Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq

As I wrote yesterday, Iraq is about to fall to Al Qaeda and the Iraqi Government has asked for help from Obama. The answer wasn’t long in coming from Der Fubar. Basically, it comes down to “Solve your problems.”

I was at lunch and flipped on the TV to see what was on the news. Up came King Putz. Not wanting to suffer a bought of projectile vomiting, I quickly changed the channel to something far more soothing. I think it was a show on how to drown puppies and pull the wings off butterflies. Whatever it was, it was better then Der Fubar’s screeching. In any case, I decided to look on the innertubezweb and found this story on Fox News:

President Obama urged Iraq’s leaders Friday to “solve their problems” as they face Al Qaeda-inspired militants overrunning cities and marching toward Baghdad — but said he was reviewing possible U.S. military responses.

king putt

*sputter* Have the Iraqi government solve THEIR problems? Hey Buttwipe, you caused this problem, not the Iraqi government. As to those “Military responses?” That will consist of the SCoaMF getting aboard Marine One and heading off for a round of golf somewhere.

Obama, speaking on the South Lawn before departing for North Dakota, reiterated that the U.S. would “not be sending U.S. troops back into combat.”

Maybe if you had bothered getting a Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq, Al Qaeda wouldn’t be running around in armed pickup trucks and building their new Caliphate, Moron.

Indicating a decision on possible U.S. intervention could still be days away, the president said he’s asked his security team for options and is reviewing them.

In other words it will be “Oh! Al Qaeda has already taken over and is in the process of slaughtering all the non-believers. I guess we’re just going to have to live with it, Insha’Allah. Meanwhile, where are my golf clubs?

Obama made clear, however, that any U.S. involvement likely would be limited, pressing the embattled Iraqi government to develop a “political plan” and make a “sincere effort” to resolve sectarian divisions.

“We can’t do it for them,” Obama said.

Why do I have a memory of Saigon in 1975 running through my head? Oh I know. That was the last time the United States bailed out on a country we were supporting. By the way, while the president was a Republican, (Of sorts), the congress was controlled by Democrats and they’re the ones who cut off the South Vietnamese military from the resources, (Money, ammunition, etc), they needed to stop the North Vietnamese.

The message echoed that delivered earlier in the day by Secretary of State John Kerry, who put the onus on the Nouri al-Maliki government to “put sectarian differences aside and to come together in unity to begin to be more representative and inclusive.”

Thrown under the bus

And bumpity bump go the wheels on Obama’s bus as al-Maliki and millions of Iraqi’s are thrown under it. Granted the al-Maliki government is far from blameless in this mess.

“The Iraqi government is far from perfect,” Rep. Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, R-Calif., said. “But if we don’t want to see an Iraq with large swaths of territory under militant control, and we shouldn’t, we should answer Iraqi requests to target these Al Qaeda terrorists with drone strikes.”

That assumes that Der Fubar actually wants to stop Al Qaeda. I have serious doubts about that.

Meanwhile, three planeloads of Americans — mostly contractors and civilians — were in the process of being evacuated Friday from an Iraqi air base north of Baghdad, the Associated Press reported. The State Department said Thursday that the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad is operating as usual.

The development signals the worsening security environment in the northern part of the country. One senior official told Fox News that the focus for evacuation at this point is on people outside of Baghdad.

saigon huey

Yep, sounds like the Fall of Saigon to me.

Two senior intelligence sources, though, told Fox News there is serious concern about how to evacuate other Americans out of Iraq if the situation further deteriorates.

“We need places to land, we need safe and secure airfields,” one source said, noting that the militants are “seizing airfields and they have surface-to-air missiles, which very clearly threatens our pilots and planes if we do go into evacuation mode.”

Sources said “all western diplomats in Iraq are in trouble,” and American allies are scrambling to put together an evacuation plan. Military officials said there are “not a lot of good options.”

When we evacuated Vietnam, the Communist forces were told not to interfere in the evacuations and for good reason. If they had opened up on the evacuation helicopters, that would have brought a quick and overwhelming response. There was at least one carrier off shore and they could have torn up the NVA’s armored forces quite easily, possibly enough to turn the tide. The RIF’s ((Radical Islamic Fundamentalist)) won’t be so accommodating. They won’t hesitate to fire MANPAD’s ((Man-portable air-defense systems)) at aircraft carrying evacuees.

And where is Obama while all this is happening? Is he in the White House Situation Room monitoring things? Whatever gave you that idea? As mentioned above, he’s heading off to North Dakota. What do you think he’s going to be doing there? Looking into the Keystone Pipeline? The Bakken Oil fields? Of course not. He’s heading for “Indian Country! ((North Dakota Tribe Ready for Visit from President Obama))”

The Good Idea Fairy 3

Now, I don’t have a problem with a president visiting some of his constituents, but with everything going on right now, and not just in Iraq, he really should have postponed the trip, and even if he couldn’t, continuing on to California to play a round of golf shows what a Stuttering Cluster*u*k Of A Miserable Failure he is. That or he’s backing the RIF’s in their goal of taking over Iraq.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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Iraqi civil war: Obama not to send US troops into Baghdad, again! -DR. ABDUL RUFF COLACHAL. Officially and legally, Iraq is a sovereign nation, though still directly controlled by Washington with a pro-US puppet regime. US President … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:27:46 -0700
This is not solely, or even primarily, a military challenge. Over the past decade, American troops have made extraordinary sacrifices to give Iraqis and opportunity to claim their own future. Unfortunately, Iraqi leaders have been unable to … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:16:08 -0700
AP: “The president did not specify what options he was considering, but he ruled out sending American troops back into combat in Iraq. Suggestion: just dip a trillion dollars in napalm and let the flaming leaves flutter down over the world in a … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:10:46 -0700
Today President Barack Obama issued a statement on the situation in Iraq. He reiterated that the ISIS/ISIL … A civil war which had been somewhat tamped down by the time US troops left has flared up to full force again. There are other Sunni … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:05:40 -0700
Because thanks to Barack Obama’s utterly disastrous and disgraceful foreign policy, we’re seeing a TON of “Bergdahling” going on in Iraq: Gunmen seized Iraq’s second-largest city Tuesday as troops threw away their uniforms and abandoned … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:46:21 -0700

President Obama on Iraq…. | Politicaldog101.Com

this poses a danger to Iraq and its people, and given the nature of these terrorists it could eventually pose a threat [to the American public] as well.” 9:01 AM PT: President Obama says Iraq “needs help” but “we will not be sending troops [. — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:45:25 -0700
Baghdad (AFP) – US President Barack Obama said Friday he is examining options short of sending troops to help Iraq counter a Sunni militant onslaught, as a leading cleric called Iraqis to arms. “We will not be sending US troops back into … — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:42:37 -0700
WASHINGTON (CNN) – President Obama says he will not be sending troops back into Iraq but other options are being considered. In a statement, the president said the United States “will not be sending U.S. troops back into combat in Iraq.”. — Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:37:48 -0700


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4 Responses to Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq

  1. Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq – #angercentralarchives

  2. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq #angercentral #iraq @twitrchypolitics #scoamf #obama #saigon #tcot

  3. Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq #angercentral #iraq @twitrchypolitics #scoamf #obama #saigon #tcot

  4. Next under Obama’s bus? Iraq #angercentral #iraq @twitrchypolitics #scoamf #obama #saigon…


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