The Angry Webmaster’s newest toy

Greetings from the Bowels of Hell The Anger Central Data Center. Recently I asked for some advice on what type of Cell Phone I should get for his Royal Pain in the Ass, The angry Webmaster. Well, I’ve made a decision and yesterday the new phone arrived.

I selected the Nokia 6260 Slide. The phone arrived Wednesday night and I’m playing around with it and learning how it works. The phone is not normally available in the United States and I had to buy it from a small Vendor in New Jersey. The company is called Cells4U and while I had a small problem with ordering through the web site, when I called and spoke to the sales rep, I had everything taken care of in about 15 minutes.

Now I did call late on Friday, (March 5, 2010), so he wasn’t able to process my order until the following week. It was shipped via FedEx Tuesday night and arrived at the Anger Central corporate offices around 2:00PM yesterday.

As I mentioned before, this phone is not available normally in the United States. It looks like this one was imported from China. Included in the package was a power adapter for both the Chinese power grid and the United States power grid. Since the Webmaster is married to a rather nice Chinese lady, (Who is far to good for the likes of HIM!), this will make it easy for him to keep it charged up.

The phone also has a built in 5 megapixel camera. I’ve tried it and the pictures are clear and sharp to my bad eyes. It has a built in GPS system, FM radio, and the usual PDA stuff. Additionally the phone can be tethered by USB cable to a computer which will allow the Angry Webmaster to backup his phone and transfer files back and forth.

Last night I activated the phone and have been testing it for the Webmaster. I’ve installed the Nokia applications to allow the phone to be accessed from the Webmaster’s computer. (Need to validate it)

It works fairly well, although you can’t sync the calender to Google. You have to have either Outlook or Microsoft Calender installed. Hopefully Nokia will understand that not everyone uses Microsoft products.

I have set up the Webmaster’s email and have managed to activate the WiFi system on the phone. Now there’s another problem but not unexpected. WiFi sucks power from the battery. I’ve also gotten the FM radio working as well, although I detest the need for Earbuds. I much prefer a full headset or speakers.

Surfing the web is ok, although most web sites really aren’t set up for a mobile phone’s web browser. (Lots of scrolling) Since I’m not spending $40/Mo for a data plan for His Royal Luserness The Angry Webmaster, he can use the WiFi connection and save us the money.

I expect there are a large number of options I haven’t figured out yet, but I’m going to break down and RTFM for once. I’m also thinking about getting a second data cable so the Angry Spoiled Brat Webmaster will have a spare to take with him. (And no doubt lose somewhere…the twerp)

So, yes I do recommend this phone. I may get one for myself down the road. Pity it isn’t generally available in the United States. Hopefully the Telecoms will start selling them.

Once again thanks for all the help.

~The Angry Systems Administrator~

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7 Responses to The Angry Webmaster’s newest toy

  1. RT @angrywebmaster: The Angry Webmaster’s newest toy – #angercentralarchives

  2. The Angry Webmaster’s newest toy – #angercentralarchives

  3. Pingback: nedb

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  5. Fixed your typos doofus and where the hell is MY phone?!?!?

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