I remember

I remember September 11, 2001. I remember the fear when I couldn’t find my sister who was traveling that day. I remember watching the first tower on fire after the first plane crashed into it. I remember when the second plane hit and understanding that we were now at war. I remember seeing the people falling from the windows of the World Trade Center rather then burn. I remember the fall of those great towers. I remember the Pentagon burning. I remember the people running from the Capitol building terrified that they were the next target.

I remember the heroes of United Flight 93, who after finding out what had happened decided to attack the terrorist hijackers and regain control of their plane. I remember the grounding of every civilian flight in the United States for the first time in history. I remember the police officer and firefighters of New York City who died trying to save others.

I remember..

How could so many have forgotten?

“Are you guys ready? Let’s roll!”

Todd Beamer, November 24, 1968 – September 11, 2001

On September 11th, 2001 the Webmaster was in the process of closing down a manufacturing plant at the place he worked at that time. He had just walked in when he found out that a plane had hit one of the towers of the World Trade Center. A television set was on and showing the news. At that point everyone thought it was some sort of accident. The Webmaster went on with his job. When he came back into the building he found out that another plane had hit the second tower. At that moment he knew that the United States was under attack, although by who was not know at that time.

The Webmaster returned to his office and told his co-workers what was happening. Needless to say a lot of work didn’t get done that day. The Webmaster then remembered that his sister was traveling and called her fiancé who worked in Boston at that time. He had not been able to reach her due to the phone lines being jammed.

The Webmaster tried to reach his sister’s office to see if they had heard anything, but was unable to get through. He then tried a former manager of his who worked in the next building. He was able to get through, but was unable to get any information. He then gave the Webmaster a number to call. The Webmaster’s sister’s employer had not heard from her but according to his sister’s schedule, she would have been on the ground and in a meeting. A few hours later she was able to contact her fiancé and let him know she was OK.

How could so many people in this country forget that 2985 men, women and children were slaughtered by Muslim fanatics? How could so many people refuse to understand that there are large groups and whole nations out there that want to destroy everything we take for granted? Why do they think that we can “negotiate” with these thugs? There is no negotiating with them. They have only one demand. Surrender totally to there view of the world.

We have not seen anything like this since World War 2. In fact we have the worst of  the Nazi’s and the Imperial Japanese. The Nazi’s wanted to exterminate entire groups of people because of their religious beliefs and the Japanese would willingly kill themselves if they could take their enemies with them. (That was the United States in case you didn’t bother to learn anything in school)

The Islamofascists would like nothing better then to reopen Dachau, Auschwitz, Treblinka and the other death camps and wipe out the Jews. After they have wiped Israel off the map they would like nothing better then to impose their version of Islam on the rest of the world.

Do we really want to allow people who have no regard for human life, including their own, to have nuclear weapons? Do you really doubt they would use them if they had them? The only decision these people will make is how many nuclear weapons will they need to obliterate Israel and how many more they will need to destroy cities in the U.S. They have already decided to use them as soon as they feel they have enough weapons.

They don’t care that Israel will retaliate, or that the U.S. has the ability to turn the entire Middle East into radioactive glass. As far as they are concerned, if they die after murdering Jews, Christians and anyone else they consider an infidel they will have earned a ticket straight to Paradise.

We would like to know how so many supposedly intelligent and educated people can so delude themselves into believing that we can talk with these fanatics? Don’t they understand that to the Islamofascists this is a holy war and that to die in it is to get a free pass to their version of Heaven?

Allow us to answer this. No, they don’t. They simply can’t conceive that anyone would die for their religious beliefs in this day and age. They think that fighting over religion ended centuries ago. Well, in the Western world it pretty much did. All the major Western religions have undergone some form of reformation and have evolved as society has changed. Fighting over religion just isn’t done in the Modern world.

And there is the problem. The Islamofascists don’t live in the modern world. In fact they reject it outright, and want to drag the entire planet back into the dark ages. They don’t care how many people they kill to get the world they want. In fact unless you subscribe to their view of the world, you aren’t even human.

This is a religious war. Wars over religion have historically been the worst types. All the normal rules of conduct go out the window. To die fighting the infidels, apostates or heathens is to guarantee a place for you in Heaven, Paradise, Elysian fields, etc.

The sooner people wake and understand this the better. We didn’t ask for this war. We have tried to avoid it. There are people that refuse to believe that this is a war. What is it going to take? Mushroom clouds over Manhattan? Radioactive ash in Los Angeles?

Think about this as we remember those who dies on September 11, 2001.

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About Angry Webmaster

I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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