Good day all. It’s been almost two years since people stopped wearing useless masks that the Fauciists forced on people. Anyone with any common sense knew that the masks wouldn’t do anything to stop the spread of the Fauci Flu, but since when have politicians and bureaucrats demonstrated anything like common sense?
Now a new peer reviewed study has been releases that not only confirmed that masks did nothing to protect the wearers, it actually did the opposite. Here are the details from the Gulf Insider:
People who wore protective masks were found to be more likely to contract COVID-19 infections than those who didn’t, according to a recent Norwegian study.
The peer-reviewed study, published in the journal Epidemiology and Infection on Nov. 13, analysed mask use among 3,209 individuals from Norway. Researchers followed them for 17 days and then asked the participants about their use of masks. The team found that there was a higher incidence of testing positive for COVID-19 among people who used masks more frequently.
Among individuals who “never or almost never” wore masks, 8.6 percent tested positive. That rose to 15 percent among participants who “sometimes” used masks and to 15.1 percent among those who “almost always or always” wore them.
Adjusting for factors such as vaccination status, the study determined that individuals who sometimes or often wore masks had a 33 percent higher incidence of COVID-19 compared to those who never or almost never wore masks. This jumped to 40 percent among people who almost always or always wore them.
Well, that looks like a solid kick in the balls to the religious group known as the Mask Covidians. The article goes into further details and some ass covering. I also didn’t see anything regarding how often people were changing out the masks. (That may be in the actual study) The recommendation is that masks should be changed every 20-30 minutes. No one I know did that and how many times have you been driving along and seeing another car with a mask hanging off the mirror?
The entire narrative on Covid-19 has imploded. The CDC has destroyed their credibility and Big Pharma is producing vaccines and boosters that no one is taking. Because of the flat out lies regarding Covid-19 told by the CDC and the Biden Maladministration, no one will listen to them any longer. The CDC is still pushing things like “Wear Masks or DIE!” and certain city and state governments are trying to reimpose them. (Kalifornistan)
I suspect we’re going to start seeing more and more studies and reports regarding the fiasco that was the Great Panicdemic of 2020 and how it was used by certain groups as a means to, Hell call it what it was, an attempt to tear up the Constitution of the United States and institute totalitarian control over all aspects of American life.
I will be very surprised if we see this study appear in any of the so called Main Stream Media shows, web sites and periodicals. They would have to admit that they either didn’t do their jobs and fully investigate the entirety of the governments mandates, or admit that they were active participants. Still, if Senator Rand Paul sees this study, I expect he’s going to be beating some bureaucrats over the head with it.
~The Angry Webmaster~