What part of NO don’t you understand?

Dear members of Congress and President Obama. We have repeatedly informed you that We the People do not want this travesty you are calling Health Care Reform. This is not the reform that is required and desired. This is simply a power grab by you statists, socialist, Marxist tyrants.

We have said NO and we mean NO!

You still don’t get it? What part of the word NO don’t you understand? The N part or the O part? Perhaps you don’t understand English. In that case, allow me to say NO in other languages.

nr non nein
αριθ. No
いいえ 아니다

não нет no Ne Ei לא नहीं
Nem Nei Le Ní hea
Nē Не بدون Nu Hapana Nej ไม่ใช่

Hayır Ні Không Dim קיין Nee Jo
لا Няма

There. I have said now in a large number of languages. If you still persist in these travesties against the People of this Nation and the Constitution you swore to uphold, there will be repercussions beyond your crushing defeats at the polls. Your actions could and probably will result in criminal proceedings being brought against you in the future.

We are not begging you to listen to The People, we are TELLING you to listen.

That is all!

~The extremely Angry Webmaster~

PS, It is possible that some of the no’s may come up as question marks or other characters. This is due to the variation of language packs installed on computers

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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4 Responses to What part of NO don’t you understand?

  1. What part of NO don’t you understand? – #angercentralarchives http://t.co/wSRkUSF54V

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