Review: Hitman, Agent 47

Good day all. I hope you had a pleasant Labor Day weekend. I spent mine at the movies watching films so, in this case, you don’t have to. I saw the film, Hitman: Agent 47 last week.


This is the second iteration of the movie, based on a video game of the same name. The first one was released in 2007 and quickly sank into much deserved obscurity. This version ignores the first film, and rightfully so. It also has more of a back story than the first movie. I’m given to understand that this ties into the video games in detail, but since I’ve never played Hitman, I can’t comment.

The basic plot is right out of a game script and it shows. You have the central character, Katia, played by Hannah Ware, who has some serious daddy issues and ridiculous sensory abilities. (Like seeing and hearing through walls) Agent 47 is the standard agent 47, really not that much different in layout from the first film.

You also have a mysterious mega-corporation that wants to make more Agents and is tracking down the chief scientist, who also happens to be Katia’s father. As I said, right out of a game script. This is an action film of course so you don’t expect high art from it. I would have preferred a bit more plot development from the director and writers. The effects were interesting, with a mix of live action and CGI. The problem here is I could tell when I was looking at a cgi clip.

From what I’ve read, the movie isn’t doing as well as they hoped, and since I was the only person in the theater a week after it opened, I’m not surprised. The ending was set up for a sequel, however, if the film is a bust overseas as well as in the United States, that sequel isn’t going to happen. It won’t bother me much if it doesn’t happen either.

Do I recommend the film? Sort of. I don’t recommend dropping $10 to see it in the theaters. I would recommend that you wait until it comes out on Netflix or Amazon prime and watch it then. I would also recommend that you check your brain and common sense at the door. Watch it without expecting much and you won’t be disappointed.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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