US Soldier demands apology from Sen. McCaskill

I found this on Right Wing News and I’m doing my part to make it viral. The young man, who is in civilian clothes basically educated Senator Claire McCaskill’s (D-Mo) staffers in the Constitution. I don’t know if the gentleman is still in the service or not, but he’s definitely shown why the United States military is the best in the world.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

He understands exactly what the constitution means. Our elected and appointed officials should not have to be educated in the document they have sworn an oath to uphold. We need more men and women like this hero in office and far less, (Preferably none), of the dregs of humanity we have in there now.

UPDATE: This was lost in the Great Crash of 2009 and was recovered from the Internet. Yay!

~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to US Soldier demands apology from Sen. McCaskill

  1. US Soldier demands apology from Sen. McCaskill – #angercentralarchives

  2. US Soldier demands apology from Sen. McCaskill – #angercentralarchives


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