Reagan and Obama

This is going to be a very simple pictorial of the differences between the Greatest President of the 20th century and the worst president in United States history.

Ronald Reagan did many things. He turned the economy around which led to the greatest expansion in history. He rebuilt the military and with the help of Prime Minister Margret Thatcher, (One of the two greatest prime ministers in British history, (the other being Winston Churchill), Pope John Paul II and to a great extent Lech Walesa, they caused the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Now we have Barack Obama, unarguably the worst president in the history of the United States. Under his maladministration, the economy has stagnated, unemployment is at depression levels and his foreign policy disasters have surpassed Jimmy Carter’s. While Carter, as incompetent as he was, tried to fix things, Obama just goes on vacations and plays golf. Now I will be the first to admit, I am a big fan of Reagan and want Obama to spend some quality time in a maximum security prison. These images will reflect that.

Ronald Reagan on GovernmentAnd Obama’s response.

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Point one in favor of Ronaldus Magnus.


obama bumper car

Point Two to Ronald Reagan

reagan horse


Pee Wee Herman would be so proud of Obama!

Reagan Limo

Ronald Reagan’s limo.

Golf Cart One

Barack Obama’s limo.

050629-N-5060B-006USS Ronald Reagan

The future of the movie BattleshipThe future USS Barack Obama.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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9 years ago

RT @angrywebmaster: Reagan and Obama #angercentral #ronaldreagan #obama @twitchypolitics #humor…