- December 23, 2004
We have completed the move to the new server and things seem to be going
well. Some of you may hit our old site. This is due to DNS issues. The easiest
way to confirm if you are at our old site is go to the Webmaster Online page
and see if it is the webmaster and his wife, (With really silly grins on their
faces), or if it is the webmaster alone in a green sweatshirt. If the later
you are on the new site. If the former you are on the old site. Rebooting your
computer is the easiest way to clear out your DNS cache. (You can also try
ipconfig /flushdns from the command prompt if you are comfortable with windows
systems). If this doesn't work call your ISP and ask how often they update
their DNS servers. If it is longer then 24-48 hours yell loudly at them. :)
- December 21, 2004
At some point in the next week or two Anger Central will be moving to a
new hosting company. Recent events with reliability of our present service
have forced us to make the move. (Also the new company is cheaper and has more
features) At some point the switch will be made and the site will be offline
until we can upload it to the new servers. We haven't decided as to when this
will occur, probably sometime after Christmas.
- December 19, 2004
Well the first week has been a good one. Mrs. Webmaster is getting her
bearings, the Webmaster has arranged for her to call home as often as she
wants, (see the links page for the service I
selected), and now we have started looking into
Skype as well. Mrs.. Webmaster made the comment to the Webmaster's father
the other day, that the air here is so much cleaner. Because of this, she has
been detoxing a bit. :)
- December 11, 2004
We're back! The webmaster has returned from China with his new wife in
hand. Say hello to the new Mrs. Webmaster. :) We spent two weeks in China and
went through a wedding a Chinese ceremony. This one has no legal basis since
we have to get married in the U.S. for her immigration status. We did this for
the new Webmistress and her family and friends. It was very colorful. Pictures
will be posted soon. To celebrate we have reopened the Add page for you.
- November 24, 2004
You may have noticed that Anger Central has been unavailable the last
couple of days. This was due to a sever server crash with our hosting company.
They were forced to completely replace the old server with a new IBM xSeries
server. The webmaster is very familiar with these servers. He has worked on a
number of them. In fact the company he works for manufactures them, which
probably explains why the hosting company has been having trouble getting the
web sites back up and running. ;)
Well we are off to china now. We just thought we would make this quick notice
for our fans. See you all in a few weeks!
- November 21, 2004
Taking the high road to China! The webmaster is off to China to bring home
his bride. After nearly 2 years the waiting is over! We will be back on or
about December 11, and we promise not to blow up the site this time. ;)
Meanwhile we have closed the Add page for now.
- November 8, 2004
It seems we have someone out there who objects to the webmasters impending
marriage to his beloved future wife. The posters racism is only outweighed by
his complete ignorance of the situation. The future Mrs. Webmaster owns her
own business, and her family is rather well off. The equivalent would be
middle class here. Since this poster has no idea what the facts our, we will
be nice and not verbally blast his utter and complete ignorance about
everything. Jerk!
- November 7, 2004
We had some weather related problems here at our data center this week.
Due to high winds a rather large branch fell off a tree in the rear area and
crashed into a fence belonging to a neighbor. The webmaster and the Angry
facilities manager spent an hour cutting the remains of that branch up and
clearing away the wreckage. The neighbor was a good sport. Anger Central
lucked out with all this. The branch weighed several hundred pounds and just
missed the neighbors garage. The fence was going to be torn down anyway to be
replaced so Anger Central was able to avoid dipping into its petty cash fund.
- November 6, 2004
The webmaster has started preparing his travel plans to bring his Fiancée
home at long last. He will be leaving November 26, the day after Thanksgiving
and will be returning December 9th. Needless to say, we will be shutting down
the Add page while he is gone. It should be reopened some time in
- November 1, 2004
Great news!! The Webmaster's fiancée has received her visa!! Now the two
of them are working on how soon they can get together. The future Mrs.
Webmaster would like the webmaster to come at the end of November, (and he
would love to go then as well), however one of his co-workers has already
scheduled a vacation for that time. :( We will work it out of course. :)
- October 29, 2004
We have signed up with Google ads. No idea if we will keep them, but lets see
if anyone tries them.
- October 28, 2004
Exciting news!! The webmaster was called at home by a Chinese law firm. His
Fiancée was there getting prepared for her big interview tomorrow morning. The
lawyer asked a few questions, and confirmed a few things. After that the
Webmaster was able to speak to his Beloved Future Wife for a few minutes. He
is now walking on cloud 9. This bodes well for the rest of us at Anger
Central. However if the consulate in China should deny the Future Mrs.
Webmaster a visa, well, the rest of the staff has a well stocked and hardened
bomb shelter ready and waiting in just in case. The Webmaster's temper is
positively nuclear when activated. <shudder>
- October 27, 2004
The webmaster received an interesting call today while at his real job. His
lawyer called to let him know that she had just received a notice from the
consulate that his Fiancée is supposed to go to the consulate on October 29 at
8am local time and also needed to fill out a number of forms and get a
physical exam. The lawyer was very concerned because she didn't know of any
way to get this done in the time allotted. The webmaster informed her that his
fiancée had been notified a month earlier and was already down at the
consulate waiting for her appointment later this week. The sigh of relief from
our lawyer was rather audible. Just goes to show you how inept and incompetent
our State Department is.
- October 24, 2004
We have activated the RSS feed and made it a permanent feature of this web
If you aren't certain how to use an RSS feed, or of you click on the new
RSS link, and
get a page of code, we have linked to an application we use called FeedReader.
This is an Open Source RSS reader available at
We have placed a link to it on our links page.
Also we have looked into plane tickets to China. Because
of the complicated nature of the Webmaster's trip, (A single round trip ticket
and a single one-way ticket), the Webmaster went to a travel agent. He was
ranting about plane fares
when he returned. Apparently, he has to complete his trip by December 9th,
or the costs will double. So, he is looking at about $1500 total of he leaves
on December 3rd and returns on the 9th. Otherwise his costs double. Damn
Airlines!! Ok people, lets not be shy. feel free to donate to the Webmaster's
"Bring his Fiancée to America" fund.
- October 22, 2004
The webmaster has just had a message from his fiancée. She is now in
Guangzhou preparing for her interview. Needless to say the webmaster is very
anxious right now. The future Mrs. Webmaster has had the required physical and
is in good health. More details as they become known.
- October 16, 2004
We are working on an RSS feed for Anger Central.
We aren't certain we will keep it, but we will try it for a bit.
- October 11, 2004
This came in from the Add page, but it is not a rant. We also thought it
should be posted, but since this doesn't meet our criteria we decided to just
put it here in the news section:
Well, I will tell you, my eyes were opened today as
we went and looked at a new automobile and the salesman was a very nice
ex-Marine who had just returned from Iraq. He had served 8 years in our
military and was very proud. As an American, family we thanked him for his
service and told him that we are proud of all our people over in Iraq. We
asked him his personal opinion and he said he could go on for hours but wanted
us to know, in his humble opinion, after being on the frontlines that WE HAD
DONE THE RIGHT THING. He said that his company had made friends with some of
the Iraqi people and that they would come and visit them (if they could).
These Iraqi people thanked them for being there. He told us that he had not
had a shower for 2 months and that one Iraqi gentleman kept coming when he
could and offering his shower and home for their company to rest. The man that
was offering his home was an educated engineer and was not able to work for
years. His children were not allowed to go to school. His family has been
oppressed for years due to Saddam's regime. Those were the man's words from
his mouth. He told the young man we were working with that if it weren't for
the U.S. coming in that their country would never have had a chance at having
anything and that they hoped we would not leave before the job was finished.
We talked with this ex-Marine for about 20 minutes about his experiences. As
we were leaving his parting message was, I am voting for George W. Bush and I
am proud that I was able to do what I had done in Iraq and would do it again.
It is too bad that the media will not let this and other good messages out to
the American people so that we can have a clear mind when voting this election
year. Thank you for your time and I hope that each and every one of you can
seek out an ex-Military person that has been on the frontlines so that you too
can get accurate information straight from the horse's mouth.
- October 10, 2004
The webmaster has sent off all the forms the future Mrs. Webmaster will
need for her Visa Interview on October 29th. What a pain in the A** that was!
The webmaster's 1040 form is a wonderful piece of complex bulls***, and having
to go through and list all his investments took most of the weekend. Still, it
is done and has been sent to China. It should reach there some time this week.
We have no doubt that the Webmaster's fiancée will have a wonderful time
trying to decipher the tax forms. :/
One thing we do want to do is give out thanks to Greta G. She is the co-worker
and notary public who handled all the stamps the webmaster needed. Thanks
- October 2, 2004
There is a new Rant from the
Angry Webmaster. This one is a beauty.
The webmaster is also working on yet more paperwork for his fiancée's visa.
This time he has to send her an affidavit of financial support, and it has to
be notarized. Fortunately he works with Notary Public and she is also going to
China to pick up a baby girl she is adopting with her husband right around the
same time that the webmaster is going to pick up HIS "baby." ;)
- September 22, 2004
Just a quick news update. The webmaster's Fiancée has received her Visa
appointment!! The future Mrs. Webmaster will be going to the consulate on
October 29th at 8am for her interview. She should be able to pick up her visa
the following Monday. Then in about a month the webmaster will fly to China
and bring her home! After 2 years of hell the end is in sight!! Yay Us!!
- September 11, 2004
Today is the third anniversary of the attack on the United States by
Islamic terrorists. The World Trade Center was destroyed and the Pentagon was
heavily damaged. 3000 people were killed. Please remember them and why we are
fighting these barbarians.
On another note, more layoff's at the webmasters real world job. His
supervisor was let go along with others around the country. This was a bit of
a surprise. Very definitely politics was involved at higher levels. The
webmaster's group is getting a new supervisor and while we do know him, we
would prefer not to work under him.
It doesn't help that the webmaster's sister was also laid off from her
position. She was also in a managerial position. Her department was
essentially dissolved out from under her. She was the only one that lost her
job so far. Unlike the company the webmaster slaves for, his sister's company
will at least provide a severance package. The webmaster's supervisor, like
everyone else in his company was basically tossed out the door with nothing.
If anyone knows of a managerial position in New Hampshire or Massachusetts,
please drops us a note from the Add page.
- September 5, 2004
Happy Labor Day!!
This is the weekend when all American labor at home instead of at their places
of business. ;)
The webmaster handed in his laptop to the Angry Systems administrator. He
wanted it rebuilt and all the old stuff removed. This only took all day, but
the laptop was returned to the webmaster all nice and clean. Pity the Angry
Sysadmin "forgot" to back up all the Webmasters data first. ;)
- August 28,2004
We have added more quotes to the new quote generator, also we have added a
few items to the Page O' Links as well.
- August 22, 2004
We have started playing with a quote generator. For the time being we are
using the quotes that came with it. No doubt we will be adding a few of our
own pithy phrases.
- August 15, 2004
Oh what fun! Last week the Angry Systems Administrator came down to the
cafeteria in our little data center and spotted a yellow jacket. For those who
don't know it is a rather nasty type of wasp. He killed and when another flew
into the room. Turns out we had a nest in the walls. We are glad to report the
nest has been destroyed with no casualties on the human side, but it cost us
almost $200. That just delayed the construction of our newest system for a few
- August 7, 2004
The Angry System Admin completed a week of training on the new Windows
2003 Server (Enterprise). He was given a full copy with a 25 user license.
When he went to upgrade the test server, BOOM! There appears to be a hardware
compatibility issue in there somewhere, probable with the SCSI card and hard
drive. The test system is using older parts.
The Angry webmaster's fiancée had a little accident last weekend. She tripped
and sprained her ankle. She is all right, but is sore and bored since she has
to stay home to heal.
- July 25, 2004
Not much happening here at Anger Central. Last week was a hell week for the
webmaster at his real world job. The network decided to take a dive, not once,
but twice and we got very little help from the corporate networking group.
This was on top of all the ID10T errors that happened as well. The webmaster
is still waiting for news from China. We are going to give it a couple of more
weeks then start up our campaign of harassment again. To top things off this
week, Boston is essentially closed for the Democratic National Convention and
orgy. Good luck getting into the city.
In other news, Anger Central has begun the process of building a brand new
computer. This will replace the one we use now for development work. We are
looking at an AMD 64 CPU and possibly serial ATA drives. We have already
received our new case. Black with a clear panel on the side. It will be a
couple of months before it is up and running.
- July 7, 2004
Our dev system is back up and running much better now. We are reopening
the Add page.
- June 27, 2004
We have temporarily closed the add page. We're taking a little time off
and also are planning on rebuilding the development system. We should be
reopening after the 4th of July.
- June 20, 2004
The Webmaster is a little less irritable today. Earlier this week he
received a letter from the office of Senator Gregg. They have contacted the
consulate in China and have managed to crowbar more information out of them in
a couple of weeks then the webmaster has been able to in 6 months. According
to the Consulate, they have to go through something like 4500 cases, and their
best guesstimate is either September or October. Well at least that gives them
a few months of not being harassed by the webmaster.
- June 13, 2004
More news from China. The consulate has deigned to reply to the webmaster's
request for information. The webmaster asked how long before he could expect a
visa for his fiancée. There answer was "Case can be scheduled in few months."
Yeah, right...These blithering morons have screwed the webmaster and his
fiancée over and over time and time again. So what does this mean? Xinqing
probably won't be able to come to the US until mid-late fall at best. Grrrrrr!
- June 6, 2004
This is the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, France.
The webmaster had a relative who landed on Omaha Beach with the first wave. He
survived the war, but passed away a few years ago.
And now, we have news from China. The
Visa Information Center has been allowed to reopen. This means that they will
start scheduling appointments for people, (Such as the Future Mrs. Webmaster),
to come in for their interviews and to pick up their visas. YAY! :)
- May 22, 2004
Well the Webmaster managed to pull a real boneheaded maneuver this week.
He was working on a brand new server, unpacking the parts, when he managed to
slit his left thumb with his knife. Nice going dumbass! His supervisor had to
drive him to the hospital to have it sewed up. Yes, he needed three stitches
in his thumb to close it. Well, as anyone who is in the computer field knows,
in order for a computer to work properly you must make a blood sacrifice.
Normally slaughtering the appropriate number of chickens will suffice, but
this time it looks like the computer gods wanted human blood for a change. The
stitches will be coming out next week.
- May 16, 2004
The webmaster has emailed the consulate in Guangzhou, China to see what is
happening with his fiancée's visa request. Surprisingly they replied. They
have acknowledged getting her forms and are now processing them. How she will
get an appointment is the question. Anger Central has found out why the call
center was closed down. They were overcharging people. Since they were asking
for $7 for the first 12 minutes, we agree they were overcharging. However, the
center also scheduled appointments for interviews and visa's. What happens now
is anyone's guess.
- May 2, 2004
Uh oh! The Webmaster is looking very annoyed right now, and you know what
that means...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!
What gives you ask? Well Last Monday the Webmaster checked out the consulate
web site for the first time in a couple of weeks. Right on the main page was a
notice. The Public Security Bureau,
(Chinese version of the American FBI and CIA), had shut the Visa
Information Center down as of 2pm local time the previous Friday. No reason
given. What does this mean for the Webmaster and his fiancée? Because this
place was ordered closed, no visa requests can be processed. No appointments
can be scheduled, nothing!
Why did this happen? No F***ing clue. The American Embassy in Beijing is
asking "WTF, Over?" and hopefully everything will be fixed soon. Without a
doubt it is politics and we are caught in the middle. The only bright side is
the Webmaster read some news indicating the US Govt was not going to pursue
something, and the Chinese Govt was happy about it. Since the whole country
has just started their May Day holiday vacation, the Visa Information Center
was scheduled to close in any case. We will keep you up to date on what the
F*** is happening.
- April 18, 2004
Well some positive news from China. After almost constant harassing of the
Consulate in China, they have finally sent the his Fiancée the packet of forms
and information she needs to fill out and return. FINALLY!!! Hopefully she
will be able to travel in a month or so. Now what can you, our faithful
readers do? Send money!! 8-B Click on the Paypal link and send the webmaster
cash so he can travel to China and bring back the future Angry Webmistress. :)
On another note....Yard work! Yuck! The webmaster is cleaning up his back
yard. He wasn't able to do this last Fall because he took ownership so late in
the year, and he is finding many things under the leaves...like broken glass,
horseshoes and the remains of a horse shoe pit. He's raked up most of the
leaves, but it looks like at least one truck load of loam and a good deal of
leveling are going to be needed, not to mention seeding the lawn. To quote his
Supervisor, "Welcome to the world of home ownership!" Well, I hate to break it
to him, but 1200 Sq/ft is much easier to take care of then the 2 acres he used
to deal with. ;)
- April 10, 2004
Due to the high number of viruses attempting to infiltrate Anger Central,
we have added a new page. This page displays
current virus threats, means to clean them and links. Please visit this page
- April 6, 2004
Slight delay in uploading the Anger Central updates. The Webmaster decided
to take in a movie. He and his brother in-law saw Hellboy and had a good time.
The webmaster didn't get home until late and just decided to wait until the
next day.
The Webmaster heard from the Consulate in Guangzhou China early this morning.
The scream of frustration was heard for miles in all directions. As noted in
the last update, they asked for the Webmaster's fiancée's address in Chinese.
Since he can't read or write Chinese, his fiancée sent him the translation of
her address. He promptly sent it off to the consulate via the form listed on
their web site. He filled out and then pasted in the address using the
Chinese lettering.
Once again he never heard from them. So he sent yet another email. Their
response? Their damn form,
http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/guangzhou/iv/email.html, couldn't handle
the Chinese characters and would he please FAX it to them.
Needless to say he is very annoyed. He sent off an email to his fiancée asking
if she could do this since he wasn't sure he could find a fax machine with
international calling activated. He is also preparing a report for his Senator
detailing the process. The USCIS, a bit below par, but they were being
reorganized. The National Visa Center? Not good on the notifications, but very
helpful when contacted directly. The consulate? Fire everyone!! We will keep
you informed.
- March 28, 2004
The stupidity and incompetence of the United States State Department never
ceases to amaze us. The Webmaster was growing a bit concerned when his Fiancée
had not yet received her packet from the consulate after two weeks. He emailed
them again and the replied with the following:
Please be advised
that the instruction packet was returned by the post office due to
invalid address. Please send us the applicant's current address in
Chinese character, then we will resend the packet.
Needless to say, the Webmaster only knows a few words in Chinese and is
totally unable to read or write in it. Furthermore, the Webmaster has been
sending snail mail to his fiancée's address for over a year now. His fiancée
was able to send him her address in Chinese writing, and luckily he was able
to see it and forward it off to the nitwits. Once this is over he is going to
send his representatives a long letter detailing the various government
agencies and people who were either helpful or inept.
- March 21, 2004
Well now, the Webmaster's monitor has arrived. 3 dead pixels. So, he has
gone from a monitor that had a fried OSD circuit board, but a great picture to
a monitor with a functioning OSD circuit board with three dead pixels on the
screen. Time to make another call.
The Webmaster's fiancée has not yet received the documents from the Consulate
in China. Looks like he needs to set off more fireworks under some bureaucrats
- March 14, 2004
A few minor things. The webmaster was called by NEC regarding his flat
panel monitor. They can't fix it so they are replacing it.
The webmaster harassed the Consulate in China his fiancée has to go to. They
finally sent her a packet in the mail with yet more forms she needs to fill
out. Once those are done and processed she will be sent an appointment for an
interview, and then she should receive her visa. (Fingers crossed)
- February 21, 2004
Well, a good news/Bad News day. First the bad news. The webmasters LCD
monitor has broken down again. Same problem as the last time, the OSD switches
have shorted out again. Other then that the monitor is running fine. Once
again the webmaster called NEC support and once again he has to ship it back
to them. The webmaster won't have to pay for the shipping this time at least.
Since it was less then 30 days NEC will pay for it. Wonderful! He only got it
back two weeks ago!
Now the good news. The Webmaster called the NVC to find out what was delaying
the notification letter. The clerk, April, was very helpful and said he should
be getting it this week. Also she gave him the registration code his fiancée
will need to get her visa. He sent that off to her within minutes of getting
it. Gotta love that email thing! He also looked up the contact information for
the consulate she will need to go to and sent that along as well. If he needs
to the Webmaster will call the consulate directly. Pity they only answer the
phone between 2pm and 4pm LOCAL TIME!! For those who don't know that would be
2AM-4AM Webmaster time. :p Still things are really beginning to move now. :)
- February 14, 2004
This is the one year anniversary of his trip to China and the wonderful
meeting with his fiancée. We thought she would be here by now. Who knew just
how slow and incompetent the BCIS and the NVC would turn out to be. Come on
you idiots! remove thumb and get to work!!
- February 13, 2004
Anger Central has started a Battlefield 1942/Desert Combat server on their
home network. Just fire up BF1942 and create a filter on wolfwalkers 2. This
is a back up server, and while we do plan on leaving it up, it might come down
when we need the bandwidth for other purposes.
- February 7, 2004
The Webmaster called the National Visa Center last week to find out just
WTF is taking so long to process his fiancée's visa. Well the answer was very
interesting. They had completed the work and sent the registration to the
consulate in China on January 17. The clerk on the phone said the Webmaster
should be getting a formal letter with all the instructions on what his
Fiancée needs to do and which consulate she needs to go to. The yell he let
out was heard two buildings over. :)
On another note, the Webmaster's flat panel monitor was returned from repair.
It works fine. However, FedEx tried to deliver it to his house, and of course
he wasn't home. He filled out the slip they left indicating they could leave
it, and just where would be a good place to do so. They couldn't be bothered.
The webmaster had to drive up to the Manchester Airport at night and pick it
up. Of course he had never been to that area before, and since he has the
directional instincts of a brick, he got lost. After an hour he found one of
the FedEx sites and they gave him directions to the pick up building. Then he
got lost trying to find his way home. 2 1/2 hours later he got home and set up
the monitor. Serves him right for not bringing his GPS receiver with him. ;)
- February 1, 2004
We have heard that people in a major law firm in Boston, MA have
discovered Anger Central. Hi guys!! We hear that you are afraid to post here.
Now now, don't be afraid. We recommend that you don't post from work, and that
you do not post anything that could be considered libel or slander, and also
isn't to specific. Our add page strips out all header information so there is
no way we can trace back a submission. So post already. Come on, you know you
want to. :)
- January 25, 2004
Not a lot going on here. The webmaster's shiny new 17" Flat panel LCD
monitor was gravely wounded last week. The OSD switches were shorted out due
to a static discharge when he went to shut it off. The monitor its self is
functional, he just can't turn it on or off, or adjust anything. (It is locked
on at the moment) It has been shipped off for repair and will be gone for a
week. He is now using a 17" CRT monitor and isn't happy about it. Well at
least it is under warranty.
Still no word from the NVC. Looks like the webmaster will be making another
call some time this week about it.
- January 15, 2004
Well the webmaster is still waiting for his bride to be to get her visa.
We found out that the USCIS, (Formally the BCIS, formally the INS), has sent
the approval to the National Visa Center. He called them the other day and "We
have no estimated time of completion of the security checks. You will receive
the registration number and the address of the Consulate in the mail."
The National Visa Center is one hour's drive from the Webmaster's home office.
We hope they complete the processing soon. There is no telling what horrors
await if this bunch takes as long as the last group.
- January 1, 2004
Happy New Year!!! Another year has passed for Anger Central, and what a
year it has been. The webmaster went to China, became engaged to the lady of
his dreams, bought his first house and has gone through all the hassles of
dealing with the United States Immigration system. We also wiped and rebuilt
the entire site, removed the page set aside for morons...err, people with
views regarding people of different ethnic backgrounds, and tightened up what
gets posted. In the last year some 661 rants went online. This was about 1/4
of the total rants we received. We think the quality has improved a bit now.
So, what is the new year bringing to Anger Central? Well, the wedding of the
webmaster. With a little bit of luck his fiancée should be here in 4 to 6
weeks, and they should be married soon thereafter. (According to the laws they
will have 90 days once she arrives) Needless to say when Xinqing arrives we
will shut the add page for a while. It has been a year since they last saw
each other and we anticipate they will be "reacquainting" themselves for a
while. ;)
Also it is time for the silly season to really start. Yes the presidential
election is this year. We think it will be Howard Dean v George Bush in
November, and we also see a 45+ state crushing defeat for Dr. Doom...err Dean.
:) (We aren't thrilled with Bush here, but the alternatives are far worse)
So from the crew here at Anger Central, we wish you all a better year. Stay