John Kerry, stuck on stupid

Good day all. Last week, Secretary of State, John “Liveshot” Kerry made a statement that is asinine on it’s face. This putrid patrician pinhead made the statement that Americans are safer than ever.


Kerry, who gives gigolo’s a bad name, is making it former secretary of State and unindicted felon, look downright competent. Rather then try to walk back the statement, Kerry doubled down on his stupid statement. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

Secretary of State John F. Kerry on Sunday stood firm on his assessment that Americans are “safer than ever,” despite a spike in deaths from terrorism across the world.

The Stupid

Mr. Kerry, who has been ridiculed for making the comment last week to a House committee, said he understands how Americans could feel more unsafe but insisted they are wrong.

I understand. Of course I understand it,” Mr. Kerry said on ABC’s “This Week.” “People are thinking about the day-to-day vision of what is happening on the ground in Syria, in Libya where 21 Coptic Christians have their heads cut off, where a [pilot] is burned in a cage, where American journalists have been beheaded publicly. We understand that.”


But I still stand by what I said, which is in large terms, compared to the last century, there are in fact fewer people dying of the means that [if] you look at state war, violence, health, et cetera,” he said.

JW-Life's tough

Kerry is a blithering idiot. The world today hasn’t been this dangerous since the summer of 1939. Even at the height of the Cold War, during the Cuban Missile Crises, things weren’t as dangerous as they are now. Back during the Missile Crises, both sides were looking for a way to not start nuking each other. Iran can’t wait to start flinging nukes around. As for ISIS, they are looking at ways to attack the United States directly. And speaking of ISIS and John Forbes Kerry…

Mr. Kerry went on to defend another remark about how the U.S. is winning the war against the terrorist army Islamic State, which also is known by the acronyms ISIL and ISIS. That comment drew criticism for being disconnected from reality in Iraq and Syria, where the group controls large swaths of territory.

What I said was we’re on the road to success and that begins in Iraq. And yes I stand by it,” he said. “We are growing in the capacity on the ground. … Each time the Iraqis had now gone forward in an offensive effort together with allies, the coalition. We have routed ISIL. And the fact is that in Iraq, they have gained back a fixed significant percentage of the area that ISIL was controlling.”


And this knucklehead wanted to be President? Doesn’t he have any clues at all on what’s going on in the world?

Mr. Kerry said that he wasn’t trying to downplay the terrorist threat and that the Obama administration remains “super focused” on fighting terrorism.

Obama getting a 3am call

There is an uptick in the level of terrorism and specific incidents of people being killed, and that threat is very, very real,” he said. “Nobody is trying to minimize it. President Obama has put together a coalition of countries that have come together. We’re all super focused on this.”


What coalition?? None of the countries in the Middle East are paying any attention to anything Obama and Kerry have to say. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu address the United States Congress, (With Nancy Pelosi and a majority of the Democrats showing they think the Nazi’s had the right idea), slammed Obama and Kerry on their handling of Iran and the rest of the Middle East.

Recently, we have seen ISIS making threats of terrorist attacks inside the United States in places like the Mall of America. As expected, the Obama Regime downplayed to the point of denial of this even being possible. I wonder what their excuses will be if ISIS and other Islamic groups actually do launch attacks in places like shopping malls? Those scum would probably say it was a simple accident or that it was the fault of Right Wing Tea party activists. Kerry is and has always been a total waste of oxygen.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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John Kerry, stuck on stupid – #angercentralarchives

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9 years ago

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John Kerry, stuck on stupid #angercentral #johnkerry #ISIS #terrorism #moonbattery #tcot #twitchypolitics

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John Kerry, stuck on stupid #angercentral #johnkerry #ISIS #terrorism #moonbattery #tcot #twitchypolitics