of incompetence continues. Recently, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland (in)Security, Alejandro Mayorkas announced that FEMA had run out of money.

The ongoing crisis is about to get a lot worse with Hurricane Milton, as of this writing, a category 5 storm, bears down on Florida. Florida is doing all it can to get ready but there is little doubt that federal help will be needed. In the mean time, funds for the relief of people devastated from Hurricane Helene may have been misappropriated by Mayorkas and he’s started crying poverty. However, a report by the Inspector General reports that FEMA is sitting on over $8 BILLION dollars. Here are the details from Fox Business News:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas faces a new firestorm of criticism for claiming FEMA is out of disaster funds right as the DHS’ Inspector General released a report saying FEMA is sitting on at least $8.3 billion in untapped, unspent funds.

On Oct 2, Mayorkas said, “We are expecting another hurricane hitting. We do not have the funds. FEMA does not have the funds to make it through the season and what is imminent.”

So why hasn’t FEMA started using those funds? Isn’t that what the money was appropriated for in the first place?

Analysts say FEMA cannot tap unspent appropriations from long-ago crises, so the money sits frozen as 600 people are reportedly still missing from Hurricane Helene, at least 220 died, and entire towns were wiped off the map. Helene is the most catastrophic hurricane to hit the U.S. since Katrina in 2005.

Excuse me? What do you mean the money can’t be spent? Are you saying it’s been sitting there, unused since Katrina? I wonder of Congress is aware of this?

Budget experts warn that this new firestorm shows that FEMA has been turned into a slush fund that the agency and the Biden-Harris White House can spend at will. 

Why am I not surprised that the most incompetent and corrupt administration in at least a century has been stealing misusing funds meant for disaster relief and recovery.

An August 2024 report from Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General noted, “As of October 2022, FEMA estimated that 847 disaster declarations with approximately $73 billion in unliquidated funds remained open.” The report also says “$8.3 billion in unliquidated obligations” was “for disasters declared in 2012 or earlier” that analysts say could be returned to help people battling for survival in disasters now.

The IG report concurs, saying, “More than $7 billion in unliquidated funds… could potentially be returned to the Disaster Relief Fund.”   

So why hasn’t it? What is required to release the funds for the purposes for which it was appropriated in the first place, major disasters?

Jeremy Portnoy, at the watchdog group Open the Books, notes that the way FEMA has set it up, the agency has locked in grant money that it must use during and before a “period of performance” deadline. That means the funds are obligated for that time period. 

However, the Inspector General report finds that FEMA has been extending deadlines by up to 16 years for $7 billion worth of grants, sometimes without explanation. For example, FEMA is still sitting on $4.5 billion in unused, frozen funds for Super Storm Sandy, which happened 12 years ago, in 2012. FEMA officials have to justify and explain why they’re extending deadlines in writing, but it’s unclear what they’re saying to justify freezing the funds for so long.

They aren’t justifying it, they’re just making it up out of whole cloth.

The IG report also notes that FEMA officials extend spending programs based on “subjective” criteria and that “as a result, the potential risk for fraud, waste, and abuse increases the longer a program remains open.”

That’s the whole idea. Would you care to guess how much of that money was “Misplaced” right into some bureaucrat’s offshore Cayman Island’s bank account? Perhaps the smarter ones are using Malta instead. Then, of course, is the Biden-Harris maladministration using that money to hide illegal aliens in the United States.

Congressional Republicans are already hammering the Biden-Harris administration’s response to Hurricane Helene. FEMA is under fire for spending $1.1 billion on sheltering and aiding illegal aliens, according to details in government documents.  Rep. Nancy Mace, R-S.C., introduced a bill to end FEMA’s shelter program for illegal migrants.

That was a billion dollars that should have been used to help Americans. More and more, I think that there are quite a few senior level people in the Biden-Harris maladministration that need to face a jury for their actions.

It raises the question: with the Biden-Harris White House turning disaster agency FEMA into an adjunct agency on the border crisis, is that a tacit admission its manufactured border crisis really is a disaster?

With Hurricane Milton, depending on when I post this, either bearing down or already having hit Florida, and the damage expected to be both extensive and massive, the criminal incompetence of Biden, Harris and Mayorkas with how FEMA has been and will respond should see major investigations from both parties. I expect nothing from the Democrats of course. They’re just as evil now as the Nazis and Communists.

I’ve started seeing people on the innerwebtubes saying that FEMA needs to be completely overhauled with most of it’s managers shown the door. I disagree. FEMA needs to be abolished and most of it’s personnel fired. A new agency should be set up under the auspices of the Pentagon, (Once the political generals who can’t win wars are reassigned to latrine duty in the Aleutians). The military has a long track record of getting things done. Since they won’t be involved in law enforcement duties, there should be no issues with Posse Comitatus. Perhaps the next President and Congress will consider this option. We shall see.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Mayorkas says that FEMA is out of money. IG says “Whoa! Hold on their pardner!”

  1. Jason A says:

    Pretty sure this qualifies for the “I’m shocked” meme…
    DHS IG says that DHS is misusing funds, so Dems call for a firing…

    “Ranking Members Raskin and Thompson Call for Removal of Inspector General Cuffari Following Damning Report”


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