A little housekeeping

Since this is a long weekend, I’ve been playing with plugins. You’ll notice we have a ratings system here, both stars and thumbs up. I’m still digging through the settings, but the back end looks rather interesting. It has lots of shiny graphs and pretty pictures. It is rather complicated, but I’ll get it all sorted out eventually. The Angry Webmaster has posted a couple of interesting articles. You should read them. I’m really concerned about the IRS handling healthcare and giving my financial records to every Tom, Dick and Van in Washington. Oh Wait, Van was tossed under Obama’s bus yesterday. πŸ˜€

Both the Angry Webmaster and I have gotten into the habit of backing up the posts with every change. We learned our lessons from the last screw up.

As you may have heard, the Webmaster’s wife is heading back to China Wednesday. Her mother is very ill. The entire Anger Central staff has been doing what they can to help Mrs. Webmaster get ready. She has two suitcases the size of shipping containers all packed and ready to go. πŸ™‚

She will be in China for at least three months. The Angry Webmaster has already commenced moping around and making the rest of the staff miserable. If he keeps it up, we may have to ship him over as well. The Anger Central shipping department has a packing crate ready to go. They’ve bored some air holes in it, spread some torn up news papers and wood ships around and have some lettuce and carrots in the fridge.

Granted it’s going to take a good two months for the container ship to get there, but at least he’ll be out of our hair. heheheheh πŸ˜‰

Well it’s almost time for the company barbecue, so we’ll let you go.

Have a great holiday!

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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5 Responses to A little housekeeping

  1. Pingback: nedb

  2. Pingback: angrywebmaster

  3. A packing crate? A PACKING CRATE!?!?

    Mr. & Mrs. Webmaster travel FIRST CLASS ONLY you jumped up Geek Squad wannabe! And as to the shipping department, We will be having a discussion regarding any future travel arrangements I may require.

    A packing crate…Indeed. >:(


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