Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington

Good day all. This ruling came out over the weekend and it has basically taken a 2×4 to the heads of the gun grabbers in Washington D.C. Judge Frederick Scullin Jr. Issued a ruling that Washington’s ban on carrying guns outside the home was unconstitutional.

And it gets even better then that. He also enjoined Washington DC from enforcing it’s current gun laws as unconstitutional. Here are some of the details from Emily Miller on Fox News:

A federal judge in the District of Columbia on Saturday overturned the city’s total ban on residents being allowed to carry firearms outside their home in a landmark decision for gun-rights activists. Judge Frederick Scullin Jr. wrote in his ruling in Palmer v. District of Columbia that the right to bear arms extends outside the home, therefore gun-control laws in the nation’s capital are “unconstitutional.”

I think the word of the day for this is “HOORAY!!” There is more good news in this decision, there is no ambiguity in it at all.

The decision leaves no gray area in gun-carrying rights. Judge Scullin extensively referenced the Supreme Court decisions in District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010) to concluding “there is no longer any basis on which this court can conclude that the District of Columbia’s total ban on the public carrying of ready-to-use handguns outside the home is constitutional under any level of scrutiny.”

Stock Photo of the Consitution of the United States and Feather Quill

The judge must have noticed that currently, the only people carrying guns in Washington are law enforcement and criminals. One of the reasons for the Second Amendment is to give people a means to defend themselves, their loved ones, their neighbors and their property. For those who think it is the government’s duty to do all that, think again. The courts have ruled repeatedly that law enforcement officers are there to protect society, not the individuals. Now the clowns ruining the city have no choice in the matter when it comes to people who want to carry a gun.

The court ordered the city to now allow residents from the District and other states to carry weapon within its boundaries. Judge Scullin wrote that the court “enjoins Defendants from enforcing the home limitations of [D.C. firearms laws] unless and until such time as the District of Columbia adopts a licensing mechanism consistent with constitutional standards enabling people to exercise their Second Amendment right to bear arms.”


Normally, and I’m sure legal types can confirm or deny this, a judge who issues this sort of ruling then stays the enforcement of it pending the inevitable appeal. Not this time. Of course, the Progressives Liberal Fascist Democrats who have been running Washington into the ground aren’t happy with this decision and are already looking for ways around it.

City Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said Sunday that he just learned of the ruling and had yet to read the opinion.

That won’t stop him of course from rendering his opinion on the rest of us.

However, he said because of the District’s unique national security concerns, the right to carry a firearm in public “must be more heavily restricted than any place else in the nation.”


WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!! The District of Columbia is NOT outside the United States and the Constitution applies to the city, even though you thugs have been ignoring it for decades.

“Four U.S. presidents have been assassinated by gunfire, and at least five others have been shot at, including Ronald Reagan who was seriously wounded in 1981,” he said. “Neither the Secret Service nor the Capitol Police will disclose all incidents where they have recovered firearms, but we do know that just two years ago someone hit the White House with gunfire, and there are frequent threats on the foreign diplomatic corps.”

And do you think your pathetic and unconstitutional laws are going to stop someone who is going to commit a criminal act? Of course they won’t for the simple reason, they haven’t yet! Criminals are not deterred by laws. That’s why they are called criminals. Obviously, it hasn’t occurred to you that an armed citizen, lawfully going about his business, observing one of these criminals setting up to take a shot might be in a position to stop the criminal? Of course not!

Now there is almost no doubt at all that this ruling is going to be appareled. I expect it will be going to the Supreme Court and if history is any judge, they will uphold this one as well, which will drive a stake through the gun banners hearts in cities like Chicago, New York, etc.

The people have spoken regarding gun control, and they have spoken with their wallets. While gun sales have leveled off a bit, the number of new gun owners, particularly women continues to increase. That has to drive King Bloomberg nuts.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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Open Carry in DC: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | The …

In a 19-page opinion, Judge Frederick. … But while I don’t want to see anybody shot — seriously, not even Darrell Issa — something in me wishes the beltway politicians did have to mingle with random citizens they don’t know personally who are openly armed with big, scary weapons. Long range, high caliber … Or else they will openly display what weenies they really are by writing some kind of special rule that provides open carry can be banned in D.C. but nowhere else. Share.
http://www.mahablog.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:46:55 -0700
Yesterday evening, Emily Miller tweeted that D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier had issued an order that police were not to arrest people who could legally carry in their home state; or D.C. residents who could now legally carry in the District of Columbia. Early this morning, the …. Wants to Take Your Guns! MS:Judge Overrides State Law to Keep Baliffs Armed. … Suomi K31 50 rd 9mm Quad Stack Magazine · IL: State Police Change Rules on Concealed Carry L… MO: Man Shoots one of …
http://gunwatch.blogspot.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 07:18:00 -0700
Meanwhile, Ted Gest, the spokesman for the D.C. attorney general’s office, which defended the handgun ban in court, said it will “be seeking a stay shortly,” so the order by U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin Jr. may not be in effect for long. “Its time of effectiveness … So basically, Washington D.C. is seeking the right to keep putting people in jail for exercising their second amendment rights as ruled by a judge, until they can find a higher judge to overturn the ruling. Posted by Fritz at …
http://fritz-aviewfromthebeach.blogspot.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:39:00 -0700
The litigants repeatedly went to court to try to force Scullin to rule during the five year wait for a decision. They probably now feel it was worth the wait. The court held the D.C. law was unconstitutional under the Second Amendment. The D.C. …
http://jonathanturley.org/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:14:37 -0700

Big win for 2nd Amendment in D.C. **AGAIN** | The Minority …

Yesterday afternoon, federal judge Frederick Scullin Jr. ruled that the District’s laws banning carrying a firearm in public were unconstitutional. In light of Heller, McDonald, and their progeny, there is no longer any basis on which this Court can …
http://www.theminorityreportblog.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 06:10:00 -0700
Emily Miller tweeted yesterday that Washington D.C. Police Chief Lanier has issued an order that police will not arrest non-felons who are carrying pistols in the District of Columbia. …. MS:Judge Overrides State Law to Keep Baliffs Armed.
http://gunwatch.blogspot.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 05:52:00 -0700

Federal Judge Rules DC Gun Ban Unconstitutional | David’s …

The previous ban prohibited citizens from carrying a firearm outside of their homes. DC Ban On Handguns Lifted. U.S. District Judge Frederick J. Scullin struck down the law this past Saturday after a long and stringent court battle that spanned …
http://davidbatterson.com/ — Mon, 28 Jul 2014 05:10:12 -0700
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4 Responses to Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington

  1. Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/UK7WxMBwH1

  2. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington http://t.co/mktAjnacLW #angercentral #2ndamendment #guns @twitchyt…

  3. Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington http://t.co/mktAjnacLW #angercentral #2ndamendment #guns @twitchyteam #tcot #law

  4. Judge issues smackdown gun ruling against Washington http://t.co/6mYoJftMl3 #angercentral #2ndamendment #guns… http://t.co/7geWgqTrHV


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