Does Obama want to be impeached?

Good day all. As the title of this post asks, does Barack Obama want to be impeached and removed from office?

Now, when I ask this, it isn’t in the meaning of “Is that idiot just begging for us to impeach his butt?” No, what I’m asking is more like, “I am tired of this job, but I can’t be bothered to resign, so you’re going to have to fire me.” Think of it as Obama being the real life version of Dilbert’s Wally. Someone who doesn’t want to lose the perks of the job, but can’t be bothered to actually work.

As we have seen over the last few years, Barack Obama is in no way any sort of leader. When the going gets tough, Obama gets going, usually to a fundraiser or a vacation. Now the Obama Steno Pool is taking notice of Obama’s complete detachment from what’s going on. Even his own party is trying to get Barack Obama to do his job.


With the election in November, the odds are, unless the Party of Stupid blows it again, the Senate will flip to the Republican Party and the house will remain in the hands of the GOP. This doesn’t mean that they will impeach and try Obama. Even if the senate flips, it takes a two thirds majority of the Senate to convict and remove a sitting president. Unless the Democrats decide that Obama has to go, and that they can deal with President Joseph “Slow Joe” “Get a shotgun” Biden for 2 more years.


To date, only two presidents have been impeached in the House of Representatives, (Andrew Johnson and William Clinton), but none have been convicted and removed by the Senate. Andrew Johnson came close, holding his office by a single vote ((Impeachment of Andrew Johnson)). Clinton was acquitted of more serious charges by a large number of Senators ((Perjury and Obstruction of Justice)).

While I think Obama has checked out and is treating the Office of the President of the United States as basically a “No Show” job, (Getting all the pay and benefits while not actually doing the job), I’m not so sure he wants to be impeached. If he were actually impeached in the House and convicted and removed in the Senate, he would achieve another first. Being the first Black president followed by the first president kicked out of office. He would probably lose all the goodies a former president gets, including high paying speaking engagements, government paid office space and even his retirement pay. That would be more than he could handle, and if it happened, I think Michelle would drop him like a rotten piece of Tofu. So, what do you think? Do you think Obama is actually doing what he is doing to force the Congress to impeach him? Vote in the poll below and let the world know what you think.


~The Angry Webmaster~

Does Barack Obama want to be impeached from office?

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6 Responses to Does Obama want to be impeached?

  1. Does Obama want to be impeached? – #angercentralarchives

  2. VonZorch Imperial Researcher says:

    I Don’t know if Obummer actually wants impeached, but I suspect its overweening ego wouldn’t allow it.
    However my confidence in the Rethuglicans ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory is unshaken.

    • Never mind his ego, think about what would happen to him of Michelle could no longer travel on the taxpayer’s dime, Hubby’s pension is stripped and she would have to go *shudder* back to work. Who would pay her for another no show job?

      Barry could always go on television and pitch ShamWow. 😉

  3. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Does Obama want to be impeached? #angercentral #obama #impeachment @twitchyteam #politics #tcot …

  4. Does Obama want to be impeached? #angercentral #obama #impeachment @twitchyteam #politics #tcot #teaparty

  5. Does Obama want to be impeached? #angercentral #obama #impeachment @twitchyteam #politics…


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