1 month down..

And 47 more to go.

BH Obama has been president of the United States for 1 whole month and he has pushed the debt to astronomical levels, begun the imposition of national health car and has begun the process of nationalizing the financial system.

The stock markets responded as expected. They’ve dropped 2000 points since “The One” was inaugurated and show no signs of stopping the slide. The stock markets do not look at the past, but into the future. When the markets start climbing after a recession, it’s a good indicator that things are going to get better. Right now, the indicators are things are going to get a lot worse.

The recently passed “Stimulus bill” was nothing more then a massive pork bill. The Republican party voted in total, (with three exceptions) against this thing. They might be finally learning their lesson and understanding that the American people traditionally don’t trust their government.

Some of the other plans to “Help the working people” include:

  1. Forcing every working person into a union whether they want to or not. (The Employee Free Choice Act) 1

  2. Reimposing the Fairness Doctrine. (A means to suppress dissenting opinions from those opposed to the Obama/Democrat agenda)2

  3. Imposition of a “National Health Board” to regulate what medical treatments patients will be allowed to get, or even if they will be allowed medical treatment in the first place. 3

And the list continues to grow.

On national security matters, “The One” is off to a great start. (Sarcasm intended) To date he has:

  1. Ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed in one year with no plans on what to do with the terrorists held there.

  2. Dropped the charges against one of the people involved in the bombing and near sinking of the USS Cole.

  3. Managed to get US Forces evicted from our main support base in Kyrgyzstan. 4

  4. No plans to secure the borders. 5

And much, much more.

And how could we forget on how the most transparent and ethical administration in US history has to date:

  1. Had 4 people proposed for cabinet posts who are tax evaders. (Three stepped aside and number four is now in charge of the IRS!)

  2. Rammed through the pork laden “Stimulus” bill so rapidly that no one actually had time to read it.

  3. Promptly tossed his pledge not to bring lobbyists into his administration under his well worn bus tires.

  4. Saw his seat essentially sold by the now former governor of Illinois.

  5. Said Senator now being pressured to resign and who might not have been as forthcoming with his sworn statements to the FBI as he should have.

Yes, our beloved “Dear Leader,” a man truly in love with himself, has managed to have one of the most incompetent first months of any administration in US history. The future doesn’t bode well for his ability to learn from his mistakes.

And how could we forget our friends in the Congress? (Try as we might)

  1. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi basically instituting a Stalinist regime. She has cut the Republican party out of everything.

  2. Sen. Patrick Leahy’s “Truth Commission” and his plans to force former members of the Bush administration to testify. He claims it’s to “Just find out what happened” but we all know that the goal is to put every single member of the Bush administration, starting with G.W. In prison.

  3. Rep Henry Waxman’s plan to investigate everyone in the United States and would love nothing better then to turn the country into the USSA. (Union of Soviet States of America)

  4. Rep. John Conyers, (D-Moonbat) Rep Conyers is one of those who cares nothing about the nation, only about himself. He spent the last few years trying to punish anyone who dared do things like defend the United States.

  5. Senator (for now), Roland Burris. Need we say more?

  6. Senator Harry Reid, (D=dumb), He he is the Senate Majority leader and one of the dumbest ones in living memory. He keeps a case of A-1 Steak sauce in his office to give his shoes some flavor when he puts his foot in his mouth.

  7. Rep. Barney Frank, (D-Hot Bottom) One of the primary reasons the financial mess we found ourselves in happened in the first place. This fat little turd should be in prison, not the house along with…

  8. Sen. Christopher Dodd, (D-Countrywide Financial)

  9. Sen. Charles Schumer, (D-Schumer)

And the list goes on.

We are in dire straits in this country. A number of bad things have happened that require careful thought and planning. Unfortunately, there are very few of these people working in Washington. The people running things generally all have one thing in common. They care nothing about the United States, the Constitution, or the people or this nation. They care bout one thing only. Themselves.

What does the future look like? It looks very dark. Firearms sales are skyrocketing. People who in the past not only wouldn’t buy a gun, but worked to them confiscated from private hands, are now buying small arsenals and learning how to use them.

Mexico is a nation on the borders of complete collapse. The Obama administration has no plans on what to do if this happens. It’s already a near shooting war down there with narco-terrorists starting to come across the borders. People down in that area are scared. They have asked for help for years, (and we don’t let the Bush administration off the hook on this one either), and have been ignored.

Now it looks like the state governors are beginning to take action. Texas may call out the National Guard and deploy them along the border with Mexico. Arizona and New Mexico may start looking into this as well.

Citizen Militias are beginning to form again, and unlike the Minutemen, these groups will be organizing to fight. 6 It isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that state guard units get into a firefight with the drug lords along the border. If this were to occur we suspect that President Obama would flip out and federalize the Guard and order them away from the borders. That would start a major crisis.

The Constitution does allow state militia’s to defend the borders if required. If Obama were to follow the above scenario, it is entirely possible the units would refuse the federalization order. What happens next? No one really wants to find out!

There are a number of very smart people who think the possibility of either an insurrection or a full blow civil war is not out of the question. These are NOT screaming moonbat leftist or far right wingnuts. These are people who are paid to look into these things, and they are getting very nervous.

We do not want to see such an event happen, but more and more people are deciding that the Government at all levels no longer represents them or supports the Constitution. This should be very alarming to the politicians in Washington and the states. However, from our point of view, these morons have taken the “Let them eat cake” attitude and no longer care what people in “Flyover country” think.

That is bad. The pols no longer fear the people. This is not what the founders of this country wanted. They wanted the politicians to be scared of the people the represented so that they would do the best job they could.

We need to return that situation.

2 Fairness Doctrince

3 Heritage Foundation

4 Kyrgyzstan issues eviction notice to key US base

6 The Minuteman organization does not take direct action against illegal border crossers. They observe and call the border Patrol.

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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