What does the Huffington Post know

And why are they burying the story? Good day all. I hadn’t planned on another post today, but happened to see this story on Breitbart. It seems a post went up yesterday on the Huffington Post saying Hillary Clinton was going to be indicted. However, HuffPo pulled the story almost immediately.


This begs the question, what does the Huffington Post know, when did they know it and why are they trying to cover it up? This isn’t something that would have been made up and posted by mistake, it appears to be to detailed. Here’s what Breitbart has to say:

The liberal publication Huffington Post removed an article on its website Sunday claiming that the FBI plans to pursue an indictment against Hillary Clinton on federal racketeering charges.

hillary shocked

HuffPo freelance contributor Frank Huguenard, a scientist and public speaker, posted an article on the site’s blog entitled “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges”.


The link provided goes to an archive page that captured the original Huffington Post story before it was pulled down.

Huguenard wrote:

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) is a United States Federal Law passed in 1970 that was designed to provide a tool for law enforcement agencies to fight organized crime. RICO allows prosecution and punishment for alleged racketeering activity that has been executed as part of an ongoing criminal enterprise.

Activity considered to be racketeering may include bribery, counterfeiting, money laundering, embezzlement, illegal gambling, kidnapping, murder, drug trafficking, slavery, and a host of other nefarious business practices.

James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.


I pulled the above section from the archived HuffPo posting as did Breitbart. I’ll be honest, I never considered the possibility of RICO charges against Hillary Clinton, but from my unschooled opinion, as well as from what we’ve all heard regarding the investigation into Cankles, it does make sense. you don’t assign 150+ agents to investigating a mail server.

However, and you just knew there was going to be one, there is probably some major issues with the original story, which is why HuffPo pulled it so quickly. (Like threats from the Clinton Crime Cartel) The story has been removed and all you see now on the direct link to the original Huffington Post URL is a 404 error with this at the bottom:

A note at the bottom of the original article explains that “This post is hosted on the Huffington Post’s Contributor platform. Contributors control their own work and post freely to our site. If you need to flag this entry as abusive, send us an email.”


I’ve read through the archived version of the story and it is very detailed, almost as if the poster had spoken with someone deep inside the investigation. For instance, in the archived story the author, Frank Huguenard wrote that the original investigation into Cankles mail server should have been finished last year.

Initially, Comey had indicated that the investigation into Hillary’s home brewed email server was to be concluded by October of 2015. However, as more and more evidence in the case has come to light, this initial date kept being pushed back as the criminal investigation has expanded well beyond violating State Department regulations to include questions about espionage, perjury and influence peddling.

I have a few questions for Mr. Huguenard, such as where he gets a perjury charge. To my knowledge, none of the Clintons have testified under oath, with the possible exception to congressional hearings. Granted, Hillary Clinton will lie even when she doesn’t need to, but I would take that charge with a grain of salt.


While he does lay out a nice story, I suspect that Mr. Huguenard is a Comrade Bernie supporter and detests Hillary Clinton. He may have taken all the information that is currently available and done some wishful thinking extrapolation and come to the conclusion that Cankles was going to be doing the perp walk. This would be one reason the Huffington Post pulled the story.


Another possible reason is that Mr. Huguenard actually does have information and it was released prematurely. If so, it’s possible that the FBI requested politely to have the story taken down. (Even if they do have a tendency to act like the KGB or the Gestapo, the FBI can’t order stories to be removed. 1st Amendment and all that) In any case, we shall soon find out if Mr. Huguenard did have an inside track and just made the scoop of the century, or if had had taken one to many hits from his crack pipe.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to What does the Huffington Post know

  1. VonZorch says:

    It doesn’t matter how much solid evidence the Feebs have, the Commisar of Injustice will make it go away,


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