Unions “Help the working Man/Woman?” HAH!

Good day all. My antipathy towards unions is well known if you read this site. I see them as a continuing criminal enterprise designed to enrich the people at the top of the union and screw over the membership.


Unions did once actually have their memberships best interests at heart. That ended decades ago as workers generally became better educated and gained access to more information. Now unions have become little more then an arm of the Democrat party looting their treasuries to buy elections. The fact that many, if not most union members disagree with this has no bearing on the union leadership.

One of the interesting things that has come out is just how much these union fat cats at the top make each year. Their pay levels are similar to many corporate CEO’s, and in a number of cases they make more then the CEO’s of the companies their membership works in. Here are a few interesting details from Fox News:

Union bosses known for bashing the rich are often millionaires themselves, paid with dues taken from workers’ paychecks. Laborers’ International Union of North America president Terry O’Sullivan, who was paid $670,403 in 2014, slammed Charles and David Koch and other critics of big government in a speech last July.

$600K plus benefits for doing what? It certainly isn’t producing anything of value. The Koch’s businesses actually make or produce things that people want.

“Today’s Republican party has been hijacked, poisoned and taken over by a bunch of Tea Party maggots,” O’Sullivan shouted. “These anti-union, anti-worker bastards are not only crazy, they’re mean!”


I think it’s safe to say that once a union thug, always a union thug. People like this jerk are beginning to see the writing on the wall. They aren’t needed or wanted any longer and their membership is leaving whenever they get the chance to. (See Wisconsin) Right to work laws are being passed in former union strongholds, and with that, the union members bolt the first chance they get. Gee, I wonder why they do that if being in a union is so beneficial to them?

When it comes to taking a huge paycheck from workers he claims to protect, O’Sullivan is in good company. Leaders of the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, the International Association of Machinists and other powerful unions have done the same for years.


America’s union membership rate is in the midst of a decades’-long decline, but labor union officials always seem to get paid. In 2013, 472 union officers and employees were paid more than $250,000 each.

I find it interesting that cities and states that had powerful private sector unions are now looking like Beirut in the 1970’s. Take Detroit for instance. Just after World War 2, it had a population of over 1½ million people, and the American Auto industry was based there. The Union backed Democrats controlled the city and usually the entire state government.


Now? Detroit’s population is below 800K, the auto manufacturers have gone bankrupt, been sold off or moved out to other cities and states that have Right to Work laws that don’t force workers to pay unions for the “privilege” of having a job and being able to feed their families.


The union leadership isn’t going down without a fight, literally. They are constantly making threats against those who oppose them and early in the Tea Party protests, several Tea Party members were attacked by union goons. However, there was a difference to the usual response from Union victims. In the past, they would simply cave in to the unions.

This time, the Tea Party protestors went home and showed up for the next rally armed. They flat out told the union thugs that if they tried anything other then lawful protest, they were going to get shot. The union sponsored violence suddenly dropped to zero.

chuck Norris

People have made their decision with regards to unionization and they’ve decided it isn’t for them. This is why private sector unions are collapsing and why right to work laws are passing in former union strongholds. The world has changed since the rise of the unions in the late 19th and early 20th century. The reasons for them no longer exist. All the changes the early unions wanted have been made and codified into law. Unions are modern dinosaurs, simply waiting for that giant asteroid to come down and finish them off. It can’t happen soon enough.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to Unions “Help the working Man/Woman?” HAH!

  1. nedb (@nedb) says:

    RT @angrywebmaster: Unions “Help the working Man/Woman?” HAH! http://t.co/NmSTLbKHMw #angercentral #unions #tcot #teaparty #epicfail #twitc…

  2. Unions “Help the working Man/Woman?” HAH! http://t.co/NmSTLbKHMw #angercentral #unions #tcot #teaparty #epicfail #twitchypolitics #labor

  3. Unions “Help the working Man/Woman?” HAH! http://t.co/NmSTLbKHMw #angercentral #unions #tcot #teaparty #epicfail… http://t.co/3kZyY4vBvf


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