Barack Obama

I am angry because Barack Obama isn't going to be president fast enough to get the people pissed off sooner.

Check back on this on November 5th, 2008. I CALLED IT.

Barack Obama 2

I'm so sick of all these people who are supporting Barack Obama because of his "message of hope and change". Give me a break, every time we have a presidential election some asshole talks about hope and change and then what do we get? Just another two-faced shifty-eyed politician out for nothing but their own ego. As I recall, George W. Bush was considered a carismatic speaker in his election campaign. Now he's an embarrasment to this country. JFK had a message of "hope and change" and look where that got him... DEAD! How can Obama claim that he's not an establisment candidate when Ted Kennedy, one of the most liberal and established politicians in office, is one of his main supporters? How can he end partisan politics when he has the most liberal voting record of all the candidates? No one, especially the media seems to be asking this guy any tough questions. Is it because they don't want to be seen as racist? I won't vote for him, not because he's black, but because he's GREEN. The media acts like he's already won even though he only has a slight lead. I'm also angry with all the people who support him. To the sheeple who support him because Oprah said so - grow a brain cell and think for yourself. To the young people who support him - he's a politician, they all lie, the only differece is he's a carismatic liar. And to everyone else who supports him - you're probably the same people who say "He's not my president" about W but actually voted for him or voted for Nader. Obama has no experience or platform, so he stands on the shoulders of every famous American in history spitting out quote after quote copying speeches verbatum. He says "my campaign is about words". That is because he has no actions to speak of. How ironic is it that his name is Barack Hussein Obama? I hear that and think the universe must be playing tricks on us. It's sad that elections are popularity contests instead of job interviews. Maybe if we'd elect qualified people we could solve some of the world's major problems instead of creating them. I wouldn't hire a teenager for CEO. We don't need another president who is clueless.

*Note from Anger Central
And the first posts regarding the Marxist Empty Suit have come in!

Obama 3

He's an idiot. He wants to raise taxes for nothing, he says he can raise teacher salaries when that's a STATE law, and he's a socialist!! But here's the worst part...America loves him! America wants a socialist leader. And there's nothing *I* can do about it.

*Note from Anger Central
He is a socialist and a racist. This man is a threat to this country. Unfortunately, he will also be the next president. :(
All we can say is Buy lots of Guns and learn to use them safely. Be prepared for the inevitable collapse of this once great nation.

Obama 4

Call me unpatriotic, but I am leaving if he is elected. This guy is Hitler and Mugabe all in one. His civilian Gestapo of black panthers and youth will kill us all and I am moving out to Thailand if he is elected before the camps are set up and I'm gassed or raped.

McCain is treating this whole election as if the old rules apply. They don't and McCain is only playing at being a candidate. Obama is going to fulfill the demented fantasies of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and various other black racists.

*Note from Anger Central
Channeling the Angry Webmaster are we? :)

Barack Obama 5

I am angry at how this election turned out. I am angry that the people elected a socialist over a war hero who knows what democracy is and someone who will sell out this country over someone who would not and will not. I am angry that we voted a President into office who is friends with a racist like Rev. Wright and a cop killer like Bill Ayers. (unproven, but hey, the organization he belonged to was responsible) And all because Bush dropped the ball and gas prices ended up soaring to five bucks a gallon. I got news for you America it took more than President Bush to screw up the economy, likewise it will take a larger factor than Barack Obama to fix it. I will just sit at home and wait for the change Obama promised. They can deliver the armored truck full of quarters to my home on East Fourth. I will gladly assist them in carrying it all in. :)

Obama 6

When I heard that you wanted to close Gitmo, it was confirmed to me that you were and still are an idiot. Guess what, those people are plotting right now to kill us all. You made this economy spiral even more out of control by depressing us all about the state of the economy just so you could get your fucking stimulus bill passed. I can't even get started on how angry I am. Guess what, I'm a "woman of color" and I'm a democrat, and I voted for McCain. Yes, he was the lesser of two evils, but even now, he's working hard to ensure the so-called "bipartisanship" that you promised but are still failing to deliver. Guess what, you got what you wanted, now it's your mess but you're just making it worse. Even the Euros who were so enamored of you in the beginning are realizing who you really are. I just can't believe you're releasing all those criminally insane prisoners. I'm angry, I'm scared, I'm hurt that you would put your own country in danger. It's really ironic that you, so public in your opposition of torture, are allowing for future acts of violence and torture to be committed to the people you're supposed to serve. By the way, I'm just graduating from college...right now, I don't even see a future for myself or plans for a future with a family. What's the point when you've been promised so much from a guy who's dependent on a teleprompter?

Obama 7

I really hate this guy. It thought I hated Clinton, but I really detest this purple-lipped, hip-swiveling, dumbo-eared goon. Just the sight of him makes me physically ill because of what he is going to do this to country. I would love to sell all my assets and leave the country before his "strong civilian force" comprised of malcontent urban youth, militia-men start kicking doors in, but my husband thinks I'm paranoid. Maybe I am. But I don't like what I see or hear. I look at Obama's eyes and there is no soul there just pitch blackness. He never talked well about his mother and his grandmother who "raised" him never said anything about him and didn't bother to live to see him sworn in. He just spawned out of nowhere like a creature out of a horror movie where there is a black pool. People fell down and worshipped him, all over the fricken' world- I'm like wtf?? -but I was never fooled. I feel like I'm in a sequel of "The Omen". Thank you for letting me vent. But I don't feel better.

P.S. And to the assholes who keep sending me pro-obama emails, you know darn well where I stand. So the next time you feel like sending me one, please print the email of your savior, crumple it up and shove it up your ass. thanx...

*Note from Anger Central
You aren't paranoid, Obama is out to get us!! ;)
Actually, there are some very serious people who are extremely worried that Obama and the clowns in Congress may be pushing this country to out and out civil war. The Webmaster saw two of them on the TV one night and after their discussions with the host were asked point blank if they thought that the US was heading in that direction. Both guests sat there looking very uncomfortable and said nothing, even though their body language was saying many things.

Obama 8

Alright, This guy went on and on for months about change and now the son of a bitch gets elected...WHERE IS IT?? PEOPLE ARE STILL LOSING THEIR JOBS!! JUST ANOTHER FUCKING TWO FACED POLITICIAN LOOKING FOR FAME AND HE GOT IT!! CONGRATULATIONS ASSHOLE!

Barack Obama 9

Is is too early too say that this motherfucking fame seeker has got to go? What the fuck has this guy been doing to help us? NOTHING!! People are losing their jobs and cannot find new jobs, they are losing their homes, cannot afford health insurance,etc.,etc, isn't supposed tobe helping with these things? OF COURSE NOT! He got what he wanted...a celebrity status! He doesn't give a shit what happens to people like me who are in a grave situation. This motherfucker promised changed and has yet to deliver on his promise. The motherfucking lying sack of horseshit couldn't produce change if he were operating a cash register. HE'S ALLOWING US TO SUFFER AND DIE!!! I HATE HIM!!! I HATE HIM!!! I FUCKING HATE HIM!!!

*Note from Anger Central
Obama is producing change. He is changing the United States into a third world socialist dictatorship right before our very eyes. Thanks a lot 52'rs.

Obama 10

First this shitbag was talking about working towards fixing the god damn economy, still waiting for that to happen. Who the Hell am I kidding? He won't do shit.

Then he goes on and on about that fucking joke of a health care plan of his. It's not realistic, it will fail! Plain and simple! He managed to piss off a lot of people, that's all he managed to do with that.

That big earred, blue lipped, publicity seeking fraud has got to go, People are still suffering and he's more concerned about taking in a round of golf with Tiger Woods. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT HIMSELF! HE IS AN ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE! HE MUST BE IMPEACHED BEFORE HE COMPLETELY DESTROYS US ALL!


Barack Obama 11

Ok, he's apologizing to the Muslim world for the U.S.?! WTF! What is going on here?? This is not good, not good at all. And what's really bad is that some idiot will probably go and shoot him, and he will become the biggest President hero and martyr of all time. I am unfortunately now on board with the folks who believe this guy is the beginning of the end for our nation. :( :(

Obama 12

I'm angry because he I'm a white male republican who is tired of being called a racist because I disagree with what Barack Obama is doing to our nation. The race card is the only defense the left has to those who disagree. I am angry because my children's, children who aren't even born yet are already in an amount of debt from this man no human mind can comprehend. I'm angry because my grandfather died protecting this land, and now Obama is doing everything he can to undo all he fought for. I'm angry because America has gotten lax, and lazy, and willing to be run over. I am angry because men these days have no spine, no work ethic, and no down home manners. Most of all i'm angry that it has come to a point in our country that politicians like Obama, who have NEVER held a single job in their life but "organizing a community" get elected president. Then try and dictate funds, take over businesses, and run companies, which they should have stayed out of to begin with. I'm angry that my government is no longer working for me.

*Note from Anger Central
The Webmaster has taken to writing about the Jug Eared Coke Snorter in Chief on the Angry Blog.

Barack Obama 13




*Note from Anger Central
If you have nothing good to say about Obama, Say it here!!

Hussein Obama 14

This guy popped out of nowhere, with a fake paper of birth and swooned the sheeple of the US. There is NO hope and NO change, those are simple idiotic words used to convince the people with IQs below 40 (those who voted for him). And if the gays/carpet munchers think he is on their side, they are wrong. This bastard just wants to be on TV as much as possible. Just like "earning" a Nobel Peace Prize the same day we bombed the moon, and was chosen for his "pursuit of peace" a few days into office. If he really was a humble guy, he would of NOT accepted the prize, since he hasnt earned anything. And what is with taking a damn vacation for a week a few months into his first year? Must be nice to blow millions of dollars flying everywhere on Air Force 1, for vacation, trying to get the Olympics in Chicago, and his stupid fucking wife's shopping sprees.

Obama's Nobel Prize 15

I'm totally fucking raged up that Obama got a Nobel Prize. Other people work for years on beneficial medical and scientific projects, education, and other things that are actually useful and benefit mankind. Now this jerk gets a Nobel Prize after less than a year as President, FOR NOTHING!!!!! If any jackass can just come along and get a Nobel Prize for anything, it takes away the meaning of the Nobel Prize being important, and reduces it to just another cheap-shit award. The only prizes Barak Obama should be getting are for

  1. Killing flies or

  2. Cracking open a beer or

  3. President elected with the least experience.

And don't even get me started on the National Health Care bill mixed in with Student Financial Aid loans. Whats up with that shit? I guess it would make me sick to be good student and not be able to afford college, but the two do not belong together - period! Good God! Obama either does nothing or he screws up!

Barack Obama 16

I am angry at this impostor of a president. Just today, a pamphlet was released with Barack Obama's biography saying that he was born in Kenya. The pamphlet had supposedly been in circulation from 1991 to 2007. The wording was changed in 2007 by the editor of this biography. (hmm, I wonder why 2007?) The editor of the biography comes out and says it was a mistake AFTER IT WAS CIRCULATED FOR 16 YEARS!! How do you just screw up someone's place of birth and not correct it until 16 years later?!

Mr. Obama, the people want to know what in the world is going on! Why won't you release your travel records? Academic records? Why are you being so secretive? Is it because you're afraid you'll be found out? Mr. Obama, who are you?

It also makes me angry that by next week, people will have forgotten all about this. Are the sheeple so dumbed down by the media that they have no idea what's taking place right in front of their eyes? Every man today is a shmuck that goes to basketball games hooting and hollering while he's unaware that this president might have usurped the presidency, and he could care less about it. That's the typical Obama voter. Why aren't people screaming at the top of their lungs demanding to know what's going on? This republic is fading fast thanks to Obama and his corrupt regime. I shudder when I think about what he whispered to Medvedev. It makes my blood boil that more people aren't calling for impeachment. I don't like Romney, but at least we know where his loyalty lies. With Obama, we are just being played for the fools that we are. this man should have never been in office. IMPEACH OBAMA NOW!!

*Note from Anger Central
It amazes us how low trafficked this page is. Considering what a complete and total SCoaMF Obama is, we would have expected far more postings here.

Obama 17

It's been two weeks since the election and I'm still pissed off!

How anybody could have re-elected this ass is beyond my understanding. Let's recap his accomplishments: NOTHING!

All you liberal douche-bags who are drinking the Obama Cool Aid are ignorant! His campaign said the same shit it said 4 years ago. Hope and Change. Now if you define change as everthing staying exaclty the same, then yes there was plenty of change over the last 4 years. With no accountability for a 2nd term, this will get even worse.

STOP BLAMING BUSH! After 4 years the economy should be better. Roosevelt did it, Reagan did it. But Barack doesn't care about the economy. He only cares about himself. He's a narcissistic, amateurish, racist (his Christian church in Chicago preached black poverty at the hands of whitey). His economic beliefs are a dangerously incorrect. His Marxist socialist views are scary enough. Add to that his beleif in a corporatist government with a few large, unionized companies that are given preferential treatment by the government. Bush recognized that it was anti-woman, black, and small business, and has NEVER worked in ANY country!

Obama doesn't like the US being leader of the free world. He doesn't like our foreign policies, resents our status as a super-power. His appology tour (yes, Democraps, this did happen) pushed that message clearly. He's purposely weakened our international position by sitting on the sidelines. When we become weaker, who's going to take our place? China? North Korea? Other countries are noticing and seeing us as weak. Gee, hope another holocaust doesn't happen!

All his 2008 supporters cannot stand him. Once he got what he wanted from them he shut them out. Never returned calls, never invited them to the White House, and snubbed them. Unfortunately these staunch democrats have nowhere to go (Black Chicago supporters, Jews, Oprah, other Democrats). He's SO bad that Hillary Clinton nearly attempted a run at his office for 2012. How bad is that?

He never takes advice from his advisors, makes a habit of frequently embarassing them and then firing them. Talks incessantly about shit that is irrelevant or untrue. Refuses to work with republicans, Congress, the House and even many democrats. Basically this country is run by Obama, Michelle, and Valerie Jarret (who was FIRED by the mayor of Chicago for botching a multi-million dollar project). Anything you hear about him blaming Congress or the republicans for not working with him is the other way around. He won't work with, or even communicate with them. No other president was this bad at communicating with their Congress,, not even Nixon! He doesn't know who they are, nor does he care.

Was this election about abortion? REALLY? Women's rights?!?! Stop wasting my time!! Obortion is goint NOWHWERE! Besides, the economy is WAY more important at this time than whether or not Sally Slut can get a free abortion. WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS COUNTRY!? You faggots who think Romney would have taken away womens right to vote are fucking delusional!

STOP VOTING WITH YOUR VAGINAS!!!!!!!!! Educate yourselves with something other than MSLSD news of the Huff Post.

*Note from Anger Central
What surprises us is how few posts there are under this section. We figured people were reading the screeches from the Angry Webmaster on the Blog,

Obama 18

I hate all you Moran fuck Obama supporters . Because of you payroll taxes are up & cost me more money for you lazy fucking whores who can't keep your legs closed. And all the lazy drug dealers that sell crack & sit at home & collet pay checks. If you voted for him I hope you get hit by a fucking car & get dragged 10 miles on your face

The way things are going 19

Obummer screwing up health care (and everything else he touches), the economy that will collapse soon, our jobs being shipped overseas because we demand actual pay, employers who demand that you prioritize their needs over anything else while looking for any excuse to cut your pay and benefits (fuck your health, safety and sanity, get your ass to work!), rising inflation and a debt exceeding $15,000,000,000,000 at this point that the next generation gets to pay off (read: MY generation)...

Great to know there's so much to look forward to when you become an adult!

*Note from Anger Central
You are off by two trillion dollars. Debt is about 17 trillion now and skyrocketing.

Obama 20

I dont know where to begin about this rant since there's so much to go into about this two-faced politician (OPPS, SORRY I MEANT KING OBAMA.)

Lets start off with the fact that his dumb ass Health care law is forcing health insurance companies to cancel existing policies and thus, forcing the American people to buy MORE EXPENSIVE coverage. Thanks Obama.

Second: What the fuck has Obama done for the Middle Class as of recently? I see that the rich are doing better than ever under Obama and the poor, well they're pretty much looting off hard working Americans as usual. But it seems the size of the middle class is shrinking further and further because of the Obama's policies. Thanks a lot big government and Obama!

And third: I AM PISSED at all the Obama supporters that are proposing for the minimum wage to be raised to along the lines of 9.25 - 10.00 dollars an hour! What? Yeah sure, I would love to pay more for goods and services. But why stop at 10.00 dollars an hour? Why not just raise it to $50 dollars an hour that way no one will be in poverty? Stupid!

Barry Obammy 21

The destroyer in chief is a disaster to America. The ILLITERATE FOOLS that shouldn't be allowed OR breed OR VOTE put the commie fraud son of a white trash slut whore in our white house. Thanks alot you assholes.

Impeach Obama Now 22

Barack Obama is nothing more than a lying, cheating, worthless excuse for a President, why is he still President, why hasn't he already been impeached? Why does Obama blame Guns for every Mass shooting that happens in this Country? If you take away guns some retard will always find a knife or a hammer to attack people with, you don't see him putting a ban on them either now do you, the real problem isn't the weapon, it's the FUCKING person that uses the weapon, it's their fucking mental problems, such as the retard that caused the Oregon Shootings, who was obsessed with shootings and Isis, if someone knew of that, I would have the retard hung and skinned alive before he got a chance to attack, and yet Obama wants to blame Guns for every single Shooting that happens, well what are our troops going to use to defend themselves in a War if another ever happens? Also, what is somebody going to use to defend themselves, if some thief breaks into your house at night? If we don't have guns than how the fuck are we supposed to defend ourselves, do you want us to be sitting ducks?

Also I hear that Obama has been secretly trying to get the Trans Pacific Partnership signed which will affect our jobs, food, and flex copyright laws over all of us, and the fact that he's doing this behind our backs, really makes me want Obama to get out of Office. Obama doesn't give a damn about this Country, he doesn't give a damn about the American People, I say it's time that we tell Congress that Obama needs to go, NOW. We need to Impeach Obama, Now before it's too late, we can't take another day with this idiot in charge, Obama is slowly causing the demise of America, and we cannot ignore this any longer, it's time for us Americans to stand up and say we are done with Obama Bin Laden, Impeach him already.

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