Tag Archives: USA

One Nation Under Socialism – Jon McNaughton

Good afternoon all, it’s time for a nice political, (Read anti-Obama) posting. I’ve been lax the last couple of days and the Angry Systems Administrator has been posting his movie wish list. Well, I just saw that Jon McNaughton has created another political artwork with an accompanying video. Continue reading

Posted in liberty, News of the Day | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

No, You move

No, you move Continue reading

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Happy New Year from Anger Central

Greetings, salutations and Happy New Year from The Angry Webmaster, The Angry Systems Administrator, Mrs. Webmaster and the entire staff of Anger Central! Continue reading

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2011 Christmas lights, a Thank you to the troops

Once again, members of our military won’t be home for Christmas. Anger Central would like to thank them by posting this video. Continue reading

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