Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike

Good day all. A few weeks ago, Israel decided it had had enough of Hamas launching rockets into Israel. They decided to go into the Gaza Strip and destroy all the rockets they could find and the tunnels they knew Hamas had been digging into Israel.

It’s been four weeks now and Israel is ramping up operations. What they have found to date is terrifying. They thought that there might be 10 or 20 tunnels and that they wouldn’t be very complex. What they’ve found instead was literally a massive complex rivaling the Cu Chi ((Cu Chi tunnels)) complex in Vietnam and the North Korean systems ((DMZ – DPRK Tunnels)) along the DMZ.

The Israelis have also discovered that Hamas intended to use these tunnels to hit Israel during the upcoming Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur Holidays. According to JP Updates:

IDF’s excavation of 31 tunnels in the Gaza Strip has resulted in the seizure of tons of Hamas supplies as well as the discovery of plans for future operations.

One of the shocking revelations that came up was the plans Hamas had apparently been preparing for a murderous assault on Israeli civilian targets during the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holidays which begins on September 24, Ma’ariv quoted anonymous Israeli defense sources in Friday’s paper.

The raid would have been like something out of a movie: some 200 heavily-armed Hamas militants would have emerged from over a dozen underground tunnels in the dead of night, jogged 10 minutes to their targets, and then infiltrated a set of lightly-populated and lightly-guarded Israeli communities. Casualties could have reached the thousands, and some of the victims would have been taken back alive as hostages.

Now, with all this information being made available, you would think that The Obama Regime would work with Israel to close down Hamas once and for all. You would be wrong. Recently, Secretary of State John Forbes “Live Shot” Kerry stick his Lurch ((Lurch (The Addams Family))) like chin into this complex issue and as history has shown, screw it up royally.


First a little background. Most of the Arab world has just about had it with Hamas and while they don’t support directly what Israel is doing, do want to take Hamas, and by extension their backers, Iran and Syria. With that in mind, Egypt came up with a truce that Israel accepted. Hamas announced their thoughts on the plan with additional rocket fire into Israel. Now as I understand it, the details of the plan would have opened up Gaza, essentially ending the blockade, but would also force Hamas to give up their plans to exterminate all Jews everywhere and allow their rivals, Fatah, back in. It wasn’t perfect by any stretch, but it appears it would have stopped the rocket attacks on Israel.

After that plan failed, thanks to Hamas, in steps John Kerry, leading with his chin as usual. He didn’t take the Egyptian plan and run with it, he decided that since he’s one of “The Elite Boston Brahmin’s ((Boston Brahmin)),” he could do better. As expected, he did far worse, basically giving Hamas everything it wants and preventing Israel from defending itself. Here are the points that leaked out (H/T to The Federalist):

  • Rather than empowering Fatah, it recognizes Hamas as the legitimate authority in the Gaza Strip, though it is considered a terrorist organization by the Justice Department and an entity that’s founding principle and driving purpose is to eliminate Israel and replace it with an Islamic state.

  • Rather than choking off this organization’s lifeline, it would have allowed them to collect billions in ‘charity’ that would be been able to use to rearm, retrench and reengage in hostilities.

  • And all the while, it would not have made no demands on Hamas to get rid of its rockets, or its tunnels and other weaponry used to instigate war – while at the same it would have limited Israel’s ability to take them out. (Update: This final point is disputed by U.S. officials.)


This joke of a proposal was rejected by pretty much everyone except Hamas and it’s supporters. Israel’s government is furious at Kerry for this garbage and the Times of Israel is calling it a betrayal.

When The Times of Israel’s Avi Issacharoff first reported the content of John Kerry’s ceasefire proposal on Friday afternoon, I wondered if something had gotten lost in translation. It seemed inconceivable that the American secretary of state would have drafted an initiative that, as a priority, did not require the dismantling of Hamas’s rocket arsenal and network of tunnels dug under the Israeli border. Yet the reported text did not address these issues at all, nor call for the demilitarization of Gaza.

It seemed inconceivable that the secretary’s initiative would specify the need to address Hamas’s demands for a lifting of the siege of Gaza, as though Hamas were a legitimate injured party acting in the interests of the people of Gaza — rather than the terror group that violently seized control of the Strip in 2007, diverted Gaza’s resources to its war effort against Israel, and could be relied upon to exploit any lifting of the “siege” in order to import yet more devastating weaponry with which to kill Israelis.

Israel and the US are meant to be allies; the US is meant to be committed to the protection of Israel in this most ruthless of neighborhoods; together, the US and Israel are meant to be trying to marginalize the murderous Islamic extremism that threatens the free world. Yet here was the top US diplomat appearing to accommodate a vicious terrorist organization bent on Israel’s destruction, with a formula that would leave Hamas better equipped to achieve that goal.

I don’t know why this surprises the Times. John Kerry has always been a flat out idiot and a has never backed the United States or it’s friends and allies. Recall Kerry’s support of Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) and his Winter Soldier testimony, or the other lies he told, such as going into Cambodia for Christmas. As a secretary of state, John Forbes Kerry makes a great gigolo. Well, Kerry did manage to unite one group of people. The entire Israeli political leadership.

The appalled response to the Kerry proposal by the members of the security cabinet on Friday night, however, made plain nothing had gotten lost in translation at all. The secretary’s proposal managed to unite Israel’s disparate group of key political leaders — from Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Liberman on the right, through Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to Yair Lapid and Tzipi Livni on the center-left — in a unanimous response of horrified rejection and leaked castigation.

Hmm, sounds like John “Just a Gigolo” Kerry may have just won a nomination for the Nobel Prize under the “Prize Winning IDIOT” category. I’m sure he would have preferred winning the “Not Bush” award, but that one went to Barack Obama. Kerry has worked diligently since becoming Secretary of State to come together with Benjamin Netenyahu.

The Netanyahu government has had no shortage of run-ins with Kerry in the mere 18 months he has held office. The prime minister publicly pleaded with him in November not to sign the interim deal with Iran on its rogue nuclear program, and there has been constant friction between the two governments over thwarting Iran’s bid for the bomb. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon in January ridiculed Kerry’s security proposals for a West Bank withdrawal, calling the secretary “messianic” and obsessive” in his quest for an accord with the Palestinians that simply wasn’t there. The collapse of the talks in March-April was accompanied by allegations from Jerusalem that Kerry had botched the process, telling Israel one thing and the Palestinian Authority another, including misrepresenting Israel’s position on Palestinian prisoner releases.

John Kerry has much in common with our current president. Both of them are complete narcissists that think they are always right and that the whole world revolves around them, just waiting to bask in their magnificence. Why, just read what the Israelis think of Kerry and his massive intellect.

Leaked comments from unnamed senior government sources to Army Radio, Channel 2 and other Hebrew outlets have described the secretary as amateurish, incompetent, incapable of understanding the material he is dealing with — in short, a blithering fool.

The Stupid

That pretty much describes Kerry to a “T”. He’s making Hillary Clinton look good and she managed to get four people killed with her incompetence. How incompetent? Israel had already accepted the Egyptian proposal when John “Camera’s love me” Kerry started ingesting shoe leather.

What emerges from Kerry’s self-initiated ceasefire mission — Israel had already accepted the Egyptian ceasefire proposal; and nobody asked him to come out on a trip he prefaced with sneering remarks about Israel’s attempted “pinpoint” strikes on Hamas terror targets — is that Jerusalem now regards him as duplicitous and dangerous.

That’s a step below what many Americans who know Kerry’s past consider him. They think Kerry committed Treason as defined by the Constitution during the Vietnam war. Backing a group that is hostile to Israel fits right in with Kerry’s, and by extension, Barack Obama. Being an idiot, Kerry promptly “doubled down on Stupid.”

Kerry didn’t let up after unleashing his dreadful proposal. Following Friday’s fiasco, he jetted off to Paris and, quite extraordinarily, convened further consultations dominated by countries that overtly wish to do Israel harm. He met with his counterparts from Turkey, whose Hamas-backing leadership has lately accused Israel of attempting genocide in Gaza and compared Netanyahu to Hitler, and with Qatar, Hamas’s funder in chief, directly accused by president Shimon Peres last week of financing Hamas’s rockets and tunnels. Staggeringly, he did not bring Israel, Egypt, or the PA to his Paris sessions.


I’m not surprised that he cut Egypt and the Palestinian Authority out of any meetings. Kerry is representing a regime that has backed every radical Islamic group out there including the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, who the Egyptians managed to force out of power, no thanks to Obama and his previous Secretary of State, Hillary “Overcharge means Reset in Russian” Clinton. Since then, Obama and Kerry have been giving them the cold shoulder, dealing with them only if forced to. Kerry is not the brightest bulb in the lamp at the best of times, and when he sees his “Place in History” being threatened, his first thought will always be for himself.

Whether through ineptitude, malice, or both, Kerry’s intervention was not a case of America’s top diplomat coming to our region to help ensure, through astute negotiation, the protection of a key ally. This was a betrayal.

suck it up Buttercup

Yes it was. What you in Israel are seeing is the end game of 100 years of Progressivism in the United States. One of the recent tenets of that is that Jews are Evil and Israel is an Evil Nation that should not exist. To put it bluntly, John Forbes Kerry gives every indication of being not just Anti-Israel, but antisemitic as well. Kerry and Obama along with far to many idiots around the world are repeating the mistakes of the 1930’s.

They’ve also forgotten the Israeli unofficial battle cry. “Never Again!” I’m not Jewish, but I support Israel in it’s desire to exist peacefully, and I also support Israel’s current operations against Hamas. Frankly, I think they should just carpet bomb the whole Gaza strip and drive the population into the Sinai. Let them live in Egypt.

nuclear blast

If you want to show your support, you can send a soldier in the Israeli Defense Force some pizza! If that site is not responding due to overwhelming support, then you can try this site as a backup. Just remember to choose Kosher ingredients!

"Papa" John and his camaro


~The Angry Webmaster~

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Just this past week, his proposal for cease fire between Israel and Hamas was widely rejected. In April, he said Israel HAD to make concessions to the Palestinians or risk becoming a “apartheid state.” In fact, Kerry even threatened boycotts … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:26:00 -0700
According to Israeli Channel Two TV, Secretary of State John Kerry has assured Hamas via President Abbas that the United States would support ending the quasi-siege of the Gaza Strip as part of a cease-fire package. Hamas and other … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:25:29 -0700

Hamas – Malcolm Out Loud

Israel’s criticized Secretary of State John Kerry expressing dismay that Kerry’s negotiations in Paris, France to bring about a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas excluded both Israel and Egypt: Various Israeli leaders have indicated they are … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 11:00:17 -0700

Israel/Gaza: Update–UN, Secretary Kerry Seem Focused …

Seemingly, what neither President Obama, US Secretary of State John Kerry and the UN Security Council fail to realize is that the subterranean fortified, concrete-reinforced bunkers Hamas has constructed accessing both Egypt and Israel are … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:44:00 -0700
Members of both parties have introduced legislation backing the Jewish state, condemning the Palestinian militant group Hamas and seeking a tougher Iran policy. Iron Dome is the priority, but the … “Israel must be allowed to take any actions necessary to remove those threats,” the senators wrote, stating a position that presaged by two days the Israeli government’s unanimous rejection of Secretary of State John Kerry’s cease-fire proposal. Over days of intense diplomacy, Kerry has … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:38:52 -0700

Kerry says Netanyahu asked him to arrange truce, but …

By Ricky Ben-David, Lazar Berman and Ilan Ben Zion July 29, 2014, 12:14 am Updated: July 29, 2014, 3:11 pm Military death toll at 53 after 10 soldiers killed Monday; IDF kills senior Islamic Jihad officer and strikes home of Hamas’s Haniyeh, amid massive airstrikes; rocket barrage fired at central Israel in wee… … US Secretary of State John Kerry responds to harsh criticism of his handling of Gaza ceasefire negotiations, saying it wasn’t about him. “This is about Israel and Israel’s right … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 10:02:26 -0700
This entry was posted in Congress, Gaza, Hamas, Islam, Israel, John Kerry, middle east, Obama Administration, President Obama and tagged barack obama, congress, hamas, islam, israel, jihad, john kerry, Kerry: Worthless Ceasefires Hamas … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:59:03 -0700
The Daily Beast’s national security reporter Josh Rogin said Tuesday that Israel’s overwhelming rejection of Secretary of State John Kerry’s ceasefire proposal was the nail in the coffin in his crumbling relationship with the Israeli government. … Now, as reported by Rogin and Eli Lake, Israelis feel that Kerry’s peace proposal would effectively reward the terrorist group Hamas for launching a barrage of rockets into Israel. “Kerry pushed for a two-state solution between Israel and the … — Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:50:54 -0700
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4 Responses to Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike

  1. Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike – #angercentralarchives

  2. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike #angercentral #tcot #israel #johnkerry #scoamf #idf #terr…

  3. Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike #angercentral #tcot #israel #johnkerry #scoamf #idf #terrorism @twitchyteam

  4. Israel tells John Kerry to take a hike #angercentral #tcot #israel #johnkerry #scoamf #idf…


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