Damn Russian Hackers hitting Anger Central

Good morning, this is the Angry Systems Administrator. You may have noticed problems accessing the Blog over the last 36 hours. According to our hosting service, they are under assault by hackers trying to access the databases on their clients sites.

This includes the WordPress blog we use here. The hosting service is currently blocking IP addresses and working with their firewall to stop the attacks. According to the hosting service, these attacks are coming from the Baltic States, the Ukraine and Russia. No, we don’t think it’s Putin’s FSB that’s doing this.

Hopefully, things will clear up shortly. We apologize for the interruption of service, and ask that the #DamnRussianHackers go back to rampaging through the Democrat Party’s systems.

Thank you

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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One Response to Damn Russian Hackers hitting Anger Central

  1. The Angry Systems Admin was having problems posting the update so I took over and posted it under my byline.

    Damn Russian Hackers!!


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