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Greetings all. We hope you had a good Christmas. The Webmaster had to work over the holidaze, and had to put in long shifts to boot. He is off for the remainder of the year. We had a couple of rants come in this week from the "Usual Antifa Suspects." In other words, it was some whiny spoiled brat in his mommy's basement. We also had soem real excitement Christmas Day over on the Blog. We had over 5000 visitors in one day. Now, thanks to the censorious tyrants of Goolag, we don't see this site or the Blog show up in searches much, so our traffic is normally rather low, generally 100-200 visitors a day.It turns out that Baen Author Sarah Hoyt visited The Blog and posted a link to a specific post the Webmaster had written on PJ Media's Instapundit. The posting the Webmaster had written was about rural people in Kalifornistan refusing to follow the orders of the governor, Gaven Newsom. The post was titled Rural citizens to Gavin Newsom: Kiss my ass! and is the most viewed page in the history of Anger Central. When the Angry Systems Administrator first saw the stats, he thought we were under a DDOS attack. Imagine our surprise that it was people actually visiting, and commenting on the Webmaster's post. 2020 is almost over. Thanks to the Stolen Election, we antisicpate that 2021 is going to be far worse. Keep your powder dry, and... Unitl Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all, of the seaonal variety. We had our first major snow storm of the season, and we're all hoping it will be the last. The Angry Facilities manager was out with the snow removal devices, none of which meet the standards of the New Green Deal. (That would be a shovel and the Angry Facilities Manager was using a gas powered snow blower) We had three new rants come in, one from our favorite Communist Troll who is, as usual, projecting his views and actions on others. The others were straightforward rants. As mentioned last week, the Webmaster is working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. He was speaking with his manager, who was checking the schedule and was wondering at the 12 hour shift the Webmaster is taking. (Honestly, the Webmaster was a bit surprised at that and forgot it was a 10AM-10Pm shift) The Manager told him to call in just befor ehis shft starts to see if the team was getting slammed. If not, he will start later in the day. World for the Webmaster. Also, the Webmaster is working the weekend shift so the neext update may be delayed a bit. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. It's been a fairly quiet week here, and we had only one new post come in. The webmaster has been on his 2 week paid time off, although he has had to deal with real life work issues several times, including being called in to cover for someone who's power went out. The Webmaster has been quite busy working on the Blog, and has over a dozen posts "In the can" ready to go up. He has a tendency to streatch them out since he might not have time during his normal work week to write up anything. The Webmaster is also working Christmas Eve and Christmas Day again. He's not Jewish, but just hates Christmas. He will have the final week of the year off. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetngs all. We didn't do an update last week due to a lack of content and recovering from a serious Tryptophan overdose. We have had a number of new entries come in and this will make for a very nice update. On the Real World Job Front, the Webmaster had his annual
On the weather front, we had our first "Official" winter Northeaster yesterday. As is usually the case, the mostly stupid media was claiming 8-12 inches, the city plowes were running all night and it appears we have maybe 2 inches. *head desk* Oh well... Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. We had a fair number of rants come in last week, far above the usual number. We excluded a troll, since he is just making a fool of himself. This week is Thanksgiving, and we're seeing a number of governors telling people they will not permit thanksgiving dinners. Most people fully intend to ignore these orders, and most police departments are stating flat out they won't enforce the orders. The Webmaster will be working on Black Friday, and considering the Great Panicdemic of 2020, he expects it to be far busier then last year. He's also working the weekend shift as well, then will be off for the next 2 weeks, burning up his RealWorld Job's vacation time. Finally, one of the Webmaster's neighbors has put up his Christmas decorations. The Webmaster is not amused. He was overheard grumbling, "Someone needs to take out Santa, once and for all." (The Webmaster is not a fan of Christmas) Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. The Webmaster didn't post last week due to his forgetting he had to work that weekened. We only had one post come in and it was some lefitst Antifa turd forgetting this is the rant site and not the blog. Otherwise it's been quiet. As you all know, we had an election. As of now, we do not have a certified winner. The Midea is claing that Biden won, however there are credible reports of massive amounts of fraud. For those who may not recall, back in 2000, the MSM also called the election for Al Gore, until the courts stepped in and told Florida to follow their own laws. We may be seeing a repeat this time, which means at least a month before anything is determined. In other news, the city where the Anger Central Primary Dwelling is located has been replacing all the 100 year old water mains. With all the heavy equipment working, it's bee like living in a constant earthquake. The fun part? They tore up the end of the Angry Webmaster's driveway and made it impassible. It took two weeks for them to finally fix it so it can be used. The Angry Girlfriend was not amused. While the Webmaster drives a pickup and could climb over the edge, the Angry Girlfriend, code named SWMBO, (Pronounced "Swimbo" short for She Who Muct Be Obeyed) ) drives a Civic and would have torn the botom out of her car. Speaking of which. both the Webmaster and SWMBO are looking at new cars. SWMBO wants a small SUV and the the Webmaster has been looking at the new Ford Bronco's. It won't be til next year before they make any purchases of course. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all.Well, we're two days from the Election. The Webmaster has made his feeling known on the blog. Speaking of which, we received a rant that we considered for the last week, and decided that it didn't fit our profile.The delusion and flat out hatred of the poster was just a bit much. Besides, we think it really should have gone into the comments section of one of the Webmaster's posts on the Blog. Other then that, we had three really good rants come in and they're up and ready for public viewing and scorn. ;) The Webmaster's Real World Job is giving its entire American workforce the day off on Election Day. However, we are a 24/7 shop, and although our European and Asian offices are going to be standing by, the Webmaster has volunteered to work on Election Day after voting. Speaking of voting, a friend of the Webmaster had a posting on facebook banned. Why? Because the Progressive Liberal scum ruinning Facebook don't have a sense of humor. What did the Angry Friend write? He posted a reminder that Republicans vote on Tuesday and Democrats vote on Wednesday, with a big smiley face. the The Minions of Zuck have no sense of humor and banned the posting as "Providing misleading information." Well, we will see where things stand soon. Until next time... Stay Angry! ***UPDATE***Just as we hit the publish button, a rant regarding Trump supports came in, full of the usual leftwing hatred and threats. Unlike the one we mentioned earlier, the Webmaster did put this one up. As you would expect, he was rather sharp in his response. We don't take threats lightly or kindly. Grretings all. Well, the weather is changing and the first stages of Liberal Made Global Cooling have begun. It's flipping cold outside! At least the new furnace is working in the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. We had one new rant come in this week, otherwise it's been fairly quiet. The Angry Statstician noticesd a massive number of hits for one day on The Blog. We aren't sure why this happened. The Webmaster has also finalized the remaining vacation time he needs to burn off for the remainder of the year. As usual, he had the most time to use or lose among his team, which is funny since he was taking a lot of time off earlier this year. As one of his cowrokers said last year when he had a large amount of time to us up, "You will take 4 weeks of vacation time, and at the end of the year, you will still have 4 weeks of vacation time to burn off." This is due to the Webmaster taking all the crappy shifts no one wants and getting extra comp time for it. We are counting down to the election, and it's getting interesting. Head over to the Blog to see what the Webmaster has written. He's going off the deep end, as usual. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. You may have noticed that there was no update last week. The reason was simple. The Webmaster was on duty for his Real World Job last weekend and didnt't have time to update the site. Also, nothing came in either, so there was no reason to. We did have one new post this week, regarding adults. On the Blog front, the Webmaster has been drowning under a flood of new scandals, news and recent events. He could easily put up 3 or 4 posts a day, but he also has to work at the job that actually pays him. (You know people, you can follow the Amazon links and by stuff.) The election is coming, and now it's getting interesting. According to the Blog, it seems that hard evidence of the Biden's criminal activities was discovered alst year and buried by the FBI...Again. Pity they didn't think to get the copies of the hard drives that tech made. The Webmaster is enjoying the mess. We've also been preparing for the loss of our Twitter and Facebook accounts as the purge of anyone not toeing the leftist line continues. There will be more on that on the blog in the next few days. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all.Well the weather has started cooling down and the Webmaster has fired up his new furnace. The differences were noticible form the old one. First, it's a lot quieter. The old one would creak and groan as it heated up. This one is almost slient except for the flame from the burner. Second, it seems to be throwing out a lot more heat. Of course, for the first few hours the Anger Central Primary Dwelling was filled with that "New Furnace" aroma. We didn't receive any new posts this week, at least none that we could put up. (Didn't meet the criteria) In other news, the Greatest president of the 21st Century appears to have contracted the Wuhan Flu. he's being treated and appears to already be recovering thanks to not paying any attention to the Media's pronouncements that time tested medications are to dangerous to use. Finally, the Angry System's adminstrator purchased a new portable charger, and is currently testing it out. It took all day to recharge it after it arrived, but it seems to be handling the load on the tablet and phone he's recharging with it. The price was right in any case. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. The new furnace for the Anger Centeal Primary Dwelling is finally installed and hooked up. It took a week for the required part to be overnights to the technicians doing the installation. We suspected they had to make the part, and the techs mentioned that a lot of parts are back ordered, all due to the idiots shutting down business because of the Great Panicdemic of 2020. The intallation was completed in time for the nice 80 degree days we're expecting for the remainder of the month. We had 4 rants come in, and two were rejected. One was a response to another rant and the other was from a troll looking to start a fight. We do not post replies to other posts and trolls an go back to living under the bridges they came from. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greeting all. Well, the new furnace has been installed in the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. Just one problem. It isn't hooked up yet. As we knew would happen, a part was missing and had to be ordered from the manufacturer. There is also a problem with hooking up the exhaust system. The old system wasn't even close to the current building code and it's going to be very difficult to run the new exhuast vent. In any case, it's a moot point until the missing part arrives and can be installed. Oh, it's about 35 degrees Farenheit right now. On the political front, Ruth Bader-ginsburg has finally kicked the bucket. Now the real fun begins since the Progressive Liberal moonbats are going to see "their" couort taken away from them and returned to the citizens of the United States and the Constitution. Which brings us to rants. We had 4 come in with one rejected. Two of the new ones are from the same Progressive Troll and are in regards to Mitch McConnell. The third one was a general rant towards "Karens" Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, the Webmaster is finishing up his week off. He was doing some puttering around the Anger Central Primary Dwelling and has scheduled the installation of his new furnace. Just in time since the weather is starting to cool off a bit. We didn't have any new rants this week, and in general it's been fairly quiet. We're counting down to the election now and watching the desparation of the Democrats increasing. We're really worrying here that they fully intend to steal the election, no matter what the consequenses. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all.Today is Labor Day, and Anger Central is laboring away. The Webmaster had his furnace inspected last week, and it has been condemned. The whole system, which includes the exhaust system, is so far below code it isn't funny. Then there were the cracks found in the heat exchangers. The upshot? Total system replacement to the tune of $7800. To really make things interesting, the furnace is of a type that, while still in production, is only produced in small numbers. There was one (1) unit available amd half the cost is the furnace alone. Thankfully, this happened now and not in the middle of the winter. As mentioned last week, the Webmaster's Real World Job had him doing the weekend shift, which is why this post is delayed. He was anticipating a nice, quite weekend. He should have known better when he was forced to work later then usual Friday night on an emergency for a major client. Oh, it wasn't even his job, but, since this was high visibilty, the Webmaster stepped up. Problem resolved and no issues with that client for the weekend. We had a couple of rants come in last week, but otherwise, it was rather quiet. (other then the Webmaster's budget being blown to pieces that is) If you would likle to help the webmaster, click on the links to Amazon and buy things...Lots of things. :) Until Next Time... Stay Angry!! Greetings all. Well, the last week has been eventful in the world. Here at Anger Central? Not so much. We had one new rant come in, and when setting it up, found that the section it should be under was missing from the index page. A quick link and all is good. The Webmaster will be working labor Day Weekend, and then taking the week off. He's also starting to get things ready for the arctic conditions to come in a few months. Working with the Angry Maintenance man, we have a contractor coming in to inspect and repair the main heating system ay the Anger Central primary Dwelling. Amusing not. When asked the aproximate age of the heating unit, the Webmaster replied, "Have you ever heard of this thing called the "Korean War?" It was put in just before then." It's going to be a fairly cool week, so hopefully, the Anger Central electric bill won't be to bad this month. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, it's been the first week were we didn't need to run the air conditioners at the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. What a shame that a skunk decided to drop by one night. what is worse, it looks like the little bugger, or perhaps some of the rabits we've seen around the Primary Dwelling, have decided to dig a tunnel under the Angry Garage. We're trying to figure out the best way to deal with that. We had one new rant come in regarding a moving company, otherwise it's been a quiet week. The Angry Webmaster will be working Labor Day Weekend, so we may be late with any updates. (Yes, a 2 week warning.) The Democrat Convention was last week, Apparently, many Democrats didn't realize it was being held. The Webmaster knew, but found a game of solitaire more interesting and infomrative. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. It's been an interesting week. It seems we have a hacker from Istanbul, Turkey, trying to hack one of the sub-sites we have. It's basically a no traffic site, but our hosting service reached out to the Angry Systems Administrator and the two of them fixed the secuity holes. The Angry Systems Administrator is also working to block the IP's that Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is using to try and hack in We also had a troll posting a couple of rants. Obviously, the individual is probably an Antifa supporting twerp, and basically a coward. He promptly resorted to their usual screeches and accused the Webmaster of being a racist. Being the gutless wonder that most of these SJW's are, the loser didn't have the guts to say it to the Webmaster's face. As anyone who has spent any time here knows, the Webmaster, actually everyone at Anger Central, flat out does't care about a person's skin color or eye shape. Since this is a useless, ignorant troll, it's obvious he doens't know that the Angry Girlfiriend is Chinese or that the Angry Brother InLaw is Puerto Rican. Needless to say, his rant went into the bozo bin. Speaking of bozo, the troll also fired in a rant towards President Trump. It looks like he couldn't be bothered to change much more then the names he used since it was almost identical to thewords he used when insultng the Webmaster. (FYI, we do support President Trump and have made no secret about it) We won't hesitate to post legitimate rants towrds the fairly and duly electted President, Donald J. Trump, but throwing around insults is not a rant. You need to say why you are angry and back it up with a few facts. We do have one rant that meets the criteria regarding Taco Bell. Why anyone would eat fake tacos at a fake Mexican restaurant is a mystery to us, but to each their own. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Happy Nagasaki Day! Greetings all. It's been a very explosive
week, both historically and in the Middle East. 75 years ago,
the United States used an atomic 2x 4 and smashed the Imperial
Japanese in the head, just to get their attention. They soon
surrendered and ended the 2nd World War. Last week,
approximately 2700 tons of Amonium Nitrate exploded in Beirut
Lebanon, generating a blast that is esimated to have been
similar to a 1-2KT Atomic Bomb. I guess they were marking the
anniversary in the usual Middle Eastern way, shooting rifles in
the air. This time, they seemed to want to go bigger. ;) On the rants front, we had one new entry. Otherwise it's been reletively quiet. The Webmaster's Real World Job has put togeth the weekend rotation schedule as well as the coverage schedule for holidays until the end of the year. His team also looked into time off. Once again, the Webmaster, workaholic that he is, has the highest number of available hours that he needs to burn before the end of the year. That doens't include the comp time he's picking up covering for the holidays. Until next time... Stay Angry! (But don't burn down police stations, post your anger here instead. It's less destructive) Greetings all. As we announced last week, this posting is a bit delayed. The webmaster had to work the weekend shift at his Real World Job. He remarked that it was exceptionally busy for a weekend. We had one new posting come in, not surprising of course. We have seen traffic drop over the years as Googlag bans sites they don't approve of. Feel free to pass the word along. The Webmaster has most of this week off, returning to his real world job Friday. He's looking at accomplishing as little as possible. And with that, Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, we hope you are enjoying the cool summer we're having with the low humidity. (That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it) We had a couple of rants come in, although we find them a bit questionable. Still, they were entertaining and seemed valid. The Webmaster will be working next weekend, so the update may be delayed. Yes, his real world weekend shifts are much closer together now. His team has been signicantly reduced due to unternal transfers and promotions. At one point, it was once every 9 weeks, and now it's down to once every 4 weeks. The Angry Webmaster and She Who Must Be Obeyed have started looking at the new Ford Broncos due to go on sale next spring. (They should have come out in the fall, but we had the Great Panicdemic of 2020 and Wretched Gretchen Whitmer) The sport version looks like it might be good for SWMBO, with the standard model with accessories for the Webmaster. It's also cheaper then the Toyota 4runner he's been looking at with a more modern engine. Of course, until we test drive them, no decisions wil be made. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Vacation is now over. The Webmaster didn't go anywhere, since, thanks to idiot governros, there was no place to go. He did visit a few places, one of which is a club he belongs to. They had recently dropped their mask requirement, much to the happiness of everyone. (Some people shose to wear them, as they may if they wish) The weather has now moved from arctic conditions to Mojave desert with temperatures to be in the high 90's this week. (For those of you in Texas, shut up. You can come up here next January and shovel snow in sub-zero weather) The new development system is working fine. We're still doing some tweaking, but in general, we're not seeing any issues and plenty of performance. We find it interesting how it blows hot and cold. We think this is due to Google basically burying Anger Central in searches. (We're not "Woke" enough apparently) We had two new rants come in this week. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, this will be the first update from the new system. Hopefuilly, all goes well. The original system is available and can be brought online in minutes. The Webmaster is finally taking a week off. He has a boatload of vacation time built up and needs to bur it off by the end of the year. (He can keep one weeks worth) We had one new rant come in this week. Who knew anyone hated Dairy Queen? Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. We hope you had a great 4th of July yesterday, (Saturday), in spite of the Communists from Antifa, BLM and politicians. The Webmaster is working on his brand spanking new computer, and both he and the Angry Systems Administrator are tweaking things out. One of the things we're consideirng is finally retiring Microsoft Frontpage. The Webmaster is looking at LibreOffice's web functions, and might need to do some rewriting on the code. We shall see. For now, we loaded the CD that the installer for Frontpage is on, dug out the shop vac and cleared off the 2 inches of dust. We didn't get any new rants in this week, not really unexpected, considering the holiday, Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. This posting is late today for a simple reason. The Webmaster flat out forgot. There were no posts this week, which is not as unusual as you would think. The Webmaster is also getting ready for the arrival of his new computer, which is due Monday. it will be at least a week or more before he can replace his current unit. The Webmaster has also started looking at Parler, which is a twitter replacement. Considering how Twitter has really gone downhill the last few years, a large number of people are pulling the ;plug. Rumor has it that President Trump might join up and drop Twitter before they drop him. The posts there from the Webmaster will be related to the Blog, not posts on this site. It's the 4th of July coming up and thanks to the Great Panicdemic of 2020, another holiday is going to be ruined by the idiots running the several states. With very few exceptions, most of them need to go. We need more governors like the one in South Dakota. She has a brain and a spine. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. As you may have noticed, we're a day late. The Webmaster was working this weekend. We have one new rant, although we did have 2 come in. One of them was a doxxing attempt of a private figure, with full contact information. We dropped that into the rejected file. The Webmaster recently ordered a new computer to replace the 10 ear old model he has been using. It should arrive in the next week or so, barring BLM or Antifa thugs destroying the truck and stealing the contents. Other then that, it's been rather quiet. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, the Webmaster should learn how to read a calendar. His weekend shift is NEXT weekend, not this weekend. We didn't have any new rants come in this week. Surprising, considering the things going on, with the Democrat Party's militant arm, Antifa, actively working to start a civil war. (Follow the money people) The Webmaster is still working from the Anger Central Primary Dwelling for his Real World Job. The management is stuck in full Panicdemic Germaphobic Paranoid Hypochondriac mode. They keep listening to "Experts" who haven't gotten anything right regarding the Great Panicdemic of 2020 yet. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well it looks like the "Great Panicdemic of 2020 is coming to an end. Now the Mayors and governors of a certain political party are saying that the rioters and looters don't need to practice "Social distancing" as the rob, pillage, loot and burn the cities. (More on this coming up on the Blog) Because all our normal posters were out defending their hones, businesses and families from the rampaging mob from Antifa, we had no new posts come in this week. The Webmaster will be working next weekend, so updates may be delayed. Until Next Time... Keep your powder dry and your aim true and... Stay Angry! (At looters and pillagers) Greetings all. Well the summer riot, loot, pillage and burn season has arrived, thanks to some idiot cops in Minneapolis who caused the death of a suspect. (One officer has been charged) There were some protest, lawfully carried out and the overwhelming majority of people generally agreed with them. Then the rioters showed up and starting there looting and burning. It's beginning to look as though these are being orchestrated. Time will tell of course. As for the mayor of Minneapolis and the Governor of Minnesota, they are acting like your typical leftwing progressive moonbat Democrats. They are doing nothing to stop the rioters and are blaming everyone else including White Supremacists. Really? Liberals will always blame racism for anything. Take out delivery was late? it was racist white supremacists. It's raining? It's racism. I, (politicians), have failed miserably? Racism is to blame. Sorry guys, not working any more. Speaking of which, we had three new posts come in, all political in nature. One of them was fairly good until the poster jumped the shark at the end of it. And the United States has finally started launching our own astronauts again, no thanks to Nasa. Private Enterprise pulled it off, faster and cheaper then Nasa ever did. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! (But no looting, pillaging or arson. Posting here is acceptable) Greetings all. We're going to keep this short and sweet. This is Memorial Day Weekend, and thanks to the Panicdemic, it's been pretty much cancelled. We had four new rants come in, one of which dealt with the actions of one Governor Brown of Oregon and her threatening children of parents who don't prostrate themselves to the all powerful Democratic CommuNazi Party run State. And finally, the Angry Groundskeeper was finally able to order a new lawnmower to cut the grass at the palatial Anger Central Primary Dwelling. The problem is, it won't be here until next week. (It was ordered 10 days ago) Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings one and all. Well, it looks like the lockdowns are starting to fall apart. Some states are reopening from their constitutionally questionable restrictions on Americans, an in other places, people are telling the government to take a hike and are reopening on their own. In New Hampshire, the barbershops have reopened and the Angry Systems Administrator made a beeline to one. His before and after pictures are hilarious. We had 2 new rants come in. one political the other from someone not to happy with people correcting his spelling and grammar. Of course, the Angry English Major corrected his post. :) Until next time.. Stay Angry Greetings all. Well, it looks like the lockdowns in most places are coming to an end, either with governors lifting their orders of questionable constitutionality, or people saying The hell with this, we're reopening! It won't come soon enough for the Webmaster's Real World Job. We had layoffs last week. 10% around the world were let go, including at least one from the Webmaster's office. His team is intact though, and our workload is increasing. The Angry Significant Other, aka SWMBO, is working at a restaurant in the Sheeple's Democratik Republik of Taxachusetts. Because of the hours and distance, she stays down there with some friends and comes home a couple of times a week, She hates. The Webmaster was talking with a coworker and we may have found something better and a lot closer to the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. Contact information has been exchanged. We had three new rants come in this week. We suspect that two of them were from the same person. Oh well, no skin off our noses. The Webmaster will be working next weekend so there may be a delay in updates. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings from the Bunker all. Well, people are starting to get upset with the lockdown and are starting to ignore the orders of their "Betters." In a few states, the "Betters" are now at the point of threatening protesters and people ignoring their imperial commands. You can read the Webmaster's take on the Blog. We had three new rants come in this week. It seems that our fan has recovered from the Wuhan Flu. Welcome back. ;) The Webmaster has been informed that his Real World Office won't reopen until the end of the month. He attends the online meetings and has decided that most of the people are <Censored in case of corporate spying> The Webmaster is also getting fed up with the flat our stupidity of supermarkets. They are now forcing their customers to line up Soviet style. Socialist distancing doesn't work when people are forced to line up front to back waiting to get into the store you idiots. (Hmm, this sounds like another potential blog post. We'll run it past the Webmaster) Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, it looks like the worst violations of the Constitution in decades is starting to come to an end, although there are a number of Governors and Mayors who haven't gotten the message yet. We have heard rumors that sales of tar, feathers and rope have been picking up in certain areas of the country. It seems that the Webmaster has managed to piss off fans of the Aldi supermarket chain. He wrote a not very kind review of the chain, and he's been getting comments and direct emails regarding his dislike of the supermarket. Unlike most of the reviews done on the Blog, The Webmaster wasn't even able to get into the place. He went their last week with the Angry Significant Other, (Code Named SWMBO), and was told that only one person per household was allowed inside due to the China Virus. Speaking of SWMBO, she is taking a job in Massachusetts at a restaurant. She's going stir crazy and her old job may not be coming back, or they're bringing in people from New York. SWMBO follows all the Chinese news, and sadly has swallowed the propaganda that's been coming out of there. We had no new rants come in this week. Again, surprising considering people don't have anything else to do but starve to death while the Democratic CommuNazi governors "Keep them safe." Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings one and all. Here we are in the Anger Central Deep Bunker, twiddling our thumbs while we wait, very impatiently, for the governors to remove their thumbs and reopen America. In the last week, we've seen a number of Democrat governors show their true colors, (Totalitarian), and we're also seeing people saying "ENOUGH!" President Trump has announced a plan to get things going again, (not a great plan, but one that moves forward), and we've seen how a number of Democrat Governors have responded. (by tightening down even further) We've had a few rants come over the last few weeks regarding the frustrations with the lockdown. We're also seeing lawsuits being filed regarding any number of very flagrant violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We're also seeing which judges have actually bothered to read the Constitution with their rulings. The Webmaster has been busy with his series "The Great Panicdemic of 2020," and yesterday decided it was time to lighten things up a bit. He's posted a before and after picture of himself regarding his issues with personal grooming. (Tip, he's always looked more like the "After" picture and nothing like the before picture) Until Next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Yes, we are still being forced to bunker down thanks to the Great Panicdemic of 2020. We had several new posts come in, including some from people who are just as fed up with this lock down as we are. Hopefully, President Trump will say it's time to get back to work and the vacation is over. There is an interesting study that's just ramping up regarding the China virus. They've been testing people to see who has antibodies from the virus, and it seems they're finding people who have them who were never sick in the first place. This has a lot of people wondering if the Wuhan Flu was here a lot earlier then anyone thought. If you are interested in joining the study, follow this link. The webmaster sent in an email offering a few samples of his precious bodily fluids. ;) The Webmaster has been continuing his series titled "The Great Panicdemic of 2020" detailing his thoughts, and the idiocies that have been happening. Someone in the office said he was going to tee off on a number of governors and mayors who see this as a way to rip up the constitution and restore slavery. (These would be Democrats) Head on over to the Blog. Comments are always welcomed, (If usually ignored) Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. The Great Panicdemic of 2020 continues. Anger Central is on involuntary lockdown. The Webmaster is working from the Anger Central Primary Dwelling, the Angry Systems Administrator is bunkered in the Anger Central Datacenter and the Angry Significant Other is also home due to a lack of work at her job. (She's considered critical since she works in a shipping/receiving company) The Webmaster has been writing on the Blog a series titled "The Great Panicdemic of 2020". It's for the future generations who have survived the apocalypse and rebuilt civilization. The data has been stored in a secure container designed to withstand everything that can be thrown at it. In case you haven't noticed, that's extreme sarcasm on the Webmaster's part. One good thing that's come out of this, the owner/operator of the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler has started posting again. We suspect that the All Powerful, All Knowing, All Seeing Emperor Misha is also stuck at home and board to tears. We had no new rants come in this week. We suspect that all our normal posters have succumbed to the China Virus and are no interred in a mass grave, or their binge watching Picard. (Which we haven't seen and don't plan to) The Webmaster's Real World Job has been keeping him very busy. He hates working at home since he can't bounce ideas off his coworkers easily. (Microsoft Teams can barely handle the load it seems) Due to ISO requirements, we can't set up alternate systems until they've been vetted by the company's security board. The Webmaster has recommended Signal, since it's secure, open sourced and the code is available for review. We don't expect it to be aproved since it is open source, free, and the code is available for review. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, now New Hampshire has locked down due to the Great Panicdemic of 2020. The Webmaster is now forced to work from home until May. The Angry Significant Other, on the other hand, is considered "Critical" and is reporting to her job every day. (She works in a shipping/receiving company. The good news is that Gun stores and ranges are considered critical so people can blast away their frustrations in a lawful manner. We only received one new rant this week. We believed that people trapped in their homes by out of control governors would have something to say abut it. We think the Webmaster is going to have something to say on the Blog at some point. (He's going a little stir crazy) The Webmaster also received a call last week from the local Toyota dealership. The Angry pickup, a Tacoma, had a flaw in it. The frame was in danger of failing and had to be replaced. The Webmaster was aware of this and had been having regular inspections. It failed the last one and he was scheduled to have the frame replaced once the parts came in. The estimate for that was June or July. Well, they came in last week, so the Webmaster dropped of the truck Tuesday with the understanding it would take at least a week to complete the work. They had it ready Friday and the Webmaster picked it up yesterday. He reports that it does feel a bit different, tighter was the word he used. In other news, the Angry Systems Administrator received a notice from our hosting company that due to the WooHoo Flu, they can't just go into the datacenter where the servers are racked, (They rent rack space), they have to make an appointment. This will delay any responses to outages where they need to go in and swap out parts. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. We hope you are all safe during the "Great Panicdemic of 2020!" The Webmaster has been forced to work from home due to management panicking over the Wuhan Flu. A side note to all this, there are stories that the China Flu may have come to the United States a lot earlier then first thought. It would explain the symptoms of a bad cold the Webmaster had last January. His manager had been traveling overseas in Asia and was sick when he came back, and he was nice enough to share. The Webmaster suffered badly stopped up ears and sought out medical assistance for it. He's better now, but the follow up indicates he suffered hearing loss in his left ear an may need a hearing aid. He will be going in for a second evaluation in a few months. What interests him is, if that was the China Flu, and it's already gone through the office, would that make people there already immune? Is there a test for this to find out? We had three new rants come in this week, one of which dealt with the hoarders buying all the toilet paper on earth. We're actually a bit surprised that we haven't seen far more rants come in since everyone is being told to stay at home, and in a few cities and states, with the added proviso, "Or else." Until Next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. We hope you are all well stocked with Toilet Paper. You must be since the shelves in the supermarkets and warehouse stores are empty. Yes, we are now in a full blown pandemic of panic over the Beer virus, aka Wuhan Flu, aka COVID-19. In New Hampshire we have a massive outbreak affecting 6 people. If you are noticing some contempt in these words, congratulations on your perceptiveness. The Webmaster's Real World Job has bought into the panic, ordering everyone to work from home for the remainder of the month, Well, we hope they enjoy the lower levels of productivity from the Webmaster's team. The Webmaster's manager was furious when told that what they all thought was an optional work from home was now mandatory. *grumble* The Webmaster also made the mistake of going to Costco over the weekend to pick up a few items. He got everything on his list, although bottled water was limited to 2 cases. (He usually buys 4 cases) No, it was the massive lines at the checkout's that made him angry. He was stuck waiting for over 30 minutes. Well, the Webmaster is apparently working on some new blog entries dealing with the blind panic of the imbeciles. They should make interesting reading when posted We have one new rant, and it deals with the Mostly Stupid Media's overblown and panic generating coverage of the Beer virus. Otherwise it was quiet, probably due to all the panicked people afraid the virus is transmitted over the internet. *eyeroll* Until next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Did you remember to turn your clocks ahead? Yes it's that time of year where some pinheads in Washington decided it was a great idea to screw up people's sleep cycles for no good reason other then they can. Another wonderful time of the year is Tax time. The Angry Accountant has been working on the Angry Webmaster's taxes. To say the Webmaster is unhappy would be an understatement. He is going to have to send in a fair amount, thanks to the Deep State Swamp dwelling Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazis and their RINO pals in the Beltway Uniparty. At least the Trump tax cuts helped some or he would be paying even more. The Webmaster's Real World Job is doing a disaster drill and the Webmaster will have to work from his home office. He is not looking forward to this since his home office isn't configured the way his office at his Real World Workplace is. He tried to get the day off, but his manager said "No" and then laughed. Oh well, the Webmaster didn't expect to get the day off. We had a quiet week on the rants front, with only one new one coming in. Considering the political situation, we all expected that rants against President Trump would escalate as well as rants against the morons in the Democratic CommuNazi party. Oh well.. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. It's been a fairly quiet week here at Anger Central. We have three new posts, including one form a raging moonbat accusing, as is typical with moonbats, of calling anyone who supports President Trump a racist. Also, as is typical, this Left wing loon also threatened to have the target of his ire arrested if he should contact ICE about the illegal aliens that the moonbat may, or may not have working for him. The Webmaster only worked 2 days at his Real World Job last week. 2 of his days off were actually his "Weekend" since he was covering last weekend, and he took a personal day off Wednesday. He will be working a normal week this week since he didn't win the lottery. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. As you may have noticed, the updates are late this week. The Webmaster was working this weekend at his Real World job, and so the delay. We did have 5 new rants come in, though. The Angry Systems Administrator has been playing around with plugins on the blog again. One we used to use for reviewing statistics suddenly went stupid after the last update. By stupid, they completely changed everything and started charging for things. Since we're to cheap to pay for this, the Angry Systems Administrator pulled it off and is now reviewing new ones. The Angry Girlfriend has seen ehr hours cut back at her job due to the Coronavirus, aka the Kung Flu. She works in a shipping/receiving company and most of the packages come from or go to China. Since China has basically shut down until this virus burns out, nothing is being shipped around at the moment. Frankly, the Webmaster would rather she get job at Costco. Better pay and benefits. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. You may have noticed earlier this week that, both the main site and the blog were offline for a few hours. It turns out the hosting company had an issue upstream. Their provider was working on routers and managed to misroute all of our hosting services clients, along with our hosting services on support and main web sites. Everyone was offline for about 5 hours before the routing issues were corrected. IN the Webmaster's real world job, the dumpsters are gloriously aflame and have been for several weeks. The Webmaster's real world manager is visiting the European offices, this week and we anticipate a major shakeup over there. We had just one rant come in this week, which is fine. The Webmaster will be working next weekend, (His turn in the rotation), so next week's updates may be delayed. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. You may have noticed that Anger Central has been offline. Our Hosting service suffered a major outage, starting at around 4:30 AM EST. Not only was Anger Central affected, all of our hosting company's clients were affected, as was their own support web site. The Angry Systems Administrator was finally able to reach through to them via Faceplant and twater, and it appears that it's something upstream from the data center. This update is being written as we wait the the repairs to the network. Obviously, if you are reading this, the data center is back online and we were able to upload our updates. As of 10:40 am EST, our site was partially responding. The www redirect was not functioning, however going straight to or worked normally. This appears to be a major DNS issue. Without knowing the actual details, the Angry Systems Administrator thinks that the DNS servers either had their tables corrupted or the servers were trashed and had to be restored from backups. And, as of 10:50 AM EST, it appears that we are fully back up and running. The Angry Systems Administrator is looking forward to the Root Cause analysis that should be coming to all of our Hosting Services clients. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, it's that time of year again. Today is Superbowl Sunday! *yawn* As you can see, we're all so excited about the game, whoever it is that's playing. We had a couple of rants come in this week, but otherwise it was nice and quiet. The Webmaster wishes it had been that quiet at his Real World Job. The phrase, "Multiple Dumpster fires" pretty much describes what he's been dealing with. Finally, Great Britain has regained their freedom and sovereignty at long last. Brexit has finally happened and Britain has left the European Union building. It will be interesting to see what happens next. Until next time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. Well, the Webmaster's ear is still clogged. He's also just received notification that his Primary Care doctor is taking a new job and the Webmaster now has to find another doctor...again. It's a good move for hsi former doctor, not so much for the Webmaster. We had 4 rants come in this week. Actually there were 5, but as we sorted through them, one just made no sense. Perhaps the poster might consider reposting once he sobers up or comes down from his high. The Impeachment trial of the Duly Elected President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, is now underway. The Democrats managed to bore everyone to tears and from what we've seen, managed to torpedo their own case. President Trump's legal team is now up and ripping the House managers several new ones. The Webmaster also found out a sandwich shop he liked will close next week. Pity. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. The Angry Webmaster has just come in from clearing the driveway leading to the Anger Central Primary Dwelling. We got about 6 inches of Greta Thunberg overnight. On the rants front, we had a large number come in this week. That makes up for the lack of rants the previous week. Today is the Webmaster's Birthday. He is <CENSORED> old. He's also still dealing with the aftermath of a really nasty cold. His ear is badly blocked up, to the point he went to see a specialist about it. Worst case scenario, the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor might have to make a cut in his ear drum to let the fluid out. The upside is he can't hear his Real World Job Manager screaming at him. The political situation is going nuts of course. You can follow the Webmaster's comments and editorials over on the Blog. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings all. It was a quiet week here at Anger Central, at least on the main site. No new rants came in. The Webmaster is still having health issues and is, for all intents and purposes, deaf in his left ear due to the rather long running cold he's been dealing with. (Hearing is also diminished in his right ear) He has an appointment next week with an Ear, nose and Throat doctor and hopefully he can do something to clear out his ears. In the Webmaster's real World Job, his manager was off Friday, and one of his minions decided to have some fun. He has put one of those "Take a number" dispensers and attached it to our manager's desk. Sadly, the Webmaster is working this weekend and will be off Monday and Tuesday, so he won't get to see the reaction. :( We've been watching the political disaster that Virginia has become since the Democrats took over the state government. We fully expect it to go sideways down there unless the Democrats pull back on all their totalitarian like plans. The Webmaster wrote about this on the Blog in an entry titled "The Virginia Boogaloo." The New Hampshire Democrats may want to pay close attention to what's going on down there, since New Hampshire actually has the Right of Revolution written into the state Constitution. However, that's grist for the Blog. On the rants side of the house, we had nothing new come in. This is rather surprising considering all that's been going on. Oh well. Until Next Time... Stay Angry! Greetings and happy New Year to you all! Well, another year has gone by and a new year has begun. What will the new year bring? Hopefully a lot of people angry about something, and we think that's going to be everyone. The election season is now underway, and that should drive any number of people right over the edge. The Webmaster is still dealing with the cold and ear infection his Real World Manager was so kind to gift him before he went out on vacation. The Webmaster has been plotting his revenge. We've archived last year's news and updates, and if you have any interest, you can follow the link above. For now, the Webmaster is getting ready for his weekend shift, which means he will probably be delayed in updating the site, and is banking a number of posts on the Blog since he won't have time to write anything much. Until next time... Stay Angry! |
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