More technical stuff

Good day all, This is the Angry Systems Administrator bringing you another technical update. This is a quick one. I’ve just implemented contact pages for the Angry Webmaster and myself.

If you look at the top of the site you will see a Contact menu. Under that are contact pages for myself and the loudmouthed idiot Angry Webmaster. These pages will send us email and do require contact information from you. As we’ve always said, there is no confidentiality on the blog.

This differs from the main site where we do try to maintain some anonymity for our posters. I’ve also added our public PGP keys, so you can use those if you wish to encrypt your messages to us. I’ve tested this and it does work.

So, please use this rather then hitting the ADD page on the main site.

Thank you and have a nice day! 🙂

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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4 Responses to More technical stuff

  1. Pingback: angrywebmaster

  2. Not a bad idea twerp. I guess even you can come up with something useful once in a while.


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